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John Cuthber

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John Cuthber last won the day on July 31

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About John Cuthber

  • Birthday 11/10/1965

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  • Chemistry Expert

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  1. Just checking. Do you mean the prisoners held by criminals in Gaza, or do you mean the whole civilian population of Gaza which has been sealed off and strafed by the IDF? "It's not like more than 80,000 Israelis have been displaced from their homes thanks to Hezbollah." Cough! and so on.
  2. I don't think the calculation is the the tricky bit. By the mid 40s, people had worked out how to avoid them. If you fly "random" zig zags, then the computers launching missiles (In the technical sense- a thing that is thrown) aren't going to do very well. Of course, if you have a controlled missile which can change direction while in flight, you can improve the hit rate enormously.
  3. Most anti-aircraft weapons are based on a lot of luck. The ratio of bullets fired to bullets that hit is pretty big.
  4. When did "burglarized" become a word for burgled? Anyway, telling people that they didn't have an adequate coping strategy is telling them it's their fault.
  5. Just needs a bigger bullet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_bombardment
  6. The biggest reason is this. Mass of the sun: 1.989 × 10^30 kg Power output 3.86 x 1026 Watts about 0.2 milliwatts per kilo Mass of me 70Kg Power output of me about 2500 Kcal per day, i.e. about 125 Watts. About 2 watts per kilo I generate about ten thousand times more heat than the sun (on a mass for mass basis). The sun produces about as much heat as a compost heap. (Or so I'm told) The link is probably fine. Forgetting about the hours isn't.
  7. Interestingly the same thing would make them more vulnerable to a bullet that was simply hanging on a string. That's how barrage balloons worked.
  8. If you plan to use them for electrical conductors you should heed Chenbeier's warning. If you just want them clean, then sandpaper or vinegar are good options. If (it's a long shot) you plan to make sculptures from them then you might also want to anneal them. Doing that involves heating them red hot and will generally leave them covered with a black oxide layer. But if you drop the wires into a jar containing alcohol while they are still hot, the vapour will reduce the oxide back to the metal. Obviously, be careful not to set the alcohol on fire.
  9. Then answer when people seek clarification like this What is that meant to mean?
  10. What is that meant to mean? Anyway, the power supply grid connects many generators together. They have to make sure the frequency and phase are correct, as well as the voltage. But small errors don't matter much. One generator will act as a motor if it's running to slow. Not good, but not the end of the world.
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