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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. Indeed, Margaret Thatcher was more of a man, than Trump could ever cope with...
  2. Indeed, but I bet we pay way more to kill some of the rats, than we do to save all the endangered species; then there's the cockroach and all his/her buddies...
  3. That's admirable, but just remember that every criticism you receive is an 'opportunity' to take a step towards understanding the 'subject' you want to make an impact in... 😉 There are no shortcuts to understanding, google can help with well directed question's, but it can't understand things for you, or itself for that matter, the biggest problem AI has to overcome is rubbish in rubbish out.
  4. Of course you belong, it's an open forum; besides I couldn't write a formal paper in a formal way, that doesn't stop me from sharing my silly ideas; much to the chagrin of some of the membership.😇 The best way to learn, is to share your thought's and listen to why other people think it's a silly thing. Nazis are bad M'kay...
  5. She seems to have galvanised plenty of support, in a short time; she seems to me like a released spring. Do you think that energy is enough to catch up, given that Trump's primery weapon is pointing at him now?
  6. Indeed, but not every programme work's... 🙂
  7. Ask a dog, suppose you're Dr Doolittle and you can talk dog (without anthropomorphising), do you think you'll understand what it is to be a dog, without being able to lick your own genital's, or sniff the difference between a bitch and a dog etc.? While we understand how AI work's, we can discern the output as a product of the process. The common/fundamental characteristics/components of all consciousness, is that we humans can communicate what it's like to be a conscious human, with other conscious human's. You need to refine your question, being careful not to conflate consciousness with intelligence...
  8. There's a reason why fermentation stops when the alcohol level reaches a pitiful 15%, it's not a dead end but it sure does seem like Gaia is looking out for us alcoholics. But if you want some fun, sing
  9. Thanks, however that's not evidence of my wrongism, or more pertinately any sort of support for your claim.
  10. It's difficult to see the benefits, when the implication is that fewer and fewer people will think for themselves...
  11. Thanks, but let's be honest with the truth, we don't really care about what the cow eats...
  12. Indeed, and an even simpler metaphore for why it doesn't really work, "we still have to go down the shop's for stuff, now and then"... Even the sums are simple, a farmer needs 1 acre of fertile grassland per cow; there's only so much science can do to make the cow spherical and vacuum resistant...
  13. 🤔 What do you mean by "current thinking being accurate enough to work"? What's this "current thinking"? The to-die-for life support system for long-haul space missions is one that maintains levels of oxygen at the critical level and autocorrects under various stressors. That's TGH on a small scale. I don't need evidence to support my refutation, but you do need evidence to refute my skepticism... 🤒
  14. My use of the phrase was from "god emperor of dune", my point was, we all accept a tyrant, at some level; but the paradox is, the worste ones make most of us happy, at some level...
  15. The science part of it is observation after the fact, for instance when cultivating neurons, it's been observed that they will spontainiously gongregate and communicate, I don't know what the current thinking is about a possible why, but it's probably wrong, when we discover the next level... High school level is just the first step on the journey. I think you have gone off-piste with your interpretation of balance here, you're conflating different definitions. No it doesn't, it depends on the current thinking being acurate enough to work. THG is just like the bible, no longer relevant but it's got some bloody good idea's among the metaphors... 😉
  16. Just so you can see the full spectrum, some of the little shits are just fucking with you...
  17. Maybe, just think about how you'll get to the shop's tomorrow; Armageddon isn't due for at least a month... 🤞
  18. He is today, and the god-emperor tends to grow into the role; first, since he's still alive 🙄, he changes the law to allow him at least a fifth term and he's only allowed to be seen via the internet.
  19. Isaac Assimov explored the idea of gaia in the final novel of his foundation series, it was a metaphor for how humans and robot's can interface. I have no idea who's the original author and what restrictions they placed on the OP/idea; but what makes you think that it's not a metaphor? What part do you think is litterally true?
  20. The planet of the apes is a simple metaphor, imagine the discussion we'd have if this was the planet of the worm, Arakis for instance...
  21. I mean the thought of human's, before the inevitable breakdown of comunication between the cultures and their progeny; religions had a good idea about how to live within the means of our planet/God/Gaia; that knowledge was lost, in the rabbit hole of understanding. If we can relate to the language, via a code breaker, we can at least continue to live here, despite our ignorance... 😉
  22. Of course not, (this reminds me of an aviation joke, the pilot reports, to the engineer 'something loose in the cockpit' the engineers report 'something tightened in the cockpit'.) it's just a thought about how something work's, but without the cypher of truth that can break the code, you can't falsify the god of the code.
  23. Indeed, but my question still stands; what exactly is it that we're discussing?
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