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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/18 in all areas

  1. We also need to address the fact that not everyone who wanted (and was entitled) to vote was able to, and that Russia hacked our elections.
    2 points
  2. ! Moderator Note You have no basis for that assessment, and it is not on topic. I ask that you kindly stop with this line of discussion.
    2 points
  3. Yeah he's already demotivating in class a bit because it's not up to his mental level plus like I said he was in some not so great schools that literally tried to push him under the rug and my son doesn't realize how lucky he is that the other schools didn't "dumb him down" because they said the two most detrimental phrases a person can say to a kid of "you can't" and "your too young" he ignored them and continued the pursuit on his own so he fell into the belief that all teachers fail him which the previous ones did, this new school is a god send filled with teachers and staff that understand my son's peculiarities, it's just I've run out of resources myself for him lol had to edit this because for some reason it stopped me from commenting on my own post But five that is an assumption and a very poor one. 1. sports are not an absolute necessity not everyone has to like them or participate in them 2- while my son does have some social anxiety issues he's not a pompous ass, 3- he plays outside, has friends and isn't just "book smart" or a book worm 4. And most importantly A parents job is not to make a child into what the parent or society wants them to be, its not their job to force a child into a cookie cutter mold a parents job is to encourage the child to be the very best of who the child wants to be and allow them to discover themselves ,their limits, their desires and passions as long as it is not harming themselves or others 5.some advice dont make assumptions based on stereotypes Because if do your going to miss out on some of the greatest things in life.
    2 points
  4. Back story-My son is gifted in math, I already knew this when the child was multiplying before kindergarten but sadly he was in less than great schools, but now he's transferred mid-year to an awesome school who noticed his sol scores and are planning to put him in gifted math and the gifted program next year (it's too late in the year at the new school) but they have a program called ixl that the school uses where you log into different math concept levels I found out my son has been logging out of his required work which he calls boring and been logging into the calculus section which he apparently absolutely loves. My problem is that I am absolutely math illiterate (I only completed pre-algebra) so when he excitedly trys to explain to me coordinate planes, x and y axis's etc.... I absolutely cannot comprehend or challenge him like he wants. I am looking for free websites and resources that I can direct him to so that he can continue to feed his unending thirst for math. He also likes science as well (he's wanting to grow up to build robots to send into space so I assume he means an aerospace engineer so any links for those would also be greatly appreciated. Please excuse the extra long post but I'm just a mom whose trying to help her son stay challenged on his own.
    1 point
  5. Other than the differing opinion that energy can be treated as a 'substance' ( and not a property ) which makes no sense, the biggest stumbling block seems to be that energy is frame dependent. Your treatment doesn't take that into consideration. Nevertheless, it is an interesting approach. I haven't read your paper, but, can information be made frame dependent ? I mention this because information is a conserved quantity in QM, but it is not in Relativity. If your treatment could be made frame dependent, it might give further insight of links between GR and QFT, and possibly provide a way towards a quantum gravity theory ( could your 'chunks' of energy be equivalent to the loops of LQG ??? ).
    1 point
  6. A common problem with those who don't like structured study is their tendency to misunderstand how imagination works. In children who aren't educated, imagination is mostly wishful thinking and fantasy. In adults who have experience, imagination is better grounded and thus more effective. Critical thinking is the best channel for imagination there is, and critical thought is hardly natural. It must be learned through structured study.
    1 point
  7. Well, you said it and who am I to disagree, after all, the indignant is just the angry iteration.
    1 point
  8. In this hypothetical thought experiment what is being stated will be stated as being true for the sake of the hypothesis to be stated clearly. We exist in a 4 dimensional space time matrix. In this space time we have an effect called gravity which is a push rather that a pull on the objects in our universe. The reason for this is the polarity of every particle of our universe. To explain the link between polarity and gravity we must consider higher dimensions. Fortunately, the link can be explained using only one additional set of 4 dimensions. With a single additional space time matrix the force of gravity can be explained in both matrices. The polarity of our matter is conversely related to polarity of the matter (anti-matter) which exists in this anti-spacetime. When you see a black hole it is actually a perceptual imprint of a planet existing in the anti-spacetime universe, the mass of which distorts our own space time but does not register as having light, because it is anti-light or even "dark light" to throw in a well deserved oxymoron. With this framework in place: Gravity is the electrical push between oppositely charged adjacent space-time matrices. Further, to explain why particles jump into and out of existence on the quantum level; it is because the polarity of that particle changed and it blinked into the anti-spacetime. It also seems reasonable to consider an opposite flow of entropy in this anti-spacetime. As the forces of electromagnetism would be reversed. This simple explanation seems conceptually sound to me. I unfortunately lack the mathematical background to construct this model and I hope that others will take this as a serious hypothesis and treat it with the same scientific rigour that you would any other theory or hypothesis.
    1 point
  9. I'd definitely say that's a myth. Emotional intelligence isn't automatically correlated to your actual intelligence. And challenging him with something he doesn't enjoy, while being a challenge, will make him feel less worth because he has a much harder time succeeding at it. Meanwhile, the thing he's good at(math) is being wasted trying to hit a stupid ball with a metal stick.
    1 point
  10. Give him what he asks for - if he decides he wants to learn a musical instrument - let him and encourage him, but don't force him. If he wants to sign up for a course of language lessons - let him. If he is interested in a particular sport - take him to the practices or allow him to go. Just support him and love him and be there for him. Best wishes.
    1 point
  11. The absolutely best thing I'd recommend is going to a library, finding books that interest him(mathematics) and letting him select the ones he wants. Bookstores are another place you could do this, however, then you have to pay for the books.
    1 point
  12. Your lad needs also to start learning to 'read around' a subject as well as just lapping up the formal course material. I would avoid additional outside classes in the same curriculum as the school's. This will only demotivate him in class. Two fun books to help here could be Things to make and do in the Fourth Dimension By Matt Parker Mathematical Models Cundy and Rollett
    1 point
  13. Buy C/C++ book and give him for a gift.. It's cheap, and you will see whether he will be interested in it, or not. Like I said C/C++ compiler and IDE environment in which programmers work, is free to download from Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN). You have link here: https://www.visualstudio.com/ Google keywords: "visual studio express download" or "Visual Studio Express 2008 ISO download". Download it, burn DVD, and install it. It's much faster (requires less powerful computer, thus allows more comfortable work, especially important for beginner) than the more recent versions.
    1 point
  14. Read Wikipedia articles about different numerical systems. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_number https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexadecimal These two are widely used in computer programming.
    1 point
  15. Buy him C/C++ book, download free Visual Studio Express from MSDN, and he will quickly find millions challenging things during programming.. Does your son know of (and how to do math) binary system, octal system, hexadecimal system, etc. ?
    1 point
  16. Khan academy is very good, you should be able to find his level here. This guy is a good teacher, but the format might be too passive for your son if he's already getting good tuition and just wants to explore by himself. This youtube channel might be a bit much, but i recommend it not to learn any technical details, but just to realise there are different ways in which to visualise and understand maths. Get him to teach you maths starting from a level you are comfortable with. Try to learn it, but it matters less that you learn more that he teaches. Teaching is a great way to learn.
    1 point
  17. Penultimate examination period is upon us. I'm going to be so relieved once our internships begin in January. Welp, there we go!
    1 point
  18. It would depend on too many variables to give you an accurate answer. The best way to know is to try.
    1 point
  19. Mass is not a "substance" either. Then it is wrong. Photons don't have kinetic energy. They are made of mahogany, with inlaid brass corners.
    1 point
  20. Birds give up a lot in order to fly. They have almost no muscle that doesn't go into flapping their wings, to the point where they can't even swallow water normally. They've learned to take liquids into their mouths and then move their heads up quickly using wing muscles to force it down their throats. In a similar way, we've given up a lot to develop complex intelligence. You shouldn't say we're "barely even that anymore" just because we're finding it increasingly difficult to integrate all our strengths and capabilities as our population grows and our cooperative nature is tested. We're probably smarter than we ever have been, and we've filled a niche no other animal has. There are other animals who fill a place in their environments no other creature fills, so try to think of it that way. Why we evolved like this is more of a philosophy question. Why only us? It seems reasonable that we'd eliminate any competition to our high intelligence just by being more successful.
    1 point
  21. Nonsense. But their education does allow them to quickly rule out the 99% of ideas that don't work. Sometimes it is. Sometimes experimental physics precedes theory and sometimes it is the other way round. Science doesn't really "prove" things and doesn't deal in "truth". You have time to post this nonsense but not to answer a few questions on your ideas?
    0 points
  22. Imagination is worthless without data to build it with.
    0 points
  23. Long enough for us to work out why it's not been eradicated. .https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2358959/ It's a bit like sickle cell anaemia. Were you aware of that, or just airing your ignorance?
    -1 points
  24. Kids like that tend be bad with emotional intelligence and sports. If you want to challenge the kid maybe you should teach him sports and get him teach him to care about other people.
    -1 points
  25. Strange, I do appreciate constructive critics very much.. But I do not have the time to respond. If I am not banned from this site for expressing myself, I will return to you. Have a great day!!
    -1 points
  26. No one has been banned for expressing themselves. No one has been banned for posting their random opinions, even when in the wrong forum. No one has been banned for criticising the rules. No one has been banned for saying "I'll be banned for this" Must try harder. I haven't criticised, just asked some questions.
    -1 points
  27. A common problem with physicists is their education erodes their natural ability to imagine solutions.. Empirical evidence is not manifested before an accurate solution is revealed. Solutions must be proven true. If you already have the proof, you wouldn't need a solution.
    -1 points
  28. AustinL Good Work. Thank You for sharing your hypothesis. All Scientific findings first start with an Idea. They do not become theories without first testing and rigorously attempting to prove the ideas wrong. I do not know where to start with your idea but will look at your thought experiment specifically focusing on a push verse pull concept of gravity to silence the critics on the thread. Great Minds should be encouraged... never suppressed. Lets first accept that the theory of relativity (and relative gravity) contains one of the most profound ideas in all of human scientific discovery... The affect of velocity and gravity on Time(Time Dilation)... None have come close to explaining how this works nor why it happens at a quantum scale. At first look, this is an absolutely absurd idea, contrary to reasonable physics and scientific evaluation but no one has been successful at disproving it. In fact, the software operating our GPS systems was adjusted to account for time dilation in order to work properly. Relativity is now an accepted model by most every modern physicist. So I for one thank you for your contribution to the discussion of what causes gravity. The most recent work of the late Stephen Hawking acknowledges the need for robust effort on solving our understanding of gravity. 1) To support your idea... in this reply... I will focus solely on how your concept gravity is a pushing verses pulling force.. can potentially fit into the standard model. "First refresh and reflect on the recent discovery in CERN; and the acknowledgment that all matter is made of quantum fields not particles(HIGGS). One way gravity would easily be argued to be a pushing force is the evaluation of the fact that matter is mostly empty space between these fields.. electron fields, up quark fields, down quark fields , etc.." 2) In your thought experiment let us imagine that these "fields" are arranged with greater symmetry than that which exists in the matter they make up. 3) Elaborating further, assume the fields require greater volume and/or are distorted when converted to matter, similar to water expanding becoming a solid. Greater > space. 4) Expansion within quantum fields is a continuous distortion of space (Space Expands) therefore creating equal opposite force on all matter... pushing back on matter... "not pulling." 5) In this thought experiment, the force gravity is the result of the expansion of quantum fields. 6) In this thought experiment, all matter everywhere in the universe, is made up of the same quantum fields. 7) In this thought experiment, the gravity created can become so strong (around a sun) it can even alter the wave of a photon. 8) In this thought experiment, Black Holes recycle matter, and convert it back into "Quantum Fields" a.k.a. Hawking radiation. I will do some research to offer some critical response to some of your other thoughts. Discussion is Progress. I support your attempts to explain what we do not yet understand. Sincere Thanks, Richard
    -1 points
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