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zapatos last won the day on July 24

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About zapatos

  • Birthday October 11

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  • Location
    St. Louis
  • College Major/Degree
    BS, MBA
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Occupation
    Scientific and Medical Publishing


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Genius (11/13)



  1. A gorilla in the zoo is reading a bible and On the Origin of Species. One says he is his brother's keeper, the other says he is his keeper's brother.
  2. Are you going to add any science to your conjecture?
  3. I read it. It doesn't say anything at all about the earth overheating from within. It talks about the rotation of the core. Their findings said nothing at all about the earth overheating from within. I would be interested in even one piece of research that has been done on us living outside our own galaxy. At this point I have to conclude that you are just making shit up as you go.
  4. How does the core rotation slowing down result in the rotation of the surface slowing down?
  5. I was asking about your assertion that the earth was over heating from within, not about the rotation of the core slowing down.
  6. Can you please provide some data regarding this 'overheating'.
  7. Today I learned that sometimes you can increase photosynthesis in plants by reducing the sunlight they are exposed to. While listening to a gardening podcast there was a discussion of the impact of heat on photosynthesis. Some garden plants stop photosynthesizing at about 85 F. If you provide some shade you can locally cool the area and provide potentially a couple of extra hours per day of plant growth.
  8. I'm unsure why that makes us "funny".
  9. If you are going to base your oil concerns on what junior high school teachers said over 40 years ago, the least you could do is cite a junior high science teacher.
  10. What country is yours?
  11. What do you mean by "share"? Being alive is something we have in common, thus it is shared. But there is not much to "understand" there; it is simply the definition of having the same trait.
  12. I agree. When my home town baseball team won the World Series, ticket sales, merchandise sales, and television viewership went way up the next year.
  13. So don't use it. Sorry I responded.
  14. The Welsh version of 'kenny' is Ceni.
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