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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. You have an excellent opportunity to actually learn something, from people who are actually learned (not me BTW, see my signature); so, stop thumping the TV FFS and listen. No-one is talking past you, you just refuse to listen to things you don't understand. TBH I'm not sure why your still here, I've been suspended for less...
  2. Indeed and not demand a correctness that's undiserved, like my dad did by thumping the TV in a vain attempt to fix it; then claiming victory bc a quantum happened and the picture re-appears. In conlusion, shit happens and more than half of the population imagine they are responsible... Guess which half???
  3. So why are you seeking validation from the other side??? Don't you trust your own thoughts???
  4. You might think you are, but time passes differently here... 🤓
  5. What if god did it, is cleary not one of the option's, if you want to make sense...
  6. Indeed, but your arguments have been on topic throughout; quantum is the latest god you've chosen to hide behind... 🙄
  7. LOL +1, pretty much anyone can be/are rewarded with such a prestigious role, although it would be a difficult conversation with one's mum, to persuade her of the upwardly mobile nature of the position.
  8. Quantum stuff must have had an effect on abiogenesis, and one day when we understand quatum stuff a bit better, we'll be able to take a stab at what effect that quantum stuff might have had. Just saying quantum did it, is no explanation ATM.
  9. What does that even mean? Mass hysteria? I didn't vote for it... 😉 Does that mean my kettle is wise?
  10. Or just a small change in the latest 'ism'... 😉
  11. Nope, it's more you don't understand the topic; Science is just a tool, it has an application that yield results; what you're suggesting is a monkey wrench is the only tool available in the scientific toolbox...
  12. That's not evidence of the antipode... If you want to be scientific, then you must address all of the variables, not just what you perceived to be important...
  13. So, you're looking for an IQ equivalency for computers? Hint, it doesn't really work for humans either... 😉
  14. Can you remember what it's like to be dead? "Look on my work's ye mighty and despair"
  15. What are these profound and unexpected insights? This sounds to me like a Buddha wannabee that doesn't understand the teaching and so present's a word salad, in the hope that it contains some sort of nutrition for the soul; and enough of them buy a ticket. I can provide a lot of link's from the likes of Derren Brown if that would help you...
  16. Time, and space, is the enemy of this conjecture. 🙄 Besides, I get the feeling someone is talking to themselves... 🤓
  17. Indeed, that thought struck me too... Believe me, I understand your frustration. You have a profound thought that you're unable to transfer into an understandable language but you know it's important, like waking up from a vivid dream; how am I, or a practicing scientist, supposed to prove your imagination is wrong?
  18. One day, evolution will solve it for us... 😣 Some sort of memory, with some sort of vessel.
  19. As @Phi for All and I have been trying to explain, Phi rather more patiently than me, your premise is false and therefore any conclusions you make, based on that assumption, can only be true by accident... 😉 For instance, "power corrupts, therefore absolute power corrupts absolutely"; we don't really know, not enough candidates for a significant statistical study. But I did forget yesterday and I can still dress myself, hint, the odds aren't getting bigger.
  20. I'd like to indulge your fantasy, but it might have been a dream and that would be confusing...😉
  21. If you're anywhere near Stonehouse (Gloucestershire), pop round and we can share a beer, and I can explain why your thesis lacks the clarity needed to explain anything worthwhile; just saying that I'm confused isn't a supportive argument... 😣 Epiphenomenalism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
  22. Yesterday will always affect tomorrow, it both needs you and doesn't give a shit. I understand you, you think heaven is to come, and so you ignore the heaven you're experiencing now; I'm content with now and I don't really care what you think, unless you can make a lot more sense, and actually support your argument... 🙄
  23. When you die, does your life mean nothing? When you forget, does that experience mean nothing? If so, how? Listen to George... 😉 @TheVat +1
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