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why we still believe in a god


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Because any "God" who's existence can be scientifically demonstrated in one way or another is a false god who exists as a physical entity within the universe.


Looking for physical proof of God's existence is like the springs of a watch asking which gear is the watchmaker.

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I find the belief in any God, is really a cushioning and comfy thingy.

It hides from the believer the fact that in essence, we and the whole universe are just an accident of evolution, that was bound to take effect at least once and probably many more times, based on the near infinite content and extent of the universe/spacetime, stars, planets etc.

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The dependency of young children on instructions of their parents.


When we started walking, our hips narrowed, and due to our large brains we needed to birth children before their brain is fully developed (so it may squeeze through the birthing canal). So we create totally helpless and dependent babies, which lasts a while before more advanced cognition kicks in at around 7-10. Even then we are highly dependent because as psychological predators it takes us even longer to pick up our survival tools,


Thusly cuz we walk upright, and are psychological predators, we have a really extended timefframe where we are highly dependant on others for survival.

So we favor instinctually, our own SURVIVAL in formative years, by the simple logic of following the beliefs of someone who is alive and providing for you.


If the issue is SURVIVAL, religion doesn't matter so much to that dependent child.

That tolerance then later extends into adulthood, where people are like "whats wrong with it, I dont get why youd criticise how I grew up"



"give me the child, I'll own the man"
Freaky sad, but true...


Religion itself is part of our predatory nature I suspect

Gathering groups to hold similar views, is extremely powerful

Better than big teeth.

So we have a strong instinct to gather power, and children are a part of that, since they are dependent but will become powerful.

So yeah, psychological power gathering predators, who have huge dependency in childhood cuz we stand upright, who see children as more power and manipulate it via religions to serve a goal of amassing a pliable and workable audience.

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  • 3 weeks later...
20 hours ago, Baron d'Holbach said:

Why we still believe in God. It is very simple. 

Human beings are fragile animals. Feeble and meek. Afraid and timid. 

And plain stupid.

If you doubt that just look around. Everything from polluting - sorry, poisoning - the very air we breathe, to destroying and also poisoning the very things that we rely on for sustenance.

We're nothing more than primates. Sorry, simple primates.

And by the way, according to research, our brains are (on average) 10% smaller than stone age man's brain.

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28 minutes ago, Delbert said:

And by the way, according to research, our brains are (on average) 10% smaller than stone age man's brain.


That's interesting, do you have any evidence or a link to some?

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1 hour ago, dimreepr said:

That's interesting, do you have any evidence or a link to some?

From what I can understand the human brain evolved - like every other aspect of life - to cope with the situation at the time. The apparent situation at the time was the Earth's orbital excursions occasioning changes in climate - we needed cunning to survive. But reportedly over the last 10,000 years or so with the Earth's orbit being more circular, the suggestion is our brains have shrunk.

A couple of links: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-have-our-brains-started-to-shrink/ and https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_human_intelligence

The suggestion appears to be that although the brain has shrunk intelligence level has remained. But intelligence is an attribute invented by humans to account for what they think they've got. To paraphrase: a self attributed attribute is no attribute. As inferred previously: what creature with so-called intelligence pollutes and poisons not only the very air it breathes, but the very things that provide it sustenance?

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3 minutes ago, Delbert said:

From what I can understand the human brain evolved - like every other aspect of like - to cope with the situation at the time. The apparent situation at the time was the Earth's orbital excursions occasioning changes in climate - we needed cunning to survive. But reportedly over the last 10,000 years or so with the Earth's orbit being more circular, the suggestion is our brains have shrunk.

A couple of links: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-have-our-brains-started-to-shrink/ and https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_human_intelligence

The suggestion appears to be that although the brain has shrunk intelligence level has remained. But intelligence is an attribute invented by humans to account for what they think they've got. To paraphrase: a self attributed attribute is no attribute. As inferred previously: what creature with so-called intelligence pollutes and poisons not only the very air it breathes, but the very things that provide it sustenance?

I would never suggest Aristotle or Socrates is less intelligent than me or my fellow man; it's just that circumstance has changed.

Brain size versus body size seems to be the determining factor.

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Try not to conflate intelligence with brain size, folks. The two are often related, but (even when adjusted relative to body size) the relationship is not as strong as you might assume.

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On 05/01/2015 at 1:58 PM, Strange said:

It is equally possible that we will all be reconstituted as jars of peanut butter. Based on the level of evidence you present.

That would certainly help us spread the word. :)

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On ‎05‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 1:18 PM, stonesofsauron said:

Religion itself is part of our predatory nature I suspect

Gathering groups to hold similar views, is extremely powerful

Better than big teeth.

Gathering groups need a leader, and a leader needs to provide answers to questions to maintain leadership. And no doubt, answers regarding the sky and everything will be required.

Do I have to continue?

Indeed, I get them knocking on my door from time-to-time. The last time their opening gambit was: the weirdness of quantum mechanics proves god exists (think they've got me marked for such questions, or something!). My opening riposte was that that's quite interesting, since during the early part of the last century I understand Ludwig Boltzmann was considered irreligious and effectively sent to Coventry for even suggesting things are made of atoms!

And at another time during a social occasion, a friend said during conversation: evolution is disproved because dogs can't talk! I thought it prudent at that juncture to offer no reply and simply change to subject.

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How can people still believe in God when there is so much cruelty and misery on this planet in every single day?

Some people are seriously suffering on this planet whether it's from illnesses, injury, being heartbroken from never finding love, loneliness, financial troubles or from bullying etc. and if there was a loving God he wouldn't let good people suffer so much with no reason.

The fact that bad things happen to good people who don't deserve it to me kinda proves that there is no loving God in my opinion.

I think that the sooner people figure out that there is no God and that everything is physical then the better humanity will be in the long-term future.


Edited by seriously disabled
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1 hour ago, seriously disabled said:

How can people still believe in God when there is so much cruelty and misery on this planet in every single day?

A common excuse is that those people deserve it. (Which is a pretty horrific attitude, that no decent person should hold.)

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2 minutes ago, Strange said:

A common excuse is that those people deserve it. (Which is a pretty horrific attitude, that no decent person should hold.)

Indeed, a common thread in religions is forgiveness, which is a pretty decent position to hold.

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1 hour ago, seriously disabled said:

How can people still believe in God when there is so much cruelty and misery on this planet in every single day?

If you also believe in the Devil and the concept of Original Sin, it's probably not too difficult.

Some people are seriously suffering on this planet whether it's from illnesses, injury, being heartbroken from never finding love, loneliness, financial troubles or from bullying etc. and if there was a loving God he wouldn't let good people suffer so much with no reason.

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

The fact that bad things happen to good people who don't deserve it to me kinda proves that there is no loving God in my opinion.

Perhaps, but it does nothing to disprove a sadistic God.


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9 minutes ago, dimreepr said:

Indeed, a common thread in religions is forgiveness, which is a pretty decent position to hold.

"Indeed, a common thread in religions is forgiveness, which is would be a pretty decent position to hold; but for some reason very few of them do."  FTFY

Not even sure how common it is in religions. Xty espouses a weak form but for lots of the others lex talionis applies

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1 minute ago, imatfaal said:

"Indeed, a common thread in religions is forgiveness, which is would be a pretty decent position to hold; but for some reason very few of them do."  FTFY

Not even sure how common it is in religions. Xty espouses a weak form but lost of the others lex talionis rules


I should, maybe, have said 'major religions', but even "an eye for an eye" stops short of revenge.

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2 hours ago, dimreepr said:

Which is?

Christianity and Islam are the biggest religions.(I counted them)  Many Christians can't forgive people for being atheist or homosexual. A good friend of mine lives in Italy with an Italian catholic girl. She was pregnant but the baby was unwanted. He proposed abortus and for saying that she sued him and they broke up for a while...being an Italian  catholic prevented her from acting like a normal person. She was indoctrinated as a child with religious 'morality'. The main story in Christianity is the one of Jesus's sacrifice...Why couldn't God just forgive people without a 'human' sacrifice? 

In Islam, apostates are most of the times punished and can even be killed...why cant they forgive people for apostasy? Most  Islam terrorism comes from the fact that they can't forgive people for being different...this difference creates imaginary social injustice. Or why can't they forgive people for making cartoons about Mohammad? (Charlie Hebdo)


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Both are connected via jesus christ .

Gabriel was the one that impregnated mary .

There is a whole chapter in quran about mary .

Its the same gabriel that sent quran to mohammed .

You should see some documentaries about islam , its really nice .

Also there is no need to draw pictures of mohammed , because there are no pictures of mohammed

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