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Everything posted by J.C.MacSwell

  1. Trump of course would somehow claim it's just fake pews...
  2. I refuse to answer on the grounds I....😇
  3. Not true. And even if it was a Yeti told me Bigfoots are excellent swimmers, often making ocean passages well over 40 days without food or water. Need more proof? How do you think they got to both sides of the Atlantic?
  4. Obvious fake...there's only one turtle... LOL. (quietly...yeah no...I won't go there!) In his defence I also would photoshop in some extra...ah...fingers, if my ah...hands were that small... Hard to make any future claim you're "just a patsy" after that post! 😄 ...and I'll see myself out!
  5. Nice that he lived to see the Higgs boson discovered. RIP.
  6. If Musk (or Swansont) had nothing to give in return, he probably wouldn't have seen much government money.
  7. I don't think Swansont used any capitalist leverage to pry his salary out of the government, but just as there are differences there are similarities. If that's what he was getting at...he's still right.
  8. Of course, only one perfect man ever lived, mathematically as per the golden spiral...not to mention every other way...
  9. The problem with the term "self made" is that it's often used well outside typical use with the context being that no social obligation should be felt by those "self made" and that such things as taxes are considered something ranging from "generous donations" to outright theft All the while with the expection that the managed economy by the government and wealth security from police institutions etc should be more directed at maintaining and "opportunizing" that and other established wealth than for benefiting everyone more or less equally.
  10. He comes over as a little cross...
  11. It's just a flesh wound!
  12. Yes and no, depending on how you view it. Generally speaking, corruption aside, governments use subsidies and tax breaks as incentives toward something they seek to encourage for the benefit of "The People". Generally speaking, corruption aside, governments use contracts to obtain something for the benefit of "The People". They can be different, they can be essentially the same, and both can be good or corrupt.
  13. That vaccinations can be detrimental is also factual, and can be proven. I realize the two statements are not on equal footing, scientifically speaking.
  14. That's a pretty long time, and I'm assuming it's correct for the sake of argument and that your suggestion to extend is based on technologically creating new replacement stars also...but stars are a pretty inefficient way to go, even if corralling bits of previous stars to create new ones was possible. How long could some idealized society potentially last tucked but protected inside some mostly dead gas giant? Probably nothing remotely approaching a small fraction of a percentage of any round off errors in that number?
  15. I said next. Aren't they doing that already? 😄
  16. According to the second law of thermodynamics, assuming it holds for the universe as a whole...No. As per Ginsberg...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ginsberg's_theorem You can't win...you can't break even...you can't get out of the game... You can however, lose efficiently...but not that efficiently.
  17. The World can get much much worse. But hopefully it has reached full bizarro with Trump selling Trump Bibles, ironically including the Constitution, and the bizarro pendulum only has paths toward normalcy no matter it's current direction...if not...what's next?
  18. Make Christianity Great Again! Looking forward to seeing him in court making water into whine...
  19. As Exchemist has stated, we receive a certain amount of energy from the Sun, and give off pretty much the same amount into space, generally in balance though degraded, at a certain average temperature. That average temperature can change over time when the balance is not exact. If it goes up that's global warming and it's obviously a problem.
  20. IMO it's more acceptable in the sense that they have more time to realize the inevitability of the outcome and get to choose how much pain they want to endure. Of course that's as a Nation, not as individuals.
  21. I expect the "see what you made us do/what aboutist" Putinist Kremliners will attempt to justify anything and do anything that they think will help their position. Not that twisting the rules of conflict, such as they are, is limited to their side only. Putin is certainly willing to cherry pick through history with an unmatched sense of entitlement.
  22. Just kidding, but assuming Putin to be one of his creditors, and abandoning Trump faster than anyone else.
  23. Will Putin go early, or really, really early?
  24. If the lady that wrote that opinion piece for the LA Times thinks holding the response in the kitchen is regressive she might find better examples by looking in the mirror. From the link: "The 42-year-old rising GOP star wore a understated solid-green blouse, a no-nonsense hairdo and minimal makeup. But the look was so generic, she could have been a nonspecific character in a pharmaceutical ad if only she were gathering flowers at an outdoor market or riding a bike in a sleeveless shirt to celebrate the retreat of her moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis." Of course, maybe that's just her thing and she would have equally picked apart the look of any Republican male that might have given the response. I saw little of what I would consider legitimate criticism in that article. Maybe that's just me. ...no need to point out though...that Trump is so much worse it baffles me how any reasonable person could bring themselves to vote for him.
  25. Yes. But it not being so doesn't lead to what I see as Vat's hyperbole, that he has yet to double down on...unlike Swansont, who claims it's legitimate criticism. (his term for it) Thus the "?) and the "Surely not") You read far more into my words than is actually there...with a little help from INow even when I make it clear I don't agree with it. Not that I ever claimed Warren and Britt were doing the EXACT same thing in the kitchen...I clearly stated otherwise. But it's hardly a stretch to consider both the SOTU address, and the SOTU response, very much in part campaign speeches.
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