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Airbrush last won the day on May 26

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    Surfing, Artwork, Science
  • College Major/Degree
    CSULA BA Art (1979) & BS Accounting (1989)
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Astronomy & Cosmology
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    Bookkeeper - Retired


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  1. For Biden to commit such a crime is totally out of character. For Trump, not so. The SCOTUS majority are counting on Biden's decency and hoping Trump will win and take full advantage of extreme immunity. If the shooter was successful there would likely have been social unrest or even a minor civil war.
  2. Excellent reply, thanks for the info! Another thing the climate skeptics were arguing was that hotter climate is better, as the temperature peaks were literally "optimums" meaning it was great for plants to have hotter climate and more co2. I figure climate change alters normal weather patterns, so the "bread baskets" become dried deserts, and the deserts get flooded and become lush tropical forests. People are all mixed up because it will require all new infrastructure to move agriculture to new areas, as coastal areas flood more with rising sea level. So coastal people are forced to move inland, causing wars, etc.
  3. Remember this "Ton 618" at 40 BILLION solar masses. I just learned that the theoretical upper limit for SBH mass is about 270 BILLION solar masses! But probably not much bigger than 50 BILLION solar masses. "The limit is only 5×1010 M☉ for black holes with typical properties, but can reach 2.7×1011 M☉ at maximal prograde spin (a = 1).[7][8][9][10] List of most massive black holes - Wikipedia
  4. I saw a debate where the climate skeptic showed a graph of world co2 compared to temperatures and it looks like first temperature rises, then co2 rises later, so it doesn't look like rising co2 CAUSES warming of the GLOBAL AVERAGE. The "climate alarmist" in the debate had no response to that. I searched for another graph of co2 with temperature and I found this which shows co2 going up and down over 800,000 years, and temperature peaks seem to COINCIDE with high co2. One does not seem to lead the other. Was someone fooling around with these graphs?
  5. I need a good short debate that is very convincing to climate skeptics. I have come to believe that humans are making the Earth worst, by making it hotter. There are some who argue that warmer is better. The high CO2 is good for plants. How do you counter that argument? There are studies that show sea levels are not rising among Pacific Islanders. The islands seem to float above the sea level rise by accretion. Coral reef islands can accrete vertically in response to sea level rise | Science Advances Another climate skeptic claim is that when you compare the graphs of historic, and prehistoric, CO2 levels in the atmosphere, to the graph of average temperature, it seems that the spikes in temperature come BEFORE the spikes in CO2. They claim that means high CO2 does not CAUSE high temperatures. Anyone agree? "In a vote of 7-0, The most prolific climate revisionist editor ever at Wikipedia, with over 5400 article revisions has been banned from making any edits about climate related articles for six months." Any opinions about this? Thanks for any ideas, but I've seen a lot of climate skepticism lately.
  6. You can't "run down" thousands of people fighting for their country, IF they are armed. If they are not armed, maybe you can do anything you want with them. Russian tanks are getting worse and worse. Putin is now sending in his oldest, least capable, tanks. 😉
  7. I have always enjoyed Neil's Startalk, and every Cosmos episode I saw was fantastic. I hope he keeps going. Why can't a presidential candidate be somebody smart like Neil? Because people like that don't WANT to be president.
  8. A "thousand men with handguns" against a tank is absurd, as is a man with a flower. Wait until "the time is right" for a flower attack on Russian tanks? Absurd. Lots of dead Ukrainians holding a flower. Russia is not vulnerable to a flower attack.
  9. How about a thousand men or women armed with antitank weapons, drone IEDs, or Molotov cocktails? Who is the perfect authoritarian?
  10. Interesting comment. Would you please elaborate a little more? You mean that people with human dignity can defeat Russia without weapons?
  11. Biden's prospects look bad after the debate. He had a hard time talking, and Trump just lied over and over again without Biden countering them. After Biden's obviously poor debate performance, Allen Lichtman remains adamant that Biden "blowing" a debate does not change the "Keys" to the election. Lichtman will make another projection in July and the final one in August. "Presidential debates have no predictive value in elections. Hillary Clinton won them all."
  12. Allan Lichtman is famous for correctly predicting 9 of the last 10 US elections. He says his final prediction will come in August. At this moment it looks like Biden will win in 2024 by 9 out of 13 keys. Skip forward to minute 12:00 for the analysis of keys: To summarize his findings for 2024: 1 MIDTERM GAINS - FALSE - clearly no Dem midterm gain 2 NO PRIMARY CONTEST - YES, clearly no primary contest 3 INCUMBANT SEEKING RE-ELECTION - YES, clearly Biden is incumbent 4 NO THIRD PARTY CHALLENGE - LIKELY, but not certain about RFK Jr's challenge 5 STRONG SHORT-TERM ECONOMY - YES, certainly true 6 STRONG LONG-TERM ECONOMY - YES, certainly true 7 MAJOR POLICY CHANGE - YES, clearly there were major policy changes 8 NO SOCIAL UNREST - NOT certain, probably true 9 NO SCANDAL - YES, clearly no Biden scandals, Hunter Biden is not Joe Biden 10 NO FOREIGN/MILITARY FAILURE - LIKELY FALSE 11 MAJOR FOREIGN/MILITARY SUCCESS - LIKELY FALSE 12 CHARISMATIC INCUMBANT - FALSE, Biden is clearly NOT charismatic 13 UNCHARISMATIC CHALLENGER - YES, Trump is only charismatic with his base
  13. The magician Penn Gillette did 2 tours on duty on the Apprentice. According to him, Trump would ramble aimlessly for 2 hours, and the producers edited it down to about 3 minutes that made sense. The following interview is 4 years old and sounds prophetic. "With some sort of mental problems, with greed, and a lack of compassion, he was able to "throw off filters...." "There is interesting stuff there, yes he is crazy, venal, empty, really weird stuff that you've never seen before. You have never seen someone who has never laughed sincerely, and never made a joke. He only laughs in a "bully way." "I've never seen someone with no enjoyment or understanding of music."
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