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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/20 in all areas

  1. The idea is to not overwhelm the healthcare systems so that they can save as many lives as possible. If we infect everyone in a short period of time the healthcare systems will have more patients than they can handle, and the absolute number of deaths will be higher. In addition, some will be infected and die who might otherwise have received a future vaccine if the infection rate was slowed. And of course there is testing. When we do finally get up to speed we can better track who has been exposed and quarantine them before they are able to infect others.
    2 points
  2. As long as they are not eaten raw you are good to go, being a natural born hillbilly anything that moves slow enough to catch is potentially on the menu... Swamp rabbit was always my fav! I have large nets I use to catch grasshoppers for fish food...
    2 points
  3. The 'standard' I use is "your rights stop, once they start infringing on the rights of others" You want to go out and get sick ? Fine I have no problem with that. But what gives you the right to infect others, for several weeks before you come down with symptoms and eventually die ? Or to infect the health care workers whose job it is to save your ignorant a*s ?
    1 point
  4. Perhaps, but it’s also a valid claim. These protests were organized by a tiny handful of special interest organizations. Sure, the people attending have valid concerns and real problems, and I’m sure they’d rather life get back to normal (like all of us). They are cognizant of government overreach and rightly wish to protect personal liberties. Acknowledging these things, however, should not prevent us from acknowledging in parallel that many/most of these fringe protests are being centrally coordinated and have purposes entirely unrelated to the stated protest goals. You’ll notice these Flu Klux Klan protests are all white and against democratic governors, rather similar to the Black Lives Matter protests which were later shown to be astroturfed and largely driven by Russian intelligence. Their message then was that All Lives Matter, but I guess that is only true until you’re trying to protect citizens from global pandemics. Then, lives magically become expendable and the message switches to “screw you grandma, I need Fuddruckers to re-open so I can get me a hamburger and then go bowling STAT!.”
    1 point
  5. This is a common tactic used by both sides these days: link a protest movement however you can to powerful special interest groups thus allowing you to dismiss the validity of the protest en masse. The right does it all the time with George Soros, dismissing left wing groups as "Soros backed". Now it seems the left is doing as well, calling these groups "Davos backed" etc. It's an deflection tactic to avoid understanding opposing viewpoints.
    1 point
  6. Washing probably is just putting the egg in the solution, then remove the solution, put another dose of solution, rinse and repeat x amount of times. https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/sigma/m7167?lang=en&region=NL&gclid=CjwKCAjwv4_1BRAhEiwAtMDLssbOtt671TSOSgmEJMC_4LWNIwG0EaaufWtwvujan2GZvopDMC6wRhoC3oUQAvD_BwE mineral oil: https://www.fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282(18)30177-8/fulltext Regarding the ratios, you may want to search for some methods in newer papers that use this technique, to find if newer methods use different ratios.
    1 point
  7. Even without vaccine the idea of flattening is to trickle in serious cases into hospitals in a manageable manner. Ripping off the bandaid would result in much higher number of deaths (as on can see during in the earlier stages in Italy, Wuhan and Spain. Of course initial contact tracing and isolation could have resulted in it burning out, but that ship has sailed.
    1 point
  8. I don't get the strategy the world is using to fight COVID19. I get that social distancing and social isolation are ways to reduce the chances of catching and spreading COVID, but what's the ultimate goal? Are we trying to eradicate the virus? Prolong the eventuality of catching it? Are we waiting for a vaccine? What's the criteria for considering the pandemic over so that we can resume our lives? I don't understand social isolation in particular. It's almost like we think that by isolating ourselves, we're going to be living as isolated "family units" so to speak, such that the only contact we have is with our immediate family and zero contact with the rest of the world, like this: But this is an unrealistic picture. No group of people can completely isolate themselves from other groups. We all have social connections with people outside our immediate families/groups that we cannot completely isolate from. For example, I'm divorce with a couple children. I work from home. Not being with my children is out of the question. So one might *think* that my little group consists of me and my kids living in our little apartment all alone until the pandemic lifts. But obviously my ex cannot be away from the children any more than I can. So while I have the kids for one week, she gets the kids for the next week. That connects my small group with her. And of course, she can't isolate from her boyfriend who lives with her. And her boyfriend has family too. He can't isolate from them. And his family has spouses of their own. And their spouses have their own families. And the social ties go on and on like this. The picture ends up looking more like a web than isolated bubbles of nuclear families: This means there is always going to be a path through which the virus can spread to anyone in society. So if the goal is to quarantine the virus within only those groups that have it until it runs its course, I think this is a poorly thought through strategy. Is the goal just to prolong the spread, avoid the inevitable for as long as possible? Wouldn't it be better to rip the bandage off quickly and get it over with? The only realistic goal I can think of is to slow the spread as much as possible until a vaccine is invented. But how long will that take? I guess this is my question (after the question of: what are we doing?). What does it take to create a vaccine? And how long will that take? Once it's created, do we just go out and get it? How will it be delivered to each individual without risking catching a live version of the virus by virtue of having to be in contact with people? And once a person gets the vaccine, is that it? Is he/she free to go about society and resume their life? Or do they still have to isolate because they could still be a carrier? I'm just not sure what the goal here is, or how we know when we've achieved it.
    1 point
  9. I presume they are collected at the elimination stage.
    1 point
  10. ! Moderator Note OK then. Until you can present this in written form, it can't be discussed meaningfully here. Reviewing videos is NOT what we're interested in here. There are other places though, and we wish you the best of luck. Again, come back when you have your questions available for written discussion. Thanks for understanding.
    1 point
  11. This may help to answer some of your questions: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5828430/ One important thing seems to be the difference between fast and slow-absorbed protein. In the introduction they discuss some of the research regarding absorption rates, you could look at those to find an answer to 'how long it takes for it to restart and the body can absorb that amount again'. Other than that, many studies look at muscle growth, which isn't really the same as absorption (but I suppose they also look at urea in those studies)
    1 point
  12. ! Moderator Note Just so you know, Panchakarma has been banned as a spammer ! Moderator Note I can't see much reason for this thread to stay open. It is likely to just attract more of the same spam.
    1 point
  13. Energy is not conserved on cosmological scales (because energy conservation only applies to a single frame of reference). Also, if the universe is infinite (and we have no way of knowing if it is or not) then there is no limit to the mass-energy. Actually it will approach c asymptotically. Which means it will never quite reach c; even after infinite time. That was thought to be the case. But the discovery of dark energy suggest it is more likely to keep expanding forever, and expand at an increasing rate. What is "the infinite time loop"? And how can there be one if nothing is infinite? No there isn't. And I assume your god is eternal, with infinite knowledge and power. Therefore it cannot exist according to you. Preaching is against the rules of the forum. So, in summary a series of incorrect and/or ignorant statements, followed by some incoherent noises, followed by a appeal to a mythical being. Not sure what you have posted this on a science forum. ! Moderator Note I am feeling generous, so I have moved this to Speculations, rather than Trash, in case you want to try and defend this drivel.
    1 point
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