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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/20 in all areas

  1. It doesn't take much to confuse the Iranian military. Apparently their Ground-based Air Defense units are easily confused into thinking passenger planes, taking off from their own airport, are ALCMs. Or is it too soon to be joking about that event.
    1 point
  2. I dunno, the massive mismanagement of the pandemic response would be a massive thing to distract from. Not sure whether we need anything else.
    1 point
  3. No sweat. I also do not know whether a quantum regime is scientifically important or a meme, or perhaps something in between. Is there no time duration involved? Maybe the original poster will explain it better.
    1 point
  4. They think it's all about them: "me, me, me"
    1 point
  5. 1 + 4 + 6 = 10 1 + 3 + 6 = 10 Because:
    1 point
  6. I think this takes unfair aim at the subsection. We designed Speculations so anyone willing to work rigorously towards a non-mainstream explanation of a particular phenomenon could discuss their reasoning and present supportive evidence. There's nothing preventing anyone from presenting a compelling enough argument to persuade the membership into a productive discussion, maybe even get the thread moved into a mainstream section. Such rigor is the antithesis of being a crackpot though. By the normal definition, a crackpot simply has strange, crazy-sounding ideas, but in science, a crackpot is defined as someone who's too lax in their methodology. More lazy than crazy.
    1 point
  7. As long as they are not eaten raw you are good to go, being a natural born hillbilly anything that moves slow enough to catch is potentially on the menu... Swamp rabbit was always my fav! I have large nets I use to catch grasshoppers for fish food...
    1 point
  8. ! Moderator Note OK then. Until you can present this in written form, it can't be discussed meaningfully here. Reviewing videos is NOT what we're interested in here. There are other places though, and we wish you the best of luck. Again, come back when you have your questions available for written discussion. Thanks for understanding.
    1 point
  9. ! Moderator Note That would be against our rules. One thread per topic. Also, if you're just posting this because you didn't get enough hits on YouTube, that's against our rules too. We can discuss the science of building this computer, but we will NOT be discussing your video. That's not what we do here.
    1 point
  10. Meanwhile, I continue wondering: What’s he trying to distract us from? What was he doing that required a comment so crazy to hide from view? We’ve spent 2 days talking about Lysol and a lot can happen behind the scenes during 2 days. I continue wondering what it was.
    1 point
  11. Some points, what is an embryo? Embryonic development happens after fertilization. I presume you mean egg cell? Egg cells can be frozen, and are just in solution when a plasmid is added. Some transfection reagent can then be added (Fugene) together with the plasmid to transfect the cells: Eggs were exhaustively washed in M2 and then transferred to 50 µl microdrops of M2 containing the mixture of DNA and liposomes, under mineral oil. The plasmid used for the transfection was a commercial plasmid, pGeneGrip (GTS, CA) that encodes the green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the control of hCMV IE promoter/enhancer and is rhodamine labeled. For each experiment 125 ng of DNA in combination with 1 µl of a commercial liposome mixture (Fugene, BoehringerManheim) were resuspended in 100 µl of M2. Transfection was allowed to proceed for 3 hr at 37°C in an atmosphere of 5% CO2. Controls using Fugene only or the plasmid only were carried out. Sperm is collected, diluted into medium, and then added to the cells to fertilize them. Sperm were collected from the caudae epididymides of a vigorous stud male. Both caudae were punctured in 200 µl of pre-warmed capacitation medium (M16 medium supplemented with 40 mg/ml of bovine seroalbumin [BSA] and antibiotics) Sperm were diluted in capacitation medium to give a final concentration of 1–2 3 106 cells/ml. Capacitation took place for 3 hr at 37°C in an atmosphere of 5% CO2. At the end of the incubation, 100 µl drops from the sperm suspension were placed under mineral oil and the transfected eggs were transferred to these drops and left overnight.Twenty-two to twentyfour hours later the inseminated eggs were examined for signs of nuclear decondensation.... etc. Does that answer your questions? (note that I just found the first article that described this, nowadays there may be many different methods, but they probably follow the same base steps). From https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10862002 Carballada, Rosa, Tedla Degefa, and Pedro Esponda. "Transfection of mouse eggs and embryos using DNA combined to cationic liposomes." Molecular Reproduction and Development: Incorporating Gamete Research 56.3 (2000): 360-365.
    1 point
  12. Epsilon? [math]\frac{1}{7} + \epsilon[/math]
    1 point
  13. But items are of size: They are larger than 1/3. So 6 of them does not fit in two bins. You need 3. Same for the 1/2+a size items, they need 6 bins 1+4+6=10
    1 point
  14. No, because in the case of a black hole merger there is no matter (*) to produce neutrinos (which are produced by the fusion reactions in a collapsing star) or any other radiation. (*) Unless the black holes have significant accretion disks. I'm not sure what happens in that situation. I'm guessing the answer is: "it's complicated"
    1 point
  15. ! Moderator Note This does not rise to the level of rigor we require. Please review the speculations guidelines
    1 point
  16. What is a "time loop"? Well, the first of those is probably wrong. And the second is definitely wrong. Apart from which, how can the sun shine indefinitely if, according to you, everything is finite. You are contradicting yourself. And still no. Just repeating something erroneous doesn't magically make it true. You don't know that. There is no way of knowing that. Well done. You made a correct and accurate statement. I think it is the first one. Bless your heart And then you go and spoil it all by saying something stupid (which contradicts the true statement you made previously). That is meaningless. They are either conserved or not. Energy is only conserved in a single frame of reference because it is observer dependent. Other properties may be invariant (the same for all observers). I don't really know what it means for a property to be terminal, but it appears to be nonsense. What is a "time loop"? And what evidence do you have that such a thing exists? 1. There is no scientific evidence for gods 2. Science does not prove things 3. Evolution is not guided. 4. Intelligence did not have to evolve. 5. The existence of quantum effects has nothing to do with evolution or intelligence. That is an impressive number of factual and logical errors to get into a single sentence. Well done. Again, you have no way of knowing that. And repeating it does not magically make it true. The rules the forum require you to support your claims with evidence, not just assert your beliefs. Uh-uh. You cant shift the burden of proof. I don't need to defend anything. I am not the one making preposterous claims. Hey! A second true statement. Well done. You might be better off asking questions in order to learn and fix the gaps in your understanding, instead of posting ignorant nonsense as if it were fact. You don't have a theory. A theory is a mathematical model extensively confirmed by experiment and observational data.
    1 point
  17. The all elements and isotopes used to be Hydrogen-1 before it fused together billions years ago. Hydrogen-1 has the highest mass-energy per Baryon number ratio.
    1 point
  18. They are edible. Nets are in fact traditionally used to catch the grasshopper swarms.
    1 point
  19. you responded energy is not conserved on cosmological scales. When the space though which particles move is changing, the total energy of those particles is not conserved. The application of bending space-time in the time loop served to end the progression of time as the universal time frames still advances. That translates to a universe that no longer expands and technically the sun will shine indefinitely. If there is no increasing evolution of time, there is no increase in energy in the universe. Energy is now conserved. The increasing evolution of energy is terminated. It was through recent physics that brought back time and therefore the energy content no longer change. The universe is no longer infinite, there is now a limit to the mass-energy content. you responded the velocity of mass approach C asymptotically. which means it will never reach C, even after infinite time. you misunderstood my explanation. imagine the function of the graph with kinetic energy on the y axis and velocity on the x axis. A vertical line C (speed of light) extends up from the velocity axis. the function calls for a line which curves infinitely as it approaches C but never reaching it. by the laws of physics at some point that curved line will stop advancing because it cannot harbor infinite inertial mass and kinetic energy. the object of mass will coast at constant velocity. That still means the curved line in this function comes to a halt on the graph no longer coming closer to C. As I have explained all physics variables are either conserved or terminal. And because of the time loop, all physics variables are terminated. What physicists don't have control of is the advancement of the time frames. Eventually real-time time frame will be terminated even though future time frames extend infinitely just as all functions extend infinitely only to be terminated some time before infinity. There is a scientifically proven God by my reference to guided evolution and that intelligent life had to evolve otherwise why would there exist a Quantum realm in the first place. Everything including the universe is finite in the time frames. All else outside the boundaries of the frames are infinite. Please defend your argument, I have much to learn and would like to discuss physics to confirm my initial theories.
    -1 points
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