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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Whether it will have more or less energy depends on velocity vector direction. Particle traveling in direction of incoming photon has blueshift Relativistic Doppler effect, [math]f=f_0*\sqrt{\frac{1+v}{1-v}}=f_0*(1+v)*\gamma[/math] while particle travel in the same direction as photon has redshift Relativistic Doppler effect. [math]f=f_0*\sqrt{\frac{1-v}{1+v}}=f_0*(1-v)*\gamma[/math]
  2. I have it right now, and even did this reaction this week.. If you add NaOH + Al + H2O there is created Sodium Aluminate, and Hydrogen gas.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_aluminate 2 Al + 2 NaOH + 2 H2O → 2 NaAlO2 + 3 H2 According to Safety page of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_hydroxide 2 Al + 6 NaOH → 3 H2 + 2 Na3AlO3 2 Al + 2 NaOH + 2 H2O → 3 H2 + 2 NaAlO2 2 Al + 2 NaOH + 6 H2O → 3 H2 + 2 NaAl(OH)4
  3. Heat capacity? Specific heat? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_capacity
  4. Calculation of energy released by fusion, is the same as while calculating decay energy. Sum masses of the all input particles, sum masses of the all output particles, Subtract output from input, multiply them by c^2, and you have energy released.
  5. It's different than you think.. Energy released by decay of unstable particle/isotope is calculated like I showed in my signature. Take for example alpha decay. Prior decay we have parent isotope with mass m0. Post decay we have daughter isotope with mass m1. Mass of alpha particle is mhelium. Energy released during decay is E=(m0-m1-mhelium)*c^2 If decay energy is less than 0, spontaneous alpha decay is prohibited! Decay energy is "split" to daughter isotope as kinetic energy of particle, alpha particle as kinetic energy of particle, and optionally to some gamma photons. Decay energy from unstable isotopes rarely exceeds 5 MeV. It's 500,000 times more.
  6. Infinite stupidity, does it count also.. ? Which one for instance.. ? How do you dare to call yourself per "scientist" if you have not taken "physics class in your life"... ? Scientific theory is based on observations. For instance, object fail from height h, in time t. Repeat observation couple times, with scale and stopwatch, to gather data, analyze data, to derive equation: h = 1/2*g*t^2 (g=9.81 m/s^2) The next time something will fail from different height, in different time, you can tell them in advance, how long (time) object will be traveling (if height is known), or how far it will be traveling (if time is known). 1) observation of phenomena 2) gathering data 3) analyze data 4) make equation 5) check equation in practice with more data to check whether it's universal
  7. Didn't you mean Drano, rather than Draino.. ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drano
  8. Quantum mechanics is more about "probability of finding particle in given position/volume +- some tolerance".. f.e. probability to find electron in atom. Quantum physics is how particles behave after emitting photons, absorbing photons, decaying atoms, decaying unstable particles, fusion, fission etc. etc. These things happens all the time, around you, especially in day, when primary cosmic rays (from the Sun), and secondary cosmic rays, are getting through Earth's atmosphere.. You can even see them, in devices like Cloud Chamber. If somebody would write simulator of the Universe, you wouldn't be able to find difference between them. Only if it has errors. If you would be able to find difference, you would have to first know how the real Universe is behaving (how could you know it, in the first place, If all the memories from before birth are gone.. ?), If you would know "how the real Universe is behaving" and "how this Universe is behaving", you would know, you're just part of simulation (or not). Computer graphic designers often make a contents: there is few pictures showed, and people have to tell which is CG gfx, man/computer made, and which is photo. How do you recognize difference? Because of differences from natural environment. CG gfx is too clean, too nice, little detail. So suppose so, "the best CG artist" is making gfx which is not clean, dirty, with details. (I have participated a few such contents, and the real CG gfx artists were better recognizing CG from photo than me, even though I have quite good experience in this ) How do you recognize difference.. ?
  9. Mass of object on the Earth, is the same as on the Moon. mass m is in kilograms, Weight is m*a=F, force which attracts that mass to center of mass.. acceleration a is different on the Moon than on the Earth, and even on the Earth it's not constant, but variable depending on altitude. Weight is in Newtons = kg*m^2/s. Muscles of astronauts are prepared for Earth's gravitation, to move, or jump, but if the same force of muscles is used on the Moon, they accelerate their body much stronger than on the Earth. They "appear" much stronger, than they really are.
  10. Sensei


    I told you what you have to do in #2 post. Every router configuration panel is different. Even same company routers can have different configuration panels. You have to figure out their options. Do you know how to open configuration panel? Did you do it ever? Start from reading router manual. You can search YouTube https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=configure+wifi+router
  11. Sensei


    If your main LAN network is working at IP range f.e. 192.168.0.x, (x=1...255) say is gateway, set WiFi router (after going to WiFi config website) to have gateway, and intranet IP range 192.168.1.x, will be intranet IP of router. Newly connected laptop/tablet/device will have assigned dynamic IP in range (1 will be router (default gateway on these devices), 255 is used to broadcast).
  12. The first light bulb without vacuum 1802, the first light bulb with vacuum (both platinum) 1840, the first fusion device ~1950..
  13. Regardless of direction in which we look, we see galaxies in early stage of their life.
  14. 32 bit long/int is limited to 32 bits, 64 bit long long is limited to 64 bits, But you can make your own custom integers with "infinite" precision, as much as you have memory in computer. To store 1100 bits there is needed just 138 bytes. Make you own custom C++ class, which is adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing/and/or/xor/invert/lshift/rshift, or other operations on them. Split calculations to CPU threads (you will learn how to make multi-threading programs) split calculations to GPU threads (you will learn how to make CUDA/OpenCL programs), modern GPU have 1024 cores+, (how much do you have in your GPU?) Statistical will be not precise. There is needed more details to further advice..
  15. By "solid world", do you mean "matter in solid state of matter".. ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_matter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid Solid state matter has very slowly moving particles in lattice.
  16. No, it's not "complete Bullshit" (such argument would not persuade anybody especially "UK lemming"), but it's taking contributions without rebate... and without what is received back.. Manipulation for fools that did not learn mathematics in school.. It's more explained here (for ordinary people): https://fullfact.org/europe/our-eu-membership-fee-55-million/ And here is UK government data for 2015 (for more intelligent people): https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/483344/EU_finances_2015_final_web_09122015.pdf#page=44 In 2015 UK had to pay 17.779 bln, (17.8 bln / 52 weeks = 342 mln/week.. 350 m/w * 52 = 18.2 bln/y pretty close) but get rebate 4.861 bln, which gave net contributions 12.918 bln. After taking into account what EU sent back to UK, it's much smaller. 8.473 bln / 52 w = ~ 163 mln/week It's easy to manipulate these numbers, when it's so hard to calculate it.. And show whatever they want to public. But more intelligent part of population job is to find these manipulations, and show them to public, so ordinary "fool","UK lemming", can understand them easily...
  17. Nigel Farage. the first lemming that jumped off the cliff...
  18. Ehm. UK population is 65,102,385 Voted leave 17,410,742 people 17,410,742 / 65,102,385 = 26.7% (voter turnout was 72.2%.. Pretty good in comparison to ours..) OTOH, fool is just the one who is jumping from the cliff. or also the one who is near to him on top of cliff, and could not persuade him to not do it, in understandable words.. ?
  19. Sensei


    What are you talking about? Referendum is not democratic? There is plentiful ways, used especially for this purpose, by winning parties to screw up voting system, in the future elections. To assure the next election will go, the way they want. You have to look closer to voting system details of country to see it. f.e. not linear amount of seats, to amount of votes given on person, or introduction of minimum threshold. Say we have 19 parties, with minimum threshold being 5%, and each of them receive 4.99%, while the all 19*4.99% = 94.81% of people voted on them. And we have one party with 5.01% (with remaining 0.18% invalid votes). These 19 won't get to Parliament, while the one with 5.01% get in, and took 100% of seats... How is that democratic.. ? See who has the largest minimum threshold https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Election_threshold russia and turkey... 7 and 10%
  20. Sensei


    There is plentiful of jobs in the UK, otherwise emigrants would not be able to earn money. But they're nasty, stupefying, not well paid, the one that UK natives do not want. Without emigrants you will have to take them, whether you want or not. Plates in fish&chips must be clean, whether you want or not.
  21. Obviously. Where is no photon, electron, or other particle, there is nothing that can transfer and deliver energy from one place to another (from one particle to other particle). But, In the one frame of reference photon has energy/frequency: [math]E=E_0*(1\pm v_1)*\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v_1^2}{c^2}}}[/math] [math]f=f_0*(1\pm v_1)*\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v_1^2}{c^2}}}[/math] (Relativistic Doppler effect: redshift/blueshift) In the second frame of reference the same photon could have energy/frequency: [math]E'=E_0*(1\pm v_2)*\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v_2^2}{c^2}}}[/math] [math]f'=f_0*(1\pm v_2)*\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v_2^2}{c^2}}}[/math] In the third frame of reference the same photon could have energy/frequency: [math]E''=E_0*(1\pm v_3)*\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v_3^2}{c^2}}}[/math] [math]f''=f_0*(1\pm v_3)*\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v_3^2}{c^2}}}[/math] etc. etc. Who is right, without absolute frame of reference (of some kind).. ? Every observer, looking at the same photon, from different frames of reference, tells completely different energy/frequency/wavelength of the photon.. Property does not change, from different perspectives, charge remain the same, invariant regardless of frame of reference transformation.. In the one frame of reference, there is so much Relativistic Doppler effect blueshift, that there is pair production, and photon is converted to pair of matter-antimatter, in other frame of reference, photon has not enough energy, and there is just Compton effect, or in yet another frame of reference, the same photon is simply "photon in visible spectrum".. Or in extremely redshift, radiowave? In the first case, newly created matter-antimatter, are source of gravity: 1) we can take just their rest-mass into account 2) we take their relativistic-mass, then in what frame? Relativistic FoR will have much more energy thus mass than rest-mass, causing issue while calculating gravity..
  22. Well, there is huge, deistic god won't reveal himself/herself to humans, so scientists can't make any experiment with him/her. To start making experiments, scientist has to have some revelation of phenomena. Humans wouldn't know about magnetism if there would be no natural magnets, and any other way to magnetize objects. Humans wouldn't know about electrostatics if there would be no way to charge objects by rubbing them.
  23. Ihcisphysicist, in other thread, by rejecting antimatter, and annihilation, you showed plentiful of ignorance. I would suggest coming with questions like "how physicists know what they know in quantum physics"/"how to make antimatter","how to check whether particle has positive or negative charge","how to check particle is stable/not stable",etc,etc, then you will learn that you can even see quantum particles on your own eyes in particle detectors like Cloud Chamber.. Prior gathering knowledge restrain from making you own speculations, based mostly on absence of knowledge in area you want to discuss..
  24. Well, if you need 2D graph, you could simply use Open Office/Excel, Make one column input data (f.e. distance) and second column using 1st column as parameter, like A1=0 A2=A1+0.01 Fill down whole column, (so they will be A3=A2+0.01,A4=A3+0.01 etc) B1=1/A1 B2....Bx fill down whole column. Select A and B columns, and Make Graph (or whatever it's called in English version of Open Office). See how it's done here
  25. No, it's not even balanced. Quantity of elements, from left side of equation, must match the one on the right side. If you have f.e. 4H on the left there must be 4H on the right also. Also you should not use =, but -> and should not use -, but +
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