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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Yes. I ran a test and Sherlock Holmes writes a surprisingly convincing forum post. I don't know what the solution to this sort of augmentation is, or if there even is one. The long-term impact of this and simiilar, is going to be something else. My main thought is that this is like trying to ban the calculator. The trained programs are not large relative to modern storage. Here's the link to ChatGPT 3 if anyone wants to try it out: https://chat.openai.com/chat
  2. Pretty much. Honestly, think Reedy Creek should have creased decades ago when EPCOT ended up a theme park instead of a city. I figure either way we're all better off with them going at it.
  3. That's likely too extreme, even for them. They have multiple parks here, hotels and own surrounding land(~25k acres in total). If anything are likely to expand to keep pace with Universal. Have high speed rail coming too(cruise line connector), increasing the pressure. I'm sure they're planning to simply wait DeSantis out. They can afford to play the long game.
  4. Yeah that part cracked me up. I was wondering why Didney had been so calm about it.
  5. Wiki page on modulo operation(%) may be of help too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modulo
  6. We're noticeably losing land where I'm at... Main issue is all of our infrastructure. While sea levels have been different historically, we didn't have largely immobile constructions to contend with. Lot areas are specialized too in terms of being adapted to their existing environment. It's going to be a mess dealing with multiple impacts simultaneously (crops, pests, weather patterns).
  7. Yeah that number is from self identifying. It'll tend to reflect migration waves and preferences more so than genetics. Most everyone is a mix at this point, so people are either selecting one ancestry out of several or selecting 'American'. Been fair bit written about 'English' being particularly underrepresented: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Americans#Sense_of_identity
  8. Would really have a tough time without other clues. I work with other Americans who were born in Norway, Morocco, Philippines and Sri Lanka. Good luck lol.
  9. A mix of cultures were involved. Numbers can be represented and operations done with just stones in sand though. Mathematics could easily predate writing.
  10. Have to consider comparative advantage as it applies within a country too. If you can make more money doing something else, why pick crops in a field? This ends up driving up cost, which can only be partially mitigated by trade due to spoilage.
  11. Best performers seem to be Midrises in terms of density, but not sure how we'll ever overcome the numerous barriers to have enough of them. I know personally I love having my own place now free from the issues that come alongside everyone sharing a single roof. There's only so much renovation possible for existing dwellings and typically both the dwelling and surrounding infrastructure aren't really set up to handle the added demands. WFH should reduce the load in some areas, but it'll also increase the load in others.
  12. Propane! ...not a joke 🤣 https://www.wfla.com/news/sarasota-county/cargo-train-partially-derails-near-manatee-county-border/amp/
  13. IMO they really must have rushed it. Think all the big names freaked or wanted to get in on it after seeing how ChatGPT was doing. Doesn't have the feel of a polished product.
  14. While a great inventor in his youth, he was also something of a showman. I would take any such claims with a grain of salt.
  15. I've seen newer radiators and covers that look pretty good with modern ones having more automation options, but yeah, woud still lose floor space. I'm mainly wondering what happens when someone unwittingly hammers a nail or drills into it.
  16. Yeah, I was wondering about safety and what happens during eventual renovations. Do wonder how this compares to other electric radiators.
  17. It seems to have a sort of schizo intellect. It can devise even extremely involved responses easily based on text probability, but can also uterly fail on facts.
  18. Only thing is, it probably won't be long until people are using them in conjunction with wearables and other devices.
  19. Yes, could likewise return to writing hopefully short essays in class.
  20. I've had success with using it to write fictional accounts of real and fictional events, even changing them. It is interesting to say the least.
  21. Apologies if this has already been answered, but do you have a tachometer you can use to find RPM? Could directly compare work output that way.
  22. Correct (with some caveats). Something can be stationary with respect to you, but everything is moving with respect to something else somewhere.
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