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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Are not you mixing units here? Power P is in Watts W, mA, Ampere, is unit of Current I. 10 mA with 230 Volts is 2.3 Watts... That would be quite a lot to "miss".. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity_meter Analog electricity meters are basically motors, that have disc spinning after applying to them current. Number of revolutions are read by device and displayed. In their case, your question could be rephrased to "is there so little current which won't cause motor to spin?" (even after a day/week/month of observation).. Plug say 1 Mega Ohm resistor to it, record initial settings, and check again after a day. You will see whether there is difference, or not.
  2. A few hundred thousands volts discharge:
  3. In the real world experiment, it looks like this: This is from my Van De Graaff generator. Each time discharge is slightly different, but they are always from the closest as possible distances between plates. Therefor it's good to use f.e. needles. Spark will be from the end of needle. When electrons flow through metal, they heat it. Hot metal has different resistance than cold(er) metal. So the next time electrons choose slightly different path through metal where is lower temperature, and smaller resistance. Now, sort of, parallel plates: I choose couple frames from over 800. Spark in each discharge is in slightly different place and has different shape. ps. I wanted to attach Anim GIF, but SFN didn't play it, so had to switch back to static frames.
  4. Your nickname is not feminine. Your avatar is not feminine. You were/are gaining some up votes in banning/suspending people, that are inadequately increasing mods/admins reputation, but you have also plentiful "right" upvotes for knowledge that you have showed and shared with others who asked for it. Unlike her. I have not seen any single her post I would like to upvote. Upvoting your post, except in banned/suspended section, is just because of your knowledge (which should be appreciated), not sex. Some might not even know you're woman. And that how should be in science community. Knowledge should rules over sexualism and sexism. Even though we have spring, and some might not control their hormones on the leash.. Your upvotes (except banned/suspended section) seem to be well deserved.
  5. That's too cruel IMHO. And inappropriate. Jar Jar was traitor-idiot. He betrayed the whole galactic republic by proposing additional power for Chancellor, creating him Emperor.
  6. Java has System.out.println() function. https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/io/formatting.html But it does not matter in this subject. In C/C++ you would just replace that line with printf() or cout.
  7. In your case (and my too) I would start from clay, as internal material, preventing lost of heat. It could be purchased in supermarket for pretty low price. It's plastic prior heating. It's used by sculptors. You can create any shape with it that you want. f.e. sphere with couple holes for air/Oxygen supply. $20 per kg here in Leroy Merlin (310 grams for $6.2) On auction websites I see it for $3.2 per kg with delivery. Delivery of air/Oxygen could be done by fish aquarium air pump. They differ by volume of air pumped per minute (mentioned on the box), and thus required power. I purchased aquarium air pump for $15. It has two pipes, each one 2.25 L/minute of air flow = 4.5 L/min capable at max (smooth regulation of power). 5 Watts (not much). I used it for making Sulfuric/Sulfurous Acid etc. It's pretty noisy at max power though. The other way could be reusing old broken computer/power supply fan. Unfortunately I don't have volume per minute data for this type of fan. Probably they will vary from model to model (and won't have mentioned V/min on the box like fish air pump). But it's worth checking, and you can dismount them at no cost, and use computer power supply to power them. Are you going to use Carbon, Methane, or something else.. ? Carbon you should blend in coffee grinder (purchase one cheap just for it) to dust. Good luck.
  8. Being on orbit is not enough to call it living. It is better described as "sustaining alive", than "living". There has to be done everything what is done here on the Earth, and more. There have to be born new children and grow to adult in the space. While trying to reach other star system, without hibernation system, at non-relativistic velocities, there will be few to few dozen generations born in journey.
  9. If you're wondering what, you can see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCHX8QU3cLI Intros like this, are highly compressed. The first loader is called, which is decompressing the real intro code. Then executed. Typically code is generating procedural fractals, and procedural textures, which are used to generate 3D image. Best Regards!
  10. What I advice everybody talking about magnetism is buying compass array device, like below one. I just took photo: It's 2D version (there are also 3D version were magnetic arrows can spin in either axis, not just one axis) You could place permanent/electro magnet on the one side, then some material, which you examine to shield against magnetic field created by magnet, and on other side compass array. Compare results obtained with and without shielding material between them.
  11. I would start from checking units whether they match. Electric field is in Volts/m, Energy density is in J/m^3, etc. etc.
  12. I have a lot of experience with screen recording software, as I recorded over 200 such videos (with repetitions perhaps 400-500 at least), but on Windows. I am currently using VirtualDub http://www.virtualdub.org with Lagarith Lossless Video Codec http://lags.leetcode.net/codec.html It has pretty good rate of compression. During recording the first time, it's recommended to record to lossless file format, as mentioned Lagarith, because if you will encode in lossy file format, and start editing it, cutting start, end, cutting parts in middle etc. etc. You will have double time encode it in lossy file format, introducing double amount of errors in video. Lossy file format, with small size, large compression, require a lot of CPU power to process data. If CPU is extensively used by application we're trying to record, the less is for recording software. And introduction of errors, skipped frames, jumps, possible in extreme situation. Using completely uncompressed lossless file format is also not good idea, as Full HD 1920x1080 32 bit with 30 FPS has to write to disk ~250 MB data per second. Causing problems by write speed of hard disk. Camtasia is another product for capturing https://www.techsmith.com/camtasia.html TechSmith (producent of Camtasia) also recommend to encode original data in lossless file format, and even created and provided their own proprietary lossless codec Described with details on.. Movavi page: http://www.movavi.com/codec/TSCC.html then after editing, save in target file format. IIRC, Vimeo accepted video encoded with Lagarith codec, but YouTube didn't, the last time I checked. They have their own lossy proprietary file formats used to store data on their servers. So uploading twice compressed-decompressed video already, would end up being triple time decoded-encoded, creating even more errors..
  13. You're probably mixing word "weight" with "mass". Weight is force: W=m*g https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weight In unit Newtons. While mass is in unit kilograms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass g changes with distance to object creating gravitation: g=G*M/r^2 Gravitational force on the Moon caused by Earth (r=~384,000,000 m) (or Sun r=~150*10^9 m) is meaningless, as majority of force is caused by the Moon's mass (with r equal radius of the Moon). Meaningless, doesn't mean not existing. That's why there are tides caused by the Moon, and tides caused by the Sun. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tide Astronaut, on the Moon, will be able to jump much further, than on the Earth, using the same force created by his legs/body. Different result in length of jump. (Jumping on asteroid is not advised, as you can fly away, and never be able to come back, unless you have jet pack) You can find distance from Earth to Moon, or Earth to Sun, or any other object, where force created by one object cancels perfectly with force created by other object.
  14. On his photo I see P2O5, not P2O2. Niha afzal, do you realize there is rotate option in the Paint and even Windows image viewer.. Rotate it 90 degree, the next time, so we will have easier to read your papers. Thank you. Mass of molecule is approximately sum of masses of each element in molecule. Mole of P has ~31 g/mol Mole of O has ~16 g/mol So 31*2+16*5=~ 142 g/mol for whole P2O5 Percentage/fraction of P in P2O5 is 31*2/142=0.43 (43%) (you used 42.6, as far as I can see on the photo. It should be 43.64) This is what would be if 100% of fertilizer would be P2O5. But you have just 30%. So you have to multiply 0.4364 by 0.3 = ~0.131
  15. Have you heard about polarization by reflection.. ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brewster's_angle Very easy to see if you have polarization filter. Point it at f.e. flat water surface, and start spinning polarization filter at hand. Reflection will disappear at right angle of polarization filter. Also while passing through some transparent materials, when there is present external magnetic field, there could happen Faraday polarization rotation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday_effect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday_rotator
  16. Per capita income, is average income. If you have 1 mln people earning $1, and 1 person earning $1 mln, Their total earnings is 1*1000000+1000000 = 2 mln. But quantity of people is 1000001. 2 mln / 1000001 = 1.999998 per capita income. At the same time, median would be $1, as extremities are ruled out.
  17. Algorithm should go through all figures white and black, and check whether they have direct hit at some opponent figure. And mention it. It's done by virtual moving each figure to all positions they can move theoretically. That would be a good start. If you would do it recursively, unlimited times, multi-threaded, you have almost entire AI of chess player. Without time limit such algorithm would calculate all possibilities of movements in the future, either side of game, and their results, trying to pick up the best one from these possibilities. You move pawn, and computer know the all ways to give you checkmate, 100+ moves ahead..
  18. Professional players analyze games after fact to learn where they made mistake, to not repeat them in the future. "Learn from mistake" (especially other people mistake).
  19. With a bit of luck you could win this game, if you would kill tower (or force it to move), white King would have nowhere to escape as he was trapped by pawns. Just move Queen to 1st row, when there is no tower there and done..
  20. You lost because you made plentiful senseless movements like f.e. this 19. c5... And immediately lost tower.. You could move King to Kg7. Whole concept of attack would be broken as it was on the left side of chessboard.
  21. Light from the Sun follows inverse square law. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse-square_law Every double increase of distance, means power, energy, quantity of photons drop to 25%. It's in primary units divided by meter square. So size of object reflecting photons has also influence whether it will be visible. 100 meters diameter rock has approximately PI*50^2 area in direction of Sun. Reflected photons also follow inverse square law in this case, So actually we have two distances: one from Sun to object, then from object to current location of Earth (changing day by day). You can look at other, visible objects, around the one you're searching for, for anomalies in their trajectories. If path is slightly different than expected, there has to be gravitational source somewhere changing their path.
  22. Cosmic objects can be found by: - if they are emitting their own light at visible range, like star. - if they are emitting their own light at invisible range, because of temperature. - if they have tremendous gravitational force to surrounding it objects, like black hole (but it must be surrounded by some object in the first place!) - if they bend (or absorb) light emitted by object behind it. - if they reflect light emitted by other object (planet is visible because light from the Sun is reflected by it). Actually it's the same as with any ordinary Earth object/particle..
  23. Print HTTP headers in PHP, or so, f.e. http://php.net/manual/en/function.getallheaders.php when mobile goes to your website, and when computer goes to your website. And learn what are differences between requests.
  24. PI constant/variable should be used later in code somewhere (otherwise it's unused variable), f.e. for drawing circle on screen, making sphere 3D mesh, calculating area of circle, area of sphere, volume of sphere. If wrong constant value will be used in them, then their results will be also wrong by 3.14159265/3 = 1.0471975511965977461542144610932 (nearly 5% difference). In C/C++ PI is defined in math.h as M_PI. And it should be used in the all programs needing PI somewhere.
  25. So you are in the same situation as 3/4 or 4/5 of the entire population of the world.
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