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Sensei last won the day on October 27 2023

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  • Interests
    Quantum Physics, C/C++/.NET Framework/Java programming.
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    Quantum Physics

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  1. The boiling point of compounds depends on atmospheric pressure (without covering the vessel), and from internal pressure (with covering). So, one can exceed 100 C, just by covering the pot.. e.g. making a tea at altitude 500m is slightly different than making a tea at sea level. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-altitude_cooking https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressure_cooking Adding salt (which is natural for any not distillated not demineralized water), etc. also changes the equation. https://www.google.com/search?q=salt+water+boiling+point "The exact temperature depends on the concentration of salt. For a typical saltwater solution (like seawater, which is about 3.5% salt), the boiling point is around 102°C, slightly higher than the 100°C boiling point of pure water." You also need to break the bonds between the water molecule and the salt ions too.
  2. There is an adage: "There is no software without bugs, but only software in which no one has yet found them."
  3. Computer programmers use 'true' and 'false' all day long in software. Logical (boolean) operators return "true" or "false". e.g. if( x > y ) then do something #1 else do something #2. However, we can imagine a bug where the result of an operator depends on the result of the same operator (which depends on the result of the same operator etc.), resulting in an infinite recursion that is infeasible and will cause the software to crash (stack overflow due to not having infinite amount of memory).
  4. Except that the zebra lives in southern and eastern Africa, and the tiger in Asia..
  5. The fix is ultra easy and does not require the presence of an administrator as long as the BIOS is not password-protected, PEX is not used, system drive is not password encrypted, and booting from USB is enabled. Download Linux Live pendrive e.g. Kali Linux Live, save to a flash drive, boot from the flash drive on the target machine, mount the Windows system partition, rename folder C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Crowdstrike and reboot the system. Administrator privileges are not needed, just Linux Live on a flash drive. You can hack into any Windows or Linux this way, as long as you have physical access to it.
  6. Oil has some uses besides being a fuel, such as people making plastic from it. Plastics can be produced from a variety of sources, for example, thermal decomposition of bioethanol (i.e. ethanol from fermentation of plants) creates ethylene, and then polyethylene or other compounds can be created from it. The question is at what cost. Land used to grow crops for bioethanol is not used for food production, which increases its cost. There are attempts to directly create ethanol from air https://www.google.com/search?q=ethanol+from+air+produiction Crude oil is the result of the decomposition of living plants and animals, compressed over millions of years. So whatever can be created from crude oil, gas or coal, can be simulated simply by using the sun and carbon-rich compounds and water..
  7. Send it to hungry Nigerian orphans..
  8. I guess everyone would prefer to, copy and paste of the text of this document instead.
  9. Nobody read. 0 downloads... Which is expectable on our science forum.. as people here are slightly above average.. It's not a PDF. Worse. Some Windows/Microsoft crap.. https://www.google.com/search?q=docx+exploit If somebody does not update system, it is pretty fresh exploit from 2021, hacker can use this to hack in Windows using docx format: https://www.exploit-db.com/docs/50577
  10. A slightly misleading comparison, because not taking into account their populations. https://www.google.com/search?q=hippos+population "around 115,000 to 130,000" https://www.google.com/search?q=lion+population "between 23,000 and 39,000 lions" 130k / 23k = 5.6x more. So if lions had a similar population to hippos, they would have ~ 124. If you're fishing on a boat, it's much easier to inadvertently get too close to hippos than to lions in national park. Nice interactive maps with populations of these animals in each country: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/hippo-population-by-country https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/lion-population-by-country BTW, "It has been estimated that about 1,000 people are killed by crocodiles each year." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crocodile_attack
  11. Use email aliases. If there is a server leak, only the mailbox alias will leak, not the real e-mail address. You can see who is sending you unwanted e-mail because each service has a different alias. ..especially if you will use your real name, real email address, real domain address, real phone number.. Social media these days often don't use static plain HTML that is parsed like in the old days. Instead, they use dynamically generated HTML output from JavaScript or similar by user browser. Twitter was/is leading at it. FB second. This means that every time someone reaches the same URL, they will or may get something different. This is useless to search engines. So they (the search engine owners and the social networks) created a hidden b2b APIs. In a forum such as this, searching whether "X" said "Y" is quite easy. In social media, it's almost impossible. Public developers API for FB https://developers.facebook.com/docs/pages-api (these commands will work for your own FB account and pages) If you bother about your privacy, don't use social media, don't use Google Play Store and Goggle Account, and Apple ID..
  12. Yes. Obviously. If you run Linux live, you can see their UUID in, for example, the /media/$USER/.. folder. or in GParted.. Windows even stores all the UUIDs of the flash drives ever connected to the computer in the registry..
  13. Then you should express your thoughts in a more detailed and less ambiguous way.. Everyone on the forum wishes that..
  14. ..starting programming with JavaScript is one of the worst decisions someone who wants to learn programming can make.. Web browser + NotePad = you don't have a debugger, documentation, completion, errors and warnings are hard to get, you don't have the tools a newbie should have.. Your whole post is silly.. and childish...
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