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Alex_Krycek last won the day on July 10 2022

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  1. I hope you're not calling me sexist or racist because the candidate I tend to favor just happens to be a white male, rather than a black woman. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't mean it that way.
  2. All good points. However when the President meets with the aliens, Kelly can say he's left Earth, so he may carry some extra credibility with them. Other than that I do think the points you made about being a successful trial lawyer will bode well for Kamala. She's up against a criminal after all.
  3. I'd point to Kelly's career as an aviator and astronaut. He's a combat veteran and was commander of the Discovery space shuttle. To me the skills, training, mental and physical discipline that's required to excel in those two roles amount to more than any legal training ever could.
  4. I'm no fan of identity politics, personally. I think you should look at the candidates qualifications and judge them based on that. Man, woman, white, black - what are the accomplishments? That's what matters.
  5. My prediction was based on the polling data. The American people knew what they saw and they didn't like it. What's interesting is I think we'll see an open convention. Everyone throwing their hat into the ring. What's this, actual democracy happening again? Spectacular.
  6. This was the only logical outcome after that disastrous debate performance, as I deduced weeks ago. It was only a mater of time.
  7. Alright, here we go. Biden finally made the announcement to step down. We have a good chance of beating Trump now. Hooray.
  8. 100%, this is my take. The guy was a registered Republican with very little social media presence. According to classmates he was bullied relentlessly throughout high school, and then got into firearms and other weaponry online as he continued to self-isolate. I do think he was attempting get Trump though, for whatever reason. Fame, notoriety, some belief that was festering that he didn't articulate. Perhaps it was to strike back at the type of people who had mistreated him in that small town for so long. No manifestos or screed found yet, and I doubt they will be found. But all in all, it's essentially just another mass shooting in America, one that happened to be in a more publicized setting, thus meaning has been placed upon his actions which might not have truly been there.
  9. Unless it's someone else's difference of opinion, which you seem to have trouble with. Yep, you've got it all figured out, that's for sure. There's a difference between being "anti-facist" and a member of ANTIFA.
  10. Let's not stoop to this level of name calling. I'm a "paid Russian troll" now? Is this how you respond to everyone who has a different viewpoints than yours? I'm interested in discussing the thread, not getting into personal bickering.
  11. Incorrect. He's run as a Democrat numerous times. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernie_Sanders_2020_presidential_campaign These are my views, just like everyone else has their own.
  12. I haven't lied, acted in bad faith, nor shared debunked talking points. All spurious fabrications by you. You're uninformed about who ANTIFA really are. These violent counter-protesters are often members of the “antifa” (short for “antifascist”), a loose collection of groups, networks and individuals who believe in active, aggressive opposition to far right-wing movements. Their presence at a protest is intended to intimidate and dissuade racists, but the use of violent measures by some antifa against their adversaries can create a vicious, self-defeating cycle of attacks, counter-attacks and blame. This is why most established civil rights organizations criticize antifa tactics as dangerous and counterproductive. https://web.archive.org/web/20180401085658/https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounders/who-are-the-antifa
  13. So the shooter has been identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks. A registered Republican and firearms enthusiast.
  14. The DNC has a track record of naming, blaming, and shaming Democrats who don't fall in line with their preferred policy positions. Take the Squad and Bernie Sanders as a perfect example. They back totally uninspiring candidates and then pour wrath on progressive democrats when they don't win.
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