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Status Updates posted by Moontanman

  1. Well I guess it's official, I have moved, a whole new group of people wanting to give me the good news this morning stopped by to show me their love... I hope they understood the message of hope I gave them in return as they hustled off my property...

    1. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      Rock salt hope or buckshot hope?

    2. Moontanman


      No more of anti love message really, the audacity of these people never cease to amaze me. Misery loves company I guess but i am not willing to be miserable with them...

    3. too-open-minded


      Couldn't be much worse than when I announced my arrival to the new neighbors of my old house with a flare gun. It was a coldisack.

  2. I'm always open to new ideas but I don't let them crawl into my skull and take a dump...

    1. too-open-minded


      I allow them to defecate abundantly.

    2. Joatmon


      You haven't got a dirty mind then?

    3. Moontanman


      I have a beautifully dirty mind...

  3. What did the Buddhist say to the hot dog vendor?

    1. imatfaal


      make me one with everything.

    2. Moontanman


      Yup! I know an old one...


    3. imatfaal


      still a good one tho

  4. Mary Lee, a 15 foot great white shark continues ro pay a visit to our shores this week. She was tagged last year up around Cape Cod and has been haunting our water this month. She was encountered today in Masonburro Inlet by a small craft. She is impressive and giving some of our local surfers a bit of a thrill...

    1. WWLabRat


      I think we'll need a bigger boat...

    2. ajb


      I'm on my way to Cape Cod with my fishing rod...well I wish I were.


    3. Moontanman


      I used to do quite a bit of shark fishing, last fish i caught was a6.5 foot black tipped reef shark I caught in the surf but I think mary lee is bit beyond my ability. I would like to say it doesn't surprise me much that there is alarge great white near our beaches this time of year. This is prime fishing season and i have many times seen something very large swim just out of range of the pier lights on long cold nights of spot fishing over the years...

  5. Going to do some fish collecting in the foot hills of NC this week end, i am stoked!

    1. zapatos


      Are you looking to fill your aquarium or your dinner plate? I'm curious what your plans are if you wouldn't mind providing some more detail.

    2. arc


      I was wondering the same. I've got this Gollum image in my head, you'd better hurry!:)

    3. Moontanman


      Sorry guys, it was for science. the point was mostly to take pictures of fish from different water sheds and record the numbers of species and take photos for a book. I did bring back a few specimens from my aquarium. I caught or helped catch several species, including Black banded sunfish. Enneacanthus Chaetodon, Esox niger, Nototrpis chiliticus, Nocomis leptocephalus, A bandeded water snake, a mud turtle, a lesser siren, green newts, a very tiny stinkpot turtle and several other species I...

  6. Someone here gave me a link to a program that allowed you to shrink and edit photos, I lost it, anyone have an idea what it was...?

    1. Sato


      Shrink and edit, how so specifically?

    2. Moontanman


      You could use the program to shrink, crop and edit pictures. I'll probably have to crank up the old PC to get it back. It allowed you to do quite a bit more than just those things but that was about all I ever used it for..

    3. imatfaal


      what OS do you use. Both the standard viewer with Windows and Linux (most flavours) can do this with ease.


  7. SWAT has the street blocked in front of my house, they are talking though a bullhorn to someone in a house down the street. Guns everywhere oh my...

    1. too-open-minded


      lol what happened?


    2. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      When ignorance shows it's ugly face, it's up to the men and women of Science Wisdom And Training to teach and to serve. Probably some guy, hopped up on astrology or something, screaming from the roof how, "It's just a THEORY!"

    3. Moontanman


      Not far off Phi, he was on the roof of his apartment complex threatening to kill himself, took the entire city county swat team 6 hours to get him down... just one of them things...

  8. 2 to 3 inches of hail here this morning... talk about climate change!

    1. For Prose

      For Prose

      I won't believe it til there is 3-4 feet ;)

    2. MonDie


      or til it's statistically significant. ;)

    3. MonDie


      While I do accept that climate change is happening, I do not accepting that man is "making" this change. Climate change is part of a natural cycle, and man is merely *accelerating* it to a remarkable degree.

  9. Supposed to be 18 f here tonight, I want all you yankees to take back that cold we don't want it here in south.. I say south that is...

    1. arc


      We had a beautiful day here in Portland, OR. I actually had to take my sweatshirt off. :)

    2. MonDie


      We just got the cold too. It's all Canada's fault!

    3. imatfaal


      11 degrees here - but then that's centigrade!

  10. Wednesday I go in for the first operation to reconstruct my lower jaw, they plan to go in through my neck and instal a titanium plate to stabilize the jaw and in a few more weeks go in again and graft bone from my hip, sounds like more fun that the law ought to allow!

    1. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      Owie! My heart goes out to you, my friend. Time, wounds, healing. It'll all work out.


      "You can do more good with an assbone of a jaw than you can with the jawbone of an ass." --Samson

    2. Moontanman


      Yeah I really will be a butt head now!


    3. moth


      the voices in the other room say you can still sing dem bones. but you have to say the hipbone connected to the jawbone, or they will make jawbone of an ass jokes.:) hope everything went ok.

  11. I am sitting with my dog today, he is dying, either won't or can't eat, throws up foam, can't use the bathroom, will not take his pain pills. It's so pitiful to watch him try to respond to my affection. The vet talked me into trying new medication thursday now I wonder if he will last long enough to even take him back the vet to have him put to sleep. He shivers and shakes, breaking my heart..

    1. arc


      Mine too );

    2. imatfaal


      We get unconditional love from our dogs - but of course we love them back. Possibly more than any other animal we made dogs - and once you connect with a dog the bond is awfully strong. Comfort and support just like you would any friend

    3. Moontanman


      I have sat on the floor with him all day off and on, I can't get him to take his pain medicine, he's too big to manhandle and feels so bad he is far from his usual jovial self. I am not sure how to get medicine in him, he was taking his pills ground up in egg yolk but not he won't even try that...

  12. I am celebrating the 32nd anniversary of my 29th birthday!

    1. andrewcellini
    2. MigL


      That's the spirit!

      Forever young.

      And Happy Birthday!

    3. imatfaal


      out of curiosity why 29th? Thinking about it -I enjoyed my early 20s more than late, my early 30s more than late, and still - tenaciously - hanging on to earlymid 40s (for another week or so


  13. To any of you that might be wondering about the story i stared on my blog. my health has taken a turn for the worse. I have been away from the computer almost completely for a few days but there is a method to my madness and more story is coming and the Box will not seem quite as odd a place to stop...

    1. imatfaal


      Hope the health improves Moon.

    2. Moontanman


      thank you


    3. Elite Engineer

      Elite Engineer

      I Hope you get well soon. I enjoy your presence on here.

  14. My surgery has been cancelled until the solve some other health issues..

    1. imatfaal


      Dammit Moon you are not having the best of luck recently. I hope things start to go your way and things begin to sort themselves out

    2. MonDie


      It's true! He is moontanman! Let us make him lower priority. ;)

    3. Enthalpy


      Wish you all the best!

  15. Tonight i was pretty much run out of an "ancient aliens" community on youtube for suggesting that maybe evidence should be pursued instead of assumed. Kicked my ass! The Science forum is a much nicer place to discuss anything... 

    1. StringJunky


      A religious community in disguise. Anything based solely on belief is akin to a religion.

    2. Moontanman


      In the immortal colloquial words of the deep south... you got that right... 

      I even posted a new video by SFIA about Ancient aliens where Isaac Arthur gives a very reasonable take on ancient aliens as a possible solution to the Fermi paradox. I might as well being trying to preach Wicca at the local Jehovah's Witness Hall... 

    3. StringJunky
  16. I'm getting better but the pain is still mentally crippling. 

    1. zapatos


      Hope it gets better soon Moon. Hang in there!

    2. MigL


      Hope you're well soon, and can start posting regularly again.
      We haven't had any threads about extra-terrestrial visitors in a while 🙂 .

    3. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      It's so hard to focus when you're in pain. My heart goes out to you, my friend, and I hope the pain fades as you continue to get better.

  17. I spend a lot of time watching youtube videos and I've noticed that some of the less reputable sites are using buzz words to try and get you too watch lately "massive" seems to be the word of choice ie

    " Scientists have observed something massive near the Sun" or

    " Scientists have observed something massive on the Moon" I am just waiting for "Scientists have observed something massive emerging from Uranus" 

    1. TheVat


      I belonged to an astronomy club in my teens - it is hard to overstate the giggle factor of that poor, erm, gas giant.  With the American pronunciation, anyway.  (I know some English speakers call it "YUR-uh-nuss," which neatly defuses all the fun that "yur-AY-nus" provides)

    2. Genady


      Not only on the less reputable sites. "... frogs ... massive leap ..." Scientists regrow frogs’ amputated limbs in massive leap for regenerative medicine | Euronews

    3. joigus


      Glad to see you back, and with your sense of humour in good shape.

      It's a massive comeback. ;) 

  18. I found a house in my price range near where the Maco Light used to be. They took up the railroad tracks and replaced them with houses. I wonder what happened to the Maco Light, where did it go? 

    1. Moontanman


      Where do ghost lights go when their natural habitat is destroyed? 

    2. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      Probably removed the sign/reflector the light was bouncing off of when they removed the tracks and road. I don't know where ALL the ghost lights go, but the bad ones go to prism. 

    3. Moontanman


      I've seen the Maco light, several times, I do not know what it was but reflector it wasn't. I always figured it was some kind of electrical phenomena associated with the RR tracks. Not everyone could see it even when others did. It was weird enough to make a sceptics hair stand up... it did mine. 

      I often wonder if it would still be there after the tracks were taken down but the area is lighted now with street lights and no way to see such a dim red glow with the lights drowning everything out. 

      To be fair the amount of lighting in the area seems more than a bit extreme, I wonder if the light has something to do with that. It was nearly 50 years ago now but if I remember correctly a news crew managed to film it once but that could be wishful thinking on my part.

  19. Is anyone else getting an add before a page opens up? 

  20. I hate the short days of winter, if I lived above the artic circle I'd probably not survive the winter....

    1. Incendia


      At least watching the aurora borealis wouldn't be the worst way to die...

    2. Zolar V

      Zolar V

      no the aurora would indeed be nice to see as a last sight.


      i wonder what the worst way to die would be?


  21. My Paddlefish are doing well, the three that are left anyway, I am currently looking at building a 450 gallon tank for them.

    1. Moontanman


      Oh yeah, I got my camera back so i might be posting more exciting videos of paddlefish swimming around, lol

    2. Leader Bee
  22. 1st Tropical storm of the season, Alberto, formed this weekend off the coast here where I live, looks like it's going to be a long hot summer...

    1. Xittenn


      I wouldn't mind a hot summer!

    2. Greg H.

      Greg H.

      Ah, North Carolina in the summer. Hot as the blue blazes with a thunderstorm in the afternoon just to keep the humidity level interesting. And to think I am moving back there next summer.

  23. Tropical storm conditions last night and today, I love the intense rainfall and my cacti have already sent up new flower buds,,,

    1. too-open-minded


      That storm took about 1/4 of our beach :/

    2. Moontanman


      Beaches come and go, I've watched our local beaches change over yours in ways that are impossible to explain in any way other than beaches not being permanent land forms..

  24. If anyone is puzzled about what to give me for Christmas here it is...http://www.gizmag.com/top-10-christmas-wishlist-2013/30133/pictures#4

    1. fresh


      Buy you Saker S-1 personal jet, can you drive ?

    2. Moontanman


      I can say I've been allowed to fly a plane afew times but I am not a pilot my father in law was. I bet I could learn to fly it..

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