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Everything posted by iNow

  1. Transgenderism is neither a syndrome, a condition, a disease, nor an illness to be cured or treated any more than homosexuality is and that was the gravitational locus of my post. If someone needs treatment to improve quality of life, then they should have access to it, even if others like myself are referencing their situation in an attempt to shatter the canard of biology saying only two sexes are possible. I take the point, but they’re still wrong. If someone claims there are only two skin colors, then highlighting humans with vitiligo in response offers a rather simple and powerful counter example which has the benefit of calling their central claim into question.
  2. People often claim there are two binary sexes, and then further try to cloak themselves in the respect of biological science when they do. In many instances, these claims are a direct conscious attempt to dismiss and dehumanize the validity of other citizens who are transsexual, to diminish and ostracize those who feel they were wrongly assigned an identity at birth that fails to match who they are today. Those who are simply being open and honest about who they are. People, including myself, are wrong every single day. It happens, but presenting information from biology regarding the approximately 10 other accepted “sexes” in science to those asserting “biology only allows two sexes!” ought to cause any rational honest person to do some rethinking and reevaluation of their stance, since the claims of binary categories is self-evidently false. There are more than two sexes in biology and this we’ve known for decades. Ignoring a spectrum like an ostrich with head in sand doesn’t magically make that spectrum invalid. Rather, it makes the claimant a liar or a fool when repeated corrections go unheeded. You identify as Italian. Maybe we ought to explore a cure or treatment for that? You identify as Canadian. Shall we push for a cure for that, too? I believe you’re an engineer, or a corporate employee. We likely will need to institutionalize you for fixing that, eh? If not, one must ask why your identities are any more valid or acceptable than someone’s trans identity. Usually bigotry is involved, or at least ignorance… which is thankfully fixable with open honest feedback like that which you appear to decry above. Tl;dr. It’s not a median outcome, but why frame it as an abnormality? Red hair is rare too, but that’s not abnormal. Words and framing matter.
  3. But that’s incorrect, as already clarified both here and elsewhere. Even if we limit our inquiry purely to humans, there’s still XYY Syndrome, XXY Syndrome (aka Klinefelters), Triple X Syndrome (XXX), Turner Syndrome, Noonan Syndrome, X0/XY Mosaicism, among others. Nature is under no obligation to fit neatly into forced arbitrary binary human buckets. It’s a shame so many humans try forcing her to due to arbitrary social reasons.
  4. That difference is best described as ignorance of reality Especially when doing so in a physics section
  5. Also doesn’t seem like this is the OPs first foray or post into this topic, nor is it the first time treating this group dismissively. Trends provide important context for responses. I can absolutely see MigL liking a Joe Rogan tweet. There’s just no accounting for taste 😂
  6. So not only do you wish to dictate how others use certain terms, but now you also wish to dictate how members use the reaction vote system? Fascist! 😝🤣
  7. Is irrelevant. This is gender identity, not dysphoria. I've used many mixed sex and unisex restrooms and somehow I've magically survived to tell the story.
  8. Whoa! You mean Elon Musk got to meet HIM!?! Golly. Can't believe I missed that!!
  9. No, they are not. When you venture into the realm of fiction then literally anything can be used to explain. Maybe it's true only when purple unicorns fart in front of leprechauns, for example.
  10. Society as a whole. Words and terms and their applicable uses evolve with time. This is natural and has happened for thousands of years or more. Perhaps a better question is why are so many insecure people worried about other people and how they define themselves? Why not just acknowledge their view is different from yours and go on with your day? Fear. Stupidity. Tribalism. Hatred. These explanations all seem to fit the response here, and it's challenging to think of better explanations for the ridiculous response. Bruce is now Loretta. Who cares other than the ignorant?
  11. This is sadly representative of and ridiculously similar to the meltdown happening across the right in the US ATM regarding Taylor Swift and the super secret democratic master plan to fix the outcome of the NFL playoffs so the deep state can prevent Trump from regaining his rightful place in the oval office.
  12. I don't disagree, but funding is clearly not limitless so focus areas must be prioritized.
  13. You're completely right, and I began to realize this myself a few hours after my post. The numbers Charon cited are in the trillions, and lobbying is nowhere near that... In fact, any lobbying expenditures are likely already looped into the "sales and operational costs" bucket. It's still a considerable amount of money spent on lobbying and makes a considerable impact on both our legislation and our lives, but it clearly can't touch the broader marketing and ad spends which are themselves nearly double what's spent on R&D
  14. So will very many very poor and poverty stricken people. Guns are often a religion in the US, but those practicing it are hardly Mandalorians.
  15. Deficits in social skills and coping strategies plus spikes in anxiety and depression… IMO
  16. That’s weird since including babies there are only about 330M Americans alive and that’s higher now than at any time across history. Correct. It is. The standard of the military is killing enemies. The standard for citizens is NOT killing their neighbors. Yeah. Those Blackhawk helicopters with their hellfire missiles will become impotent against uncle Jim Bob and his AR Sadly, this bedrock has been blasted and fracked for reasons of avarice and grift and earthquakes are spreading across the justice system like ripples through a scummy pond.
  17. Lobbying is a massive expense line item too
  18. Plus fear and scapegoating and “other-ism” There are, of course, exceptions, but the overall trend is and has been for a very long time exactly as you say.
  19. Rightly, so. Democrats are doing everything possible to get the help available while GOP blocks it to satisfy a rabid jingoistic base, and GOP controls the HoR. haven’t watched your video, tho
  20. No, it is not… especially not in the cold. Putting in a 220V service for some welding or a big blue power hammer or something?
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