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Status Updates posted by Moontanman

  1. I have a dog that if he walked any slower he'd have to go backwards...

    1. arc


      Oh, and all this time I thought my dog was winking at me.

    2. fresh


      i guess your pet is not a young boy, am i right ?

  2. I think the glasses make the outfit!

    1. Mike Smith Cosmos

      Mike Smith Cosmos

      What ever posses you to have an avatar like that it looks like the "Incredible Hulk"

    2. Moontanman


      It's the Credible Hulk...

  3. “Many religions now come before us with ingratiating smirks and outspread hands, like an unctuous merchant in a bazaar. They offer consolation and solidarity and uplift, competing as they do in a marketplace. But we have a right to remember how barbarically they behaved when they were strong and were making an offer that people could not refuse.” ― Christopher Hitchens

    1. MonDie


      Stalin and Mao. Tiananmen Square.


      Remember how barbarically atheists behaved when they had power. ;)

    2. Theoretical


      Worlds becoming more and more agnostic and atheist. Medieval era was religious. Look at how barbaric the Middle East was thousand years ago. Oops, still is, and still religious lol.

  4. To Anyone who is interested, I changed the recent installment of my story in my blog, I had accedentally posted a rough draft instead of the actual story prelude. e

    1. fresh


      accedentally ?

      accidentally ?

    2. Moontanman


      I need spelling check evidently

  5. Cheese nips for anyone who knows who Professor Chaos and General Disarray really are

    1. fiveworlds


      You've been watching too much south park....

    2. Moontanman


      Way too much evidently!

  6. I'm back! again! Terrible storm, between power surges and exploding transformers I got off easy with just a few burned out appliances. Lots of flooding 15 people dead so far..

    1. imatfaal


      Sounds horrific - but glad you and yours are OK. How is the community taking it - pulling together or falling apart

    2. Moontanman


      pulling together for the most part. standing water and washed out roads, flooding and down trees are still a problem.

  7. A great series of videos, relatively new channel, but he is on top of the heap for sure!

    1. koti


      Seems like the guy knows what he's talking about but frankly I can't get around his accent thing.

    2. Moontanman


      It's a speech impediment, he does do closed captioned on his videos.

  8. Damn TV died last night, it's old, I tried the quick fixes I looked up on google, none worked. 

    Looks like I might have to use my Computer monitor as a tv for a while. 

    If I can get the monitor to hook up with the dish. 

    Life goes on! 

    1. koti


      What model is it Moontanman ?

    2. Moontanman


      It's a samsung HLS4266WX/XAA, I think the bulb overheated. It turns on for a minute or so then turns off. I put a new bulb in last year when I was doing the same thing. It worked until now. The TV was one I rescued off my neighbors trash, recycling at it's finest! It was doing the same thing then, I might look and see if the cooling fan is messed up. It appears to be running but I'm not sure how strong the airflow should be. It's pretty weak... 

  9. New story on my blog! 

    1. NimrodTheGoat


      Can I get a link to your blog?


    2. Moontanman
  10. I started getting my garden ready today. I still hurt but i will not give in, the garden can't wait for me to get better. I was able to do some needed weeding for about 30 minutes! 

    1. Raider5678


      Yes, the garden can certainly wait for you to be healthy enough to do it.

      Take care of yourself moon.

    2. koti


      Good to hear you're up and running Moontanman. Don't smoke all the weed at once.

  11. I just found out one of my stories was being used on a site without crediting me as the writer. Weird feeling... 

    1. DrP


      Did you contact them about it? Maybe they'll add you as a reference or something.  What do you write?

    2. Moontanman
  12. I have been husbanding a small endangered fish for the last few months. I started out with about 12 of them and now I have  more than 12 dozen of them. 


    1. StringJunky


      Cool. Have you sought to avoid inbreeding depression, as mentioned in the last part of your link? I imagine this is quite a problem with endangered species and trying to keep them going.

    2. Moontanman


      Yes, I will add some more wild specimens when I transfer them to an outdoor pond. I used to breed dwarf crayfish, I tried several times to breed a line of blue specimens but the blue color always seemed to be associated with extreme inbreeding. I ended up with a line of paisley patterned crayfish. I still managed to sell quite a few...  

  13. Lots of rain lately has left many puddles hidden in the grass. Riding mowers don't mow water very well... 

    1. koti


      Did you break a rotor ?

    2. Moontanman


      Naw, but it did drag the motor down to the point of cutting the engine off. Now off to the parts yard to buy a used door for my car, I love motor vehicles... 

  14. Well I'm back, almost three weeks of Hurricane and after math. My blog post about it here


    It has been 19 days of destruction fear, terror and boredom. 

    1. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      We've been blue, holding our breath for you, Moon. Welcome back! So glad you have some Klingon blood in you!

    2. Moontanman


      The first two weeks were a nightmare... 

  15. I just posted a story, here is the link....



    1. MigL


      So is the Hulk your 'residual self image' ?
      ( the mental projection of your digital self )

      Morpheus quote, from The Matrix

    2. nevim


      Who is the benign, rogue incognito based on?

      i liked your story!

  16. Does anyone on here know anything about riding lawn mowers? I have a craftsman Lt1000. last time I mowed the blades wouldn't disengage and the lever went loose. Now it will not even turn over as though the blades were still engaged and I can't figure out how to fix it. Any ideas out there?

    1. zapatos


      I once had a pack rat chew through the wires that monitored whether or not someone was sitting on the seat. Since there was no signal that I was indeed on the seat, the lawnmower would not start as part of that standard safety feature. Fixed the wire and all was good with the world.

    2. Moontanman


      I will put that on my list, shade tree mechanicing lawn mowers is not fun.


  17. I watched Avatar... The Way of the Water last night... or should I say Moby Dick on another planet? Wonderful CGI technology but evidently future humans are so evil the universe should be hoping for an early Nuclear War. What is the plot of the next Avatar based on? Maybe they'll step up and go with something more adult like Between Planets by Heinlein, Ooo Ooo Ooo I know! How about Oliver Twist? Naw too complex. 

    1. MigL


      Most expensive cartoon ever made.
      James Cameron needs to go back to making movies that entertain, like Terminator 2 or Aliens.

    2. Moontanman


      The cgi was great and hints at some wild possibilities, the John Varley trilogy, IMHO a great story but until now impossible to make, would lend itself to this type of cgi quite well. Sci-fi in general would benefit with this technology. But this movie was... not much more than a retelling of Moby Dick and not really well done either.

      The first movie was sweet but just a retelling of Pocahontas, the CGI and the idea of what an alien planet might look like was great but some of the portrayal of the aliens was "sweet" instead of realistic.

      The shifting of the necklaces of the females to hide their "almost" breasts was sweet in the beginning but became distracting and comical as the movie went on.

      The females either should have not had "almost" breasts or they should have shared the modern taboo of not exposing them, would bra tops have been such a problem for cgi? The constant "accidental" covering of the breasts became silly at best as the movie went on. In the second movie it became annoying as hell and just made it more difficult to suspend disbelief of the sci-fi setting of the movie. 

      I thought the idea of a world wide AI controlling the ecosystem was kind of unique and made it interesting but the willy nilly method of the AI intervening seemed contrived to me at best. 

      Let's talk about the over the top evil of the humans and the unobtainium of both movies, the first one was difficult to swallow but not impossible to conceive of. It was easy to assume the "people" of earth stumbled across such a thing and it's value in their technology was enough to justify mining and shipping it to earth. 

      But the stuff obtained from the alien whales? They arrive ten years later and within a year they find an immortality serum in the brains of "alien whales" and have a complex system of obtaining it already set up?  This just beggars the imagination to think they discovered it that quickly.

      Did they set about the slaughter of native animals immediately when they arrived the second time looking for something of value to justify star travel? The method used to obtain this substance would have required a technological base already in place when they landed. No justification for this was even hinted at.

      The Red Planet by Heinlein would have been a much better story and a good way to display the CGI tech. 

      In fact the entire operation seemed to indicate they already knew about the immortality serum before they arrived, screw the unobtainium that allowed for the tech that got them to the planet, lets kill something and see if we can find an immortality serum. 

      I think the whale theme was meant to be a tear jerker for little kids but it detracted from the story line and made suspension of disbelief even more difficult. I write better than that or at least more subtilly. The entire story was about as subtle as a slap in the face with a dead fish.

      Such a wonderful possibility wasted, let us hope this technology can be applied to better movies in the future.  

  18. Does anyone use the search engine Opera? Any pros or cans or tips to make it better. I generally use google but I am looking around to see what is available. 

    1. StringJunky


      Try Brave

    2. MigL


      Opera is a web browser similar to Chrome, although a little slower.
      It was originally very compact but now has gained all sorts of extensions, and is available on multiple platforms, such as Windows, iOS, Android, etc.

  19. Is anyone else having a problem with accessing SFN blogs? I'm getting a 502 bad gateway notice. 

    1. StringJunky
    2. Moontanman


      Not for me, it says network not secure, my battery is dying. Maybe it ill let me on tomorrow. 


  20. Guys! Guys! Guys! One of my short stories has been published on YouTube!!! Illustrated and voiced by ai!!! I am thrilled!  

    1. Moontanman


      Is there a problem if I post a link to my story here? 

    2. Moontanman
  21. Tea flavored burbon, just tastes like a red oak lumbur somebody spilled tea on, I'll stick with tequela....

    1. rigney


      Tea flavored bourbon? That's freaky guy!

  22. I had greasy fried chicken at the cafeteria today, eeewww I have no self respect....

    1. CaptainPanic


      If you already feel like that after that experience, imagine how the chicken felt.

  23. Almost two weeks of the flu, today is the first day in quite a few I feel like it's worth thinking about living, I had a flu shot too, must have been one of those lesser flu's. Maybe I'll live...

    1. Moontanman


      I'm alive, i beat the flu! A new day is dawning, flowers are in bloom... well maybe not flowers but feels good not wish for the release of death from my suffering...


  24. Another warm sunny day in the south, that's why i live here!

    1. dragonstar57


      let us know if you feel the same way when its 132 degrees and hasn't rained in 6 months. while us in the north are rocking 80 degree temperatures on the banks of lake Michigan as we eat a Chicago style pizza.

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