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Itoero last won the day on March 9 2019

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About Itoero

  • Birthday 12/12/1987

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    I'm tall
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    I take care for the pigeons on the roof.

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  1. Is it known what damage the freezing water causes? Maybe there evolved/developed material of an organism that survives freezing damage….if proteins are elastic enough maybe they can survive it.
  2. How are they present? hey don't have a physical presence. Yes but equations need to be experimentally 'proven' .
  3. "Lighting bolts sizzle over Johannesburg, South Africa." Thunderstorms can reach voltages ten times greater than those previously recorded, a new measurement suggests. Sunil Gupta at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai, India, and his colleagues used an instrument called a muon telescope to measure storms’ electric potential — the voltage between the top and bottom of a thundercloud. Muon particles are generated when cosmic rays smash into Earth’s atmosphere. As muons cross a storm’s electric potential, they lose energy, which causes some of the particles to fall below a muon telescope’s detection threshold. A storm with a higher voltage causes each muon traversing it to experience a greater energy drop. This means that a telescope’s detector sees a lower rate of incoming muons when storm voltage is greater. Gupta’s team used the GRAPES-3 facility in Ooty, India, to record muons as they reached the ground during 184 thunderstorms. Using computer simulations, the researchers estimated that the electric potential of one storm in 2014 reached 1.3 billion volts, the largest value ever recorded. This observation might explain the flashes of highly energetic γ-ray radiation observed during storms; scientists have theorized that only extreme voltages can produce such flashes.https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00934-z
  4. In the OP afterlife is mentioned. It seems extremely unlikely. The cosmological model for the observable universe from the earliest known periods through its subsequent large-scale evolution is what formed this solar system. And one planet (Earth) in this solar system had the correct composition for abiogenesis which developed/evolved humans. Our history is what forms us. In what way can all of this happen again?
  5. When you lose a loved one then you miss him or her and want/wish to see him or her again. This is imo a main reason people believe in afterlife. I often want to believe in afterlife but from a scientific point of view there is no reason to believe in afterlife. We are one of the many animal species on Earth. From a biological point of view there is nothing special about us.
  6. The title is ambiguous. Maybe it should better be 'the believe in Big Gods'.
  7. An international research team, including a member of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, investigated the role of "big gods" in the rise of complex large-scale societies. Big gods are defined as moralizing deities who punish ethical transgressions. Contrary to prevailing theories, the team found that beliefs in big gods are a consequence, not a cause, of the evolution of complex societies. The results are published in the current issue of the journal Nature. https://phys.org/news/2019-03-complex-societies-gave-birth-big.html
  8. "The technique could help boys made infertile by cancer treatment to become fathers later in life. " A one-of-a-kind rhesus macaque named Grady is growing up under intense scrutiny at the Oregon National Primate Research Center in Beaverton. That’s because she has an unusual pedigree: researchers created her using sperm from tissue harvested from her father’s testicles when he was young, and then grafted onto his body as an adult. If all goes well with Grady, the technique might one day be used to restore fertility in boys who have received damaging cancer treatments.https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00938-9
  9. Existence of biological uncertainty principle implies that we can never find 'THE' measure for biological complexity. There are innumerable 'biological complexity measure's. While some patterns emerge from these attempts to represent biological complexity, a single measure to encompass the seemingly countless features of biological systems, still eludes the students of Biology. It is the pursuit of this paper to discuss the feasibility of finding one complete and objective measure for biological complexity.https://arxiv.org/pdf/0902.0490.pdf What do you think of this?
  10. How do you explain that there can be several kinds of uncertainty relations?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncertainty_principle#Additional_uncertainty_relations How can you derive a relation if you don't know which one until you observed the system?
  11. a fact….In Mexico city there are stores where bottled water is more expensive then coke.
  12. You have many kinds...And instead of 'better' I would say 'less bad'.
  13. Itoero


    It depends what kind of angel he was...his job.
  14. Ok but from what are uncertainty relations derived in experimental physics?
  15. Thx for that comment. I'm used to living like that and got all the help I needed. My favorite science book was my geology textbook from when I was a Student.
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