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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. ..ask ChatGPT to write the code for you.. e.g. "write me a C/C++ code which prints the first 100 prime numbers", or so.. Write your C/C++ code that does the same things in advance to the question to ChatGPT. Compare them.
  2. ..or you don't know how to program A.I. .. Don't judge by your abilities/weaknesses.. ps. Are you able to (without cheating etc.) beat ChatGPT at programming in C/C++ ... ?
  3. ..which is simply impossible in the US from the very beginning.. ? ..just like any other politician..? Honest? You must be joking or living in an illusion.. These volunteers are seeking contact with politician-to-be.. if he or she succeeds, they hope to be remembered, when it comes to the ministerial table layout and in hope to get lucrative job, worth to have in their CV.. ..I did not say a word, not thought, about counting stage..
  4. How do you know if the previous ones were won or lost in an honest way? His principal is in desperate position due to attack, so will push even harder than previously.. ps. Then, you should "pray" for his "logout" by sysadmin (as someone called in the Religion section of this forum)..
  5. @Trurl You seem to be obsessed with RSA and prime number factorization. 1) for illegal activity there are much simpler ways.. 2) for legitimate activity, i.e. encrypting your own data in a way that no one will be able to read them, there are much simpler ways.. i.e. you create your own algorithm.. Work for hours..
  6. The best cryptographic algorithms are ("can be") your own - only you know the details of the algorithm, there are no desktop or mainframe or GPU ready tools that can be used against your data..
  7. Only a small portion of all energy will be converted into electricity. Start by using a wattmeter on these devices, and then find out what the heat conversion factor of a steam engine is to electricity, and you'll know how much you need to burn to make it work. Cheap, simple, that means not advanced, that means inefficient, that is, the fuel-to-electricity conversion ratio unsatisfactory...
  8. If your goal is to have electricity, solar panels and wind turbine are the best option, not some steam engine, unless you are in northern Canada, Norway, Russia or Antarctica and have six months of night.. It's even illegal in most countries. You would have to steal the wood. Some modern campers have built-in solar panels on the roof..
  9. You "forgot" to describe what you are asking and what you are struggling with..
  10. Like this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire
  11. When there were no countries, there were no wars between countries..
  12. ..a peace and quiet.. ? When? Which? Russian Duma? ASAP!
  13. He has repeated this many times on other occasions. BTW, I am also on Linux.. ..and it is irrelevant.... because anyone can use VirtualBox/VMWare and switch from Linux to Windows or vice versa in no time.. Let's imagine a hypothetical situation that he does not have root privileges or does not want to install additional software. With a non-important (personal data), you can even do it online: https://www.google.com/search?q=convert+odt+to+pdf+online Printing itself on Linux is tough without resorting to strange file formats.. Linux drivers are often created by third-party developers by reverse-engineering Windows drivers, from executable not source code, since manufacturers have not created their own.
  14. In programming we call them data structures ("objects" in C++/Java). They can be pretty darn complicated; compared to them, a tensor looks like an offspring.. Data structures consist of simpler data structures that at their core consist of built-in types that are supported natively ("scalars"). A matrix is such a data type that is slightly after scalars and vectors and well below more complex data structures.
  15. But he has to do it with the finished ODT document.. so not "linux print to pdf", but "convert/export odt to pdf".. Thinking and research should be done prior buying printer. After, it is too late. For a few pages, print screen solution could be used even on smartphone. That's how some Android apps work. They load document in proprietary file format to which there is library, and then print to PNG and then merge to final PDF (therefor it is damn huge).
  16. I would be a very surprised that such odd file, non-standard, file format is supported... Not really.. Option which always work is to press print screen key and save file as PNG.. Repeat for every page manually, or make script which will do it for you.. AutoHotkey should help. https://www.autohotkey.com/ There is also Linux alternative. It is built-in my distro, IIRC. It is irrelevant. You can use VirtualBox or VMWare. It is not a big download.. https://www.virtualbox.org/ Download Windows 10 ISO from the Microsoft website. It is a huge download > 4 GB. Windows have virtual printer and any document can be printed to the file. LibreOffice should have an option to export to PDF: https://www.google.com/search?q=LibreOffice+export+pdf
  17. ..it does matter if you write "Volodya" or "volodya".. ..because it tells your attitude toward mass murderer..
  18. ..what is a fake? Aren't you fake? You would not be able to prove you are not fake..
  19. You misspelled it. Iron-y-meter...
  20. ..oh my little loved bits on my little computer memory..
  21. Try clearing your browser cache and cookies. Perhaps something from the previous version of the forum remained there and is interfering with the newer version. ..or the forum software (most likely JavaScript) has problems with your browser version (which is a very common problem).. If you don't want to flush the cache and cookies, just create another profile (URL: about:profiles in Firefox). And use it instead for a few days to see if it misbehaves too.
  22. If these messages have been sent and you have email notifications set up at https://www.scienceforums.net/notifications/options/ , copies of private messages should also be in your mailbox. Try the spam folder? They cannot be deleted by the forum mods or antispam bots automatically..
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