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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. Indeed, but culture starts from the family, in a fractal sense there is no scale; a successful society always impose a scale that includes them.
  2. Not strong enough to convince a PHD panel, so not a doctor; join the club... 🙄
  3. They have been, that's the point; from Socrates to Trump... 🙏 You have to have a compelling reason to think otherwise... If you can't expand our understanding of the knowledge we have, then you can't be a doctor of anything... 😉
  4. I lived in a prefab concrete home, it wasn't very friendly to my ecology.
  5. Hubris often blinds us...
  6. This reminds me of the moment I clicked on a link, that asked if anyone knows anything about a 'pictured flower' that's unknown to science, bc I was a professional gardener (self taught) for a couple of year's; What did I imagine I could contribute? That there is what I call a 'tulip'... 😉
  7. Congratulations your moral compass is well aligned, for whatever reason (usually luck); unfortunately your, lucky, bias mean's you can't imagine the motives of someone with a less than lucky up-bringing. The only problem with hell is that no-one believes in it, other than the poor soul's trying to avoid it...
  8. It depends on the scale at which one view's the issue, given enough time and all becomes clear... 😉
  9. Indeed, but it's designed to persuade bad people to not do bad thing's, their belief is essential; so athiest's are giving them a green light to be an arsehole... Irony???
  10. It's more nuanced than that, for instance 'one often finds ones destiny on the path one chooses to avoid it'; or Maslows pyramid. It's kinda biblical, the sermon on the mount sums it up, it's up to you to decide what kind of 'topia one lives in. Which circles back to my take on a BNW, which I see as parable, a lesson about the difference between society and the self.
  11. It's more nuanced than that, our need's and wants have been conflated and then used as a weapon of mass distraction. Late stage capitalism... implies a revolution is imminent, I'm content with that and a full belly, for now...
  12. Nothing is more important for teaching us to understand the concepts we have than to construct fictitious ones. Ludwig Wittgenstein
  13. @Phi for All is right, you lack the pyramid of knowledge needed to understand the subject at hand, essentially all you do is quote. and Wittginstien took a dim view of that.
  14. My point...? Hmm, isn't it strange that we're so willing/determined to accept that 'utopia' is, no place and impossible, yet we seem so eager to accept that 'dystopia' is everywhere and imminent.
  15. That's how one teaches someone to understand a complex issue, you remove layers of complexity in order to build understanding, in a pyramid of knowledge. When one understands the fundamental's it just adds complexity, like learning a different language in which to express one's thought's; it's an unnecessary distraction. A machine is binary, 1 and 0, life contains a third term...
  16. In the context of this thread (Does evolution evolve?), "No shit Sherlock"...🙄
  17. There's a reason I just pointed and laughed at you... 😪 You can't possibly have any understanding of the reasoning behind this/any feeling/decision, unless you're one of them...
  18. Because I don't have a USB port, let's not get into a semantic argument, it just muddies the water; which is my point about machine's. You're introducing an unnecessary level of complexity, which is essentially the antipode of philosophical thinking; what you're suggesting is like asking someone to learn a different language before expressing you're thoughts about our own society...
  19. But I'm not a machine...
  20. Yes, that's a good synopsis of the problem, the reason is more global than you think; we all think we can ring-fence 'our property' and protect it from the future, but "one often meets one's destiny on the path we chose to avoid it"
  21. So, the best we can do is a ticket to nowhere? I'm currently alive, isn't that somewhere?
  22. I was just pointing and laughing...
  23. What's your point?
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