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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. You haven't really explained anything, in either of your post's. But in answer to the topic title, how long of a memory are you talking about? And how does it relate to epistemology? For instance, I can't remember what I had for tea yesterday, bc I drank too much; but I do know how to dress myself, despite that... 😉
  2. Here we go again, watch 'the life of brian' and think...
  3. Nope, they're just patient zero, I know the UK has been infected and I've heard a few sniffles next door in Europe...🤢
  4. Thanks guy's for removing another of my assumptions... @Genady do you, or your wife, think the situation has improved over the last 30 year's?
  5. Can a homeless guy just rock up to ER and get treated, in America? Besides you're straying off the point, the difference in tech is irrelevant... The economy can't distinguish between dollars and its owners, it's more complicated, the economy needs Joe to spend everything he's got and it needs Jeff to invest, but in the case of Jeff, it needs to believe he's good for it and not just cooking the book's, like Don. But when the balance is off, there will be a reckoning...
  6. I find this offensive, you clearly didn't research my credentials, or put any thoght into your post... Knowledge is a form of information that some call data, any philosophy that doesn't include it, is a joke... So I laugh at you...
  7. How do you you differentiate between referendum and democracy, in your fantasy political league???
  8. This is Daily Mail territory, 'homeless people earn more than us, by begging'... Homeless people across the age's rely on the charity of people who have more than they need, but are close enough to poverty, to understand 'there but for the grace of <insert lucky token> go I'... Alexander the great didn't need a smartphone... 😉 This is completely opposite to reality, Joe Schmo's dallar can only fill his gas tank or belly then it's gone and everyone (including himself) believes that he's one step away from the gutter; if either of these guy's spend their last dollar, no-one wants to believe it, and everyone will make sure they don't see the gutter, lest they follow... In this context, how does it help you?
  9. One day, one of us will be wrong...
  10. Everything is lunch for something, how does it help to know something one can't change? The only difference is, context... Define wealth...
  11. If I'm harboring a parasite, how does it help me to know that?
  12. Poetic licence, the assumption I'm making is, people that chase money as their meaning of self worth, which is like trying to punch smoke as a means of keeping score, it's always tomorrow that I'll score the point that means I win; I can't think of a more disappointing thing to realise on one's death bed, surrounded by all one's scrabbling offspring, who are all to eager to repeat one's missed opportunities; a christmass carol, that I tried to condense into a sentence. Parasite's aren't evil, they just don't understand the benefits of symbiosis...
  13. Then we're no better than a worm...
  14. I don't think recognising who has more money than me, needs a time stamp or much intelligence, but I suppose it depends on one's definition of ubiquitous in this context. LOL, indeed... I'm judging everyone on how they look and how they behave, but I smile at everyone and say hello; if they don't respond to my liking, I just shrug and think karma will take care of that prick and, "as if by magic", they vanish from my mind and I feel wealthier for it... My argument is, all people can be wealthy, not, all rich people can't...
  15. Probably, not...
  16. Indeed, but we are talking about 'evil'...😇
  17. Sorry, but the first bit is still true, across the millenia...
  18. It's not about evidence, it's about belief; if I choose to believe, I feel better about what seems unfair. But if it's evidence you want, just google something like 'winning the lottery didn't bring me happiness', I'm not saying it's ubiquitous; I'm sure there's many a rich person that defies the trend, but as a builder who's worked for Lord's and Ladies and through all the levels of supposed wealth; I've yet to meet someone who thinks they're rich and are happy to breack bread with me. I look like a tramp... 😉
  19. Indeed, the question is one of balance; how many people can the government afford to piss off, before they all get uppity?
  20. It's always obvious who the rich are, it's also obvious that their action's will not bring them peace of mind and will end in a cul-de-sac for the many that worship them. When I was a builder, I'd always prefer to work at a poor person's home, I knew I'd get a cuppa and a biscuit; never at a rich person's home, they'd make themselves a cuppa and come and check on my progress; have a guess, who I worked harder for? The rich often learn their mistaken perspective of wealth, on a lonely death bed. Surrounded by people, eagerly anticipating the value of their last breath.
  21. The fundamental difference, I believe, is that we're analogue and digital has limitations when trying to mimic reality, it can only appoximate; like trying to compute a random... That basically means, you can't have a meaningful conversation with it... IOW my point... 🙄
  22. Yes, be human... Indeed, not every human is a genius, but how many machines are? I'm not saying machine's can't be better, I just wonder what they can be better at...
  23. You're missing the point, e.g. how does a machine express love or pain or hunger etc.? People are trying to make machines with a humans ability to philosophise, they have yet to achieve this; my point remains, you're introducing an unnecessary complication in an unending search for an understanding of reality.
  24. Nothing about the soul is mysterious, it's basically Newtonian, but with a quantum twist...🤞
  25. Of course not, you just think they are; or does the queen that gets to think for everyone???
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