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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Any country's procedure is fine really. Like what if there's a major budget issue or someone declares war.
  2. Just wondering about what happens if something major occurs while a Parliament is dissolved.
  3. Sales tax is indeed regressive. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/regressivetax.asp That being said it's not a pyramid scheme or at least no more so than any other tax is. Crypto is trackable via the blockchain. Government's problem with it is that they can't increase the effective quantity to pay off their debts. Converts penny to souvenir coin.
  4. Probably overanalyzing this, but a different species might not see it playing correctly at the original rate. The equivalent of a dog watching an early human film. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/List-of-upper-flicker-frequency-FF-thresholds-Hz-from-highest-to-lowest-rates-of_tbl1_23670287 They randomly might be okay too though. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flicker_fusion_threshold
  5. Could be set up where it manages a Corporation. Would then, by way of the Corporation, have certain rights. What would convince you AI consciousness was possible?
  6. While the example use case involves a sci-fi series, you can obviously do it with today's technology. Recursion is more an issue with the programming, rather than a hard limit. GPT will sometimes have to cut itself off too. Honestly Dune is a weird choice to use as an example, considering it's themes.
  7. No, but a more generalist bot might be worthwhile. Will probably want specialist bots for work or other professional projects.
  8. Eh, save for Trump I'm sure they have a proper team. Trump's all probably left due to non-payment.
  9. Yes, the quote was from GPT. It's honestly pretty good for such tasks.
  10. Do they say how they think it ended up there?
  11. For current UK Prime Minister: Is a few years behind the times too. Could probably provide a better answer, if it were up to date on current events.
  12. Would just expect to see a more typical distribution of directions in the first place. Some apparently headed towards us(blue), some away(red), and others approximately keeping pace.
  13. Biggest for me, is that you would expect to also see some blueshifting, if it had some other cause. It's also tied to distance. The further something is, the greater the recession velocity. Not what you might expect from a random sample.
  14. Kang's variants are still out there. Consider what Renslayer comes across as well.
  15. He's talking about the Loki series on Disney, still no sign of Jesus though. Was pretty epic. Without spoiling anything, involves Yggdrasill and Ragnarok. They haven't ruled out us seeing the character again. Could see him serving as a guide or similar in the future. Happy Tiw's Day everyone!
  16. I'm thinking if the one Kennedy is still running, he will pull votes away from Trump, giving Biden the EC win. On the plus side, we apparently finally adopt pure metric.
  17. I'm thinking chances are low that it would have been stored in ideal conditions and not lost due to fire in all this time. What are the odds this old wooden cup I found on vacation there in a bog next to an olive grove, is worth anything?
  18. For SC, they were concerned Justices' opinions could be swayed by pension concerns and didn't anticipate people living so long. https://guides.loc.gov/federalist-papers/text-71-80#s-lg-box-wrapper-25493471 They really didn't think some things through. The loser of the Presidential election becoming the Vice President was another big one.
  19. There's other parties and candidates. Typical FPTP result though 😐 We've tried to reform the EC periodically, but many of the same concerns behind the original compromise persist. Were it different, could win the Presidency by only focusing on the concerns of 9-10 States.
  20. Endy0816

    Political Humor

    Honestly, enjoying seeing how the sausage is made for a change. Lot more engaging. Do need the House back in action though.
  21. Typically before, sometimes also during and after depending on what I'm cooking.
  22. I just mean they'll probably have a majority of seats. I understand don't want to see more waste, but think at this point you're all going to have to build like mad fiends. Have both a high demand for housing in general and increasing asylum applicant backlog contributing to ongoing government costs(hotel rentals). I don't know about whole new towns, but it's at least something. Hopefully government uses the chance to tackle root causes and other issues.
  23. Assuming the Labour party takes control next, are they likely to join the collaborative effort?
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