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Status Updates posted by Function

  1. I'm no professor in ethics, but I certainly think that when you tell a student of yours that "ah well, I know you, so don't you worry", concerning selection for teaching assistance, whereafter you let your assistent know the student he hasn't been selected, you've made a huge ethical mess.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ajb


      Exactly StringJunky - always wait until you signed something

    3. Function


      Why yes indeed, that's most certainly why I cannot complain about anything: pro forma, nothing's happened. But you see, our professors are usually not so distant and are quite familiar with their students, some profs very; can't be asking too much when asking for a bit of ethical dignity

    4. StringJunky


      Your Prof's 'A gonna'. "I'm gonna do this/that".


      Life's full of 'em... full of **it

  2. Passed all my exams. The grades are, however, no good representation of what I am capable of. I worked too fast on one especially. Quite disappointed. Will have to learn to live with it. Hardest term in the course coming up.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Function


      I will work slower in the future ;) But yes the professor of the course knows that I simply worked too fast and that my capabilities in that domain are much greater than is represented by my score

    3. Raider5678
    4. DanTrentfield


      Join the club.... yeah I got a 72 on my specialized chemistry exam for college for this semester.... So I need to get 98 or better on the test next semester which is HARDER because specialized chemistry is not liking me.

  3. Just watched "The Perks of Being a Wallflower". And all of a sudden, emotional collapse. I feel terrible. Time for some sleep.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. koti


      Function....We saw that movie few months ago. I think it's a decent, Monday evening, indie film nothing special though. I think your'e over reacting a little, it's not such a downer when you think about it :)

      BTW...if you haven't already, watch "We're the Millers" That one will cheer you up :)


    3. Function


      It surely depends from person to person ;) 2 others I know who've seen it were as affected as I was ^^ Sidenote: I'd never say someone overreacts. Someone reacts just perfectly according to their own references and needs of coping with shit (sorry Holy Overseers).

    4. koti


      True, true. In this case I'll give it to you.

      I just realised that I may have misused the word "overreacted" and you might have been offended by it. Then again, you overreacted a little to me saying that you overreacted so... :P

  4. Seems like the chairwoman of the department of anatomy and embryology made me an offer I can't refuse! Will be participating in brachial plexus research starting end June. Neurosurgical research contribution will probably start end of August.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Function


      Thank you for the support the last few months!

    3. StringJunky
    4. Function
  5. Wiles... Why couldn't you find an easier proof..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sato


      I think he's referring to Wiles' rationale for writing the complicated proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. On that note I'd suppose that the proof itself is an explanation of his thought process :P. But then again.. the question was probably rhetorical haha.

    3. Unity+


      That could be it. lol

    4. Function


      I indeed meant Wiles's way too long proof about FLT. Retorical indeed ;)

      Had to find a subject for research competence for maths, wanted to do it about FLT, but my teacher didn't feel like letting me look into a +100 pages proof.. Wasn't my meaning, though.. But whatever.. Now it concerns Fermats little theorem ;)

  6. Supervisors were happy with my thesis, said it could easily be a PhD dissertation :lol: to be defended on 21 January ...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MigL


      Good job.
      Make us proud kid.

    3. Function


      Not at all, Eric. Exams coming up. Already got two, and still have to pass 7 in January. Fun.

    4. koti


      Think of all the beemers youre going to buy as an MD, should help with exam studying :D 

  7. Let's say there's this Java-driven program (ran via a batch file), which requires (1) a licence file, and (2) a protected USB key that goes along with the licence file.

    Let's now say that there are 3 types of licence files: (a) a normal licence file that gives full access to the program, if the USB key is inserted in the computer; (b) a trial licence file that does not require the USB key in order to run the program correctly, but only gives access for 600 days; and (c) a licence file that was distributed in private for a course of the program, making it available only on the day of the course, without the need for the USB key (so with this licence file, the program will always run correctly and with full functionalities, if the system date is set to 13 May 2013, course day).

    Is there a possibility to adjust/create a licence file to eventually have one licence file that allows the program to be run with full functionalities, without need for USB key and system date settings?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Function


      I've looked into runasdate, but it requires exe files, and doesn't work with batch files. (Found it impossible / too hard to convert the bat to exe, too).

    3. fiveworlds


      Okay then try this edit the .bat with notepad and add the following

      first line of bat or under @echo off

      date 13-05-2013

      last line of bat

      net stop W32Time

      net restart W32Time

      This will set the system time back to 13th May 2013 and run the program then reset your system time back to normal

    4. Function


      Ah yes, I've tried such deceptions, but there's one caveat: apparently the program rechecks everything every 5 minutes or so, so if the system date is reset while the program is already run, it will give a date error (licence outdated) and shut down.

  8. So there's fear of commitment, and there's separation anxiety disorder. Here's a bit of a story on how I am regarding relationships ... As a background, you may want to know that I suffer(ed) from major depressive disorder, and am being treated with bupropion and venlafaxine (the latter is being decreased).

    I've had 2 relationships, both of which lasted about 2.5 months. Rather quickly during these 'relationships', I found that it demanded way more of me than it was worth to me: it was not "profitable" for me, as I felt energetically drained without being resupplied. After a while, I couldn't help but think (in both cases) "Ugh, just stop texting me and leave me alone for 5 minutes, can I please have my own time?", which to me is a signal that makes me start wondering if the partner is indeed the right partner for me. I felt more as their idol, than their intimate partner. Which might indicate some sort of fear of commitment.

    But that one is not so problematic to me. I know it will go away at some time. What's a much greater issue to me, and what may destroy me mentally, is something I experience very quickly with people, probably a separation anxiety disorder. I've been on Tinder for a while, and I've dated some persons. We usually chat very much, and we get to know each other a lot. Now here's this one person I met once, and still know, and still probably will be dating for some while (hopefully). Someone I really started appreciating. I was looking forward to our first date. Because he seemed a very nice guy to me, he was handsome, smart, and funny in his own way. But I couldn't help but think of him as an arrogant douchebag when he greeted me, almost apathically, with an equally apathical "Hello", when he regularly checked his phone, when he didn't seem to care about anything I said. Until I found out that he's rather ... special, to communicate with. Extraordinary. He seemed much at ease and loom, as if he might have used drugs - which he didn't. It's just his personality. The moment where I came to appreciate him, was when he began telling me his history. Some things we had in common. We've both been raised by autistic parents, in a rather toxic environment, and he also suffer(ed/s) from MDD, and took the exact same medication. We had bound; an awkward bond, but a bond nonetheless. He didn't say as much as I did, and yet I started liking him. We could share our love for dogs, for Scandinavia, our medication, our family, our academic interests, and much more. We left the fastfood restaurant, buyed an ice cream, and sat on a stone little wall, at about hip height. And we talked a bit more, we laughed a lot more, we pretended to leave, ironically/cynically saying "Bye" in a most apathical way. For about 500 times, pretending to walk away, yet turning around again. And then, it was time for him to leave. He would go grab his bike. "Bye", I chuckled. And he smirked. ... ... "Would you ... like, perhaps ... Want to join me to my bike?"; and of course, I did. Then he could've taken the chance to leave on his bike, as wanting to leave was the impression he  intended to give insincerely, but he didn't. We walked the same path up until the point where we had to take another route. After talking for a long time at that point, and saying goodbye for about a thousand times, no hugs, kisses or whatever, we left. No hugs or kisses, but I was at peace; I was satisfied and at ease. And most definitely, I wanted to have another date. First sort of big mistake: kind of insisting to let me know whether he enjoyed it or not, even though I could've told myself that he did like it. Altogether he didn't appreciate being asked whether he liked it or not, and told me that it didn't matter. So I accepted it. A few weeks later, after the exams had ended, we agreed to go out again. Let the stereotypes roll in: a night at the movies. Well, evening. Going to the movies (Love, Simon; for the interested), where we both appeared to be about equally emotionally affectable when we sat there, subtly snorting. Going to have dinner together, aka snack bar time. Where we had another great time. After having finished our meals, we went outside. Saying an equally "Bye" as the previous time we met, and turning our backs to one another. However, upon leaving, we stumbled upon someone. Someone I'd recognised. Someone who had recognised me as well. Someone "my date" appeared to know. Someone I had recognised from having matched on Tinder. After kiddingly saying "bye", I turned around, and "my date" didn't. He walked away with the guy we commonly recognised, in the opposite direction as I. Before crossing the street, he quickly looked back, and I made him clear that I was confused, not knowing what had happened, but he didn't return, yet continued walking away. Fury. Fear. Torment. Pain. Confusion. Sadness. Nausea. I didn't know what to feel most, or first. I didn't know what had happened, and impulsively grabbed my phone and texted him right away. "Are you kidding me? You really did plan on meeting 2 Tinder matches at about the same time? This is some next-level shit; thanks for mating my antidepressants useless for the night being."

    I don't know how I was supposed to feel, so I walked a bit. Sat down somewhere on a bench. My eyes went quite watery and I sobbed a bit. Trying to hold it in, not wanting to attract too much attention from all passers-by, I felt myself being ripped apart from all the stuff I was thinking about him. What was he doing? Did he indeed meet with 2 guys on the same evening? What would they be doing now? I couldn't imagine it, and if I could, I couldn't hold it in much longer. Yes, I'd call myself devastated back then. For about 1.5 hours, complete silence. And then he texted me back, well, on Messenger. Didn't read my text messages yet. "Acted" that nothing was wrong. Again, I was confused. I asked him what that was all about. "What?" Well, you know, walking away with someone I clearly recognised from Tinder ... Who, after a long discussion, appeared to be one of his best friends ... Who he had not foreseen coming there at that time. It was not his intention to leave at first, until I walked away a bit too far to make it a "kidding goodbye". So he walked away, too. A long discussion, after which I asked him if we could give it another chance after some time. And he agreed. He said that he didn't have much time; which was true, given that he's leaving for a congress tomorrow ... And that the plan was indeed to go to the movies and to catch a meal. And now we're doing normal again. To the extent possible. This was yesterday.

    Today he asked me what all the dramaqueen stuff was all about yesterday. And indeed, I made assumptions, and I didn't give him any chance to "defend" himself, or to explain what really happened. He said I acted quite "claiming", especially given that we'd seen each other only for the second time. And I agree. I was indeed very claiming; and am, perhaps, rather than was. But now, we're good, and I'm going to try to feel okay with anything similar to happen. I made assumptions that were not necessarily true, and it is indeed possible that they knew each other for a long time, Tinder excluded.

    But today, all of a sudden, I was thinking back at how I felt, at what I was thinking that they could have been doing together if indeed they planned on meeting each other (through Tinder, that is) that very evening. And I sobbed again. For the umpteenth time in my life, I got attached to someone way too quickly, and it destroys me even thinking about the idea of losing him.

    For anyone who actually succeeded in reading this whole damn text, the hell can I do? I'm not planning on letting him go, and I have to loosen up a bit. Definitely. But how, without having to feel wrecked? Does this sound like a classic separation anxiety disorder?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silvestru


      Well let me start by hoping he doesn't share your interest in science too and is a member of this forum reading this right now haha. Jokes aside, being possessive is a huge no-no and while I'm sure you can't control that in your mind, try to refrain from expressing it to others. Trust me, if a person plans to leave you and you are making drama or acting possessive, it wont change their mind.  Ofc I am in team "Function" so I hope it goes well. Just keep the "crazy" locked for a while until you have a stronger connection and the person will understand why you are acting like this. (maybe some previous baggage). Anyway, go team Function!

    3. Function


      I'm not sure we can speak of teams here, rather than "coalitions", but thanks for the support! I'm planning on refraining from expressing possessiveness and separation anxiety.

      And well, I actually offended one of the judicial principles I firmly endorse: "ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat"

    4. koti


      Heres my 2 cents...as far as „these things” are concerned just go with the flow and don’t worry too much if you antagonize someone with your feelings/actions. You are who you are and although compromises are a very important aspect of sustaining a relationship, they are not such a good idea at the beginning when you are looking. I think its important to show who your are in full in the beginning, this way you will increase your chances of meeting someone compatible with you and deceease chances of getting into a toxic relationship. Since you’re also young, you can just disregard what I just said, try to have fun and don’t look back :) 

  9. First exam out of 5 tomorrow. 23 days to go.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Function


      Et cum spirito tuo.

    3. imatfaal


      good luck - and remember to read the question

    4. Function


      Thanks :) I already kind of f*cked up on my first exam. I basically hope I failed so I can retake in August, because if I passed, it's not going to be something to be too proud of. Really stupid mistakes

  10. Remember that prof asking me if I were interested in helping another prof with statistical analyses of some data? Seems like all of a sudden I'm officially involved in an international study concerning socioeconomic demographics of medical students and health workers :)

  11. Ah ... A one-week holiday ... Just in time ... I needed this. Just about right for a one-week observational internship at the neurosurgery department of the University Hospital ^^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Function


      My dream is to become a neurosurgeon myself. So you may understand I experience it as a great privilege that I am allowed to take an observational internship :)

    3. kisai


      Oh! I thought you were just going to walk around and inconspicuously observe. Congratulations on getting a pass!

    4. Function


      Lol well I actually AM going to inconspicuously observe. I'm but a second year undergraduate medicine student lol ... Specialization candidature is only after 6 years, so hopefully I'll pass in 4 years ;) this observation is to get to know the specialty more

  12. Noticed the site was offline for quite a while, but it seems like it was totally worth it. Good job, everyone.

    1. Dave


      No problem, and hope you enjoy the updates :) Sorry for the extended downtime -- we had a few technical issues on the database that were slowing things down.

    2. Function


      My god, notifications when someone replies to status updates and such? This is even better than expected!

    3. Dave


      Indeed, I also just received a funky noise!

  13. The news about that black hole thing made me think. Now forgive me, physicists and others, for being such a noob when it comes to astronomy, but I had this idea, which didn't sound too stupid to me, but again, I'm a real layman in astronomy.

    I was thinking that the big bang may have been a black hole, being overloaded with everything else the universe held, such that it became unstable, and exploded? Additionally, if I'm right, black holes grow while eating stuff, and may eat each other. What if our whole universe will come to a point in time where there are only two black holes, which have eaten anything else, remaining only for one to eat the other one, leaving only one giant black hole, once again being overloaded, and exploding, like a new big bang?

    1. StringJunky


      No. Stick to medicine.  :P

    2. Strange



      Moderator Note

      This is not appropriate for a status update.

    3. peterwlocke


      that is a STRANGE thought.

  14. In the hospital environment, a lot of letters must be written. I'm looking for a way to standardize all letters I'm making. To do so, I would like to make a MS Office Word wizard, which just asks me all relevant things (e.g., salutation, patient name and birth date), lets me select all things in clinical examination that are deviant from a list ..., and then merges everything into a standardized document, which would be a bit easier than making a template.

    Does anyone know how I can do this?

    1. koti


      There is a whole vertical IT industry dealing with adressing what you wrote plus much more. There are specialized genre of software dealing with medical needs alone, those include everything from ticketing, registering a patient, printing stuff, keeping dynamic databases accesable for different pieces of software and a lot more - everything that needs to be done to fulfill any medical environment. Its a competive market where everything that needs to be provided has been provided, I would suggest you look into talking to your hospital IT guy...I know he presumably might not be too hot as IT guys tend to be not too interesting but hey, you gotta deal with it :P 

    2. peterwlocke


      i hope they are not incompetent but they probs not cause hospital.

    3. fiveworlds


      You can use vbscript for that. I dunno why you would though since as koti says there is plenty of software available to do so. Google it and see if you can find a software that suits, if not ask your it guy or somebody here could type it up I'm sure.

  15. If anyone, or anyone's kid(s), is planning on watching the second season of 13 Reasons Why, please note this warning for the last episode. There is a specific scene that concerns an important social problem in community, but is so graphical that lots of viewers were left shocked and aghast. Truth be told, I'm confident that we (members of this forum) ought to be intelligent and educated enough so that we need not be confronted with this scene for making us attent of this social problem in society. However, it was a really good series after all, and I enjoyed watching it. Except for that scene. It left me shocked, staring at a paused screen for about 15 minutes and I personally did not have any added value from that scene (38:24 until 39:49).

    1. StringJunky


      I read a review on it but this is my own thought on such topics. If it makes viewers feel like that, then that negative experience was communicated effectively. What is the point of restricting the effect such that one feels no real empathy. if, for example, people saw gun victims in the schools as they really were, or realistically portrayed in films/dramas, the NRA wouldn't stand a chance. In order to instigate change you've got to tell it how it is.... showing it at the appropriate time and place of course.

    2. Scott of the Antares

      Scott of the Antares

      I watched this and whilst I enjoyed it, I thought that the main character was a little harsh calling out some people who didn’t deserve to be lumped in with the main antagonists.

    3. Prometheus


      I agree with String. Came across some rap music also depicting a brutal rape in some detail. Utterly harrowing, as it should be. Far better rap than the safe and mainstream stuff which glorifies violence and misogyny with bitches and bling.

  16. Pretty sure the German term "lebensunwertes Leben" was invented for mosquitoes.

    1. DrP


      Try telling that top a pregnant mozzie as she stalks her sleeping pray just before she goes into to suck the blood out of them. She risks her life for the blood that will give her the nutrients she needs to nourish her offspring before birth so they can leave her body and become her legacy to the world for another generation.

    2. Function


      Survival of the fittest.

    3. CharonY


      Sadly, it was not.

  17. 4 months and [CENSORED] kgs later, I'm going to start running again this evening ... Wish me luck!

    1. NimrodTheGoat


      break a leg! 

    2. Function


      I'd rather break my record, but I'll keep that in mind! Thanks!

    3. koti


      Look out for your joints if you gained significant weight. I found that stairs are better when I'm in the fat mode.

  18. Exams incoming. Brace yourselves!

    1. koti


      Break a leg!

    2. fiveworlds


      Good luck I have 2 of mine done already :)

    3. Function


      Thanks :) good luck to you too!

  19. A neurosurgeon asking me what the basis is for the difference in clinical presentation of decortication vs. decerebration because he'd forgotten got me thinking (a second year undergraduate student in medicine knows the answer in Belgium). Perhaps neurosurgery is not my destiny, but rather neurology. Couldn't imagine forgetting all the fun nerdy neurophysiological stuff.

    1. jimmydasaint


      Neurology sounds fascinating. I am teaching basic nerve function to Yr 13 students and have to look up Physiology textbooks to fill in gaps left by the textbook. However, back to you. Which career would allow you to go home feeling better about yourself?

    2. Function


      I'm looking towards neurology, since I'm studying medicine. It will still leave me enough clinical work and yet also lots of space in research, which is, especially in neurosciences, extremely fascinating

    3. jimmydasaint


      I have worked in research with medics who were getting paid medical level salaries - they loved it!

  20. Just finished my last assistance of this term as an undergraduate teaching assistant in anatomy (osteology & prosection of topographical anatomy). Maintaining your knowledge, passing it on to younger generations and getting their gratitude for that is so satisfying :)

    1. DevilSolution
    2. Theoretical
    3. Function


      Thanks! I'll return as a UTA in the second term for assistance in prosection (topographical anatomy of the locomotor system)

  21. "I've never seen a student be so interested in the CNS as you, you really have to do something with that! Tell you what, how about I contact a neurologist from the university hospital to set up a project for you to participate in research? Could serve also as your future master thesis subject and might get some publications out of it!" - My awesome physiology professor

    1. Function


      Of course this is but a very broad synopsis of the very interesting talk we had ^^ Of course, this'll be only possible if the result of my exam Monday will be good enough. Let's hope for the best!

    2. Prometheus


      Good luck - I'm sure you'll ace it. How are you finding studying medicine?

    3. Function


      Thank you :) I'm finding it very satisfying!

  22. Alors, if I'm not religious and do not believe in any nonsense the Catholic Church stands for, then why do I love the gospel texts, Gregorian songs and just those texts everyone knows?

    1. Function


      Even in Latin?

    2. StringJunky


      Pretty is pretty wherever it comes from.

  23. Observational internship @ neurosurgery is over ... Miss it already :(

    1. imatfaal


      Glad it lived up to your expectations. First time with a surgical team is pretty mind-blowing isn't it?

    2. Function


      It is indeed! Such wonderful things I've seen :)

  24. It's about time I got myself another bronchitis! Now I finally understand what my professor in bacteriology meant with "a clear green sputum sample", on the collection of samples for bacteriology. Rather khaki. Digusting nonetheless.

    1. StringJunky


      it must be quite a hurdle to overcome mentally, seeing all manner of human secretions and excretions in various combinations.

    2. Function


      Tbh, I mostly don't care about body fluids; dissections were no problem at all, just a matter of getting over it. But when we had to make an opening in the cecum to inspect Bauhin's valve, that's where I drew the line.

  25. Why is it we're not conscious of the pen we're holding in our hand when looking for it desperately on our desk ...

    1. andrewcellini


      i love the feeling of stupidity that follows when you shake your arms in frustration and realize "oh my keys are in my hand" after hearing the jingling.

    2. imatfaal


      When you guys get older you will have endless fun searching for your glasses and realizing that they are perched on your forehead - or even worse that you have ust put on your glasses to help you look for your glasses

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