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I Persistently Repeat My Demand

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Moderator Note

I will reiterate our position: we do not delete accounts. We generally do not delete posts unless they break the rules, either. If you don't want it on the internet, don't post it.

We can ban you, if you wish. That's as far as we go.

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6 hours ago, Vak said:

I am stressed!

This is not "quite amusing". This is cruel!

We don't delete ever, as part of our transparency policy and also because members take their valuable time to participate in science discussions. We're being respectful of everyone involved, in the best way we can. The fact that it looks like your head is on a pike as a warning to others is purely coincidence (and entirely your fault, yes?). 

But I'm assuming that's your grievance, that the posts make you look bad? If I'm wrong, please correct me.

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Vak, no one likes to think they have made a fool of themselves in public. The good news is that you have not. No one knows who you really are. The name, Vak, contains no significant clues. For all I know you are my next door neighbour, or live in a city on the other side of the planet. You are completely anonymous. So there is no need to stress.

Apprently you posted some foolish things. If those are deleted the fact that you thought them and posted them still remains. Deleting the posts does not change that.

Use this experience as a positive opportunity.


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22 minutes ago, Strange said:

If you are worried because you use the same username on other sites, you could ask the mods to change it (I don’t know if they will)

An Admin could do this, and it's a great solution if this is the problem. +1

Protip: The Empress of Everything, like most people, responds more favorably to requests than demands.

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8 hours ago, Vak said:


I persistently repeat my demand.
Delete my account and all my posts, please.


I had to go look and see what all the fuss was about. You are stressed because of some comments posted eight years ago? 

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My friend and I were playing in the field. We found some stones and began stacking them. We’d go home to our family, have dinner, then for some reason we’d come back to the field the next day and the day after that and keep stacking stones. 

Soon, as we continued stacking them, they became taller and taller then still taller some more and a wall began to form. Others from the village soon noticed and before we knew it they began stacking stones of their own right beside us. The wall grew and changed and evolved, but had a history and told a story of our community; of our shared experience. It became an organic expression of time and effort and people would always learn new things about the universe and about themselves when gazing upon it. 

Then one day my friend realized that sometimes others around us were better at stacking stones than he was. He saw that, even though many of his stones were perfectly fine, some were clearly mistakes. He was embarrassed, especially when his work was compared to that of others who’d been practicing stone placement for a very long time; much longer than he and me.  

My friend then asked all of us in the community to remove his stones, to pull them from the wall. He kept advocating for us to rip out his stones and pretend they never existed, but we could not. If his stones were removed, all of the others placed on top of them would become unstable. If his stones were removed, the whole wall would crumble and fall and nobody wanted that, not even him.

So, my friend had to live with it. He had to recognize that, even though his stones weren’t placed perfectly, they were critical to the structure of the wall itself. It could not exist in its truest form without them. Removing them would ruin the work of everyone else and my friend had to use it as an opportunity to learn from his errors and become a better version of himself. 

Your posts are part of our wall. Like a tapestry or quilt, it would never be the same without them. We’re sorry you want them removed, but we’re also thankful you shared them with us and appreciate what you’ve contributed, but we can’t pull that thread or remove those stones no matter how many times you ask.  We’re a part of the wall too, and that just wouldn’t be fair. 

Edited by iNow
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21 hours ago, Strange said:

Well, I’m still quite embarrassed about a few things I said on usenet 30 years ago so I can sympathise!

It still makes me blush when I think about what you said Margaret Thatcher wrote when she autographed your underwear!

13 hours ago, hypervalent_iodine said:

It depends on what else accompanies the request...

How about a signed copy of Vak's book where he overthrows the LCDM model with a massive incredulity wave?

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31 minutes ago, Phi for All said:

Truly the only orange cracker you can trust.

I'm not American. Is that an oblique reference to Trump?


Edit: If it's not, it ought to be.

Edited by Area54
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15 minutes ago, Area54 said:

I'm not American. Is that an oblique reference to Trump?


Edit: If it's not, it ought to be.


A truly horrid tasting cracker and an inside running joke that has been going on for years.

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