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Sorry that my postings sounded berating. I apologize and I give up. Nothing more from me about my crazy "M Quote Theory" unless someone here asks me about it. I'm going to write it up in detail and see if Rachel Maddow is interested, probably not since I am delusional in this regard.


I think we have to agree that when we hear that interview with NBC and we see the arrogant, stern-Nazi-look Trumpf gets on his face when he says "I don't care if Mussolini or anybody else said it" that makes us all want to vomit, right?

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There are plenty of reasons to be against Trump, plenty of issues in our society and challenges faced by our brothers and sisters. Focusing on this one quote he said this one time... from a man who makes similar hateful, violence inciting, ignorance enhancing comments scores of times every single day... is a distraction and a waste of time.


Yes, it was in bad form to retweet that quote, but it doesn't offend me as much as making fun of handicapped reporters, or prisoners of war, or the billions of muslims in the world, or his (now former) campaign head getting tens of millions of dollars from Russian oligarchs, or his bankrupting small businesses by refusing to pay on contracts for work, or for ad infinitum...

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"If you've got nothing, you have nothing to lose." Did this quote originally come from Bob Dillan? Anyhow Trump kept repeating this speaking to African Americans from the safety of a 95% white neighborhood.


"What do you have to lose?" So Trump is supposing that most African American people have NOTHING, so why not try the Trump option? Because if Trump creates crises at every step, the way he has so far, he is probably going to continue to create crises. And there may be a nuclear war and black people may lose everything, along with the whites and all other kinds of people. So "What the hell do you have to lose?" You already don't have hardly anything, so even if I screw up and destroy everything, it's ok because you didn't have very much to begin with. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE?" Indeed, what do WE have to lose? Just life, just the planet, just everything.

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"If you've got nothing, you have nothing to lose." Did this quote originally come from Bob Dillan? Anyhow Trump kept repeating this speaking to African Americans from the safety of a 95% white neighborhood.


"What do you have to lose?" So Trump is supposing that most African American people have NOTHING, so why not try the Trump option? Because if Trump creates crises at every step, the way he has so far, he is probably going to continue to create crises. And there may be a nuclear war and black people may lose everything, along with the whites and all other kinds of people. So "What the hell do you have to lose?" You already don't have hardly anything, so even if I screw up and destroy everything, it's ok because you didn't have very much to begin with. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE?" Indeed, what do WE have to lose? Just life, just the planet, just everything.

Trump's comments towards blacks is about as insulting as it gets. To say broadly that blacks how "nothing" totally disregards 50yrs of progess. When our President was born it was still illegal all over the South for his parents to be together. Now not only is it common in all 50 states but he was freely able to work hard and become President. That isn't "nothing". Totally slap in the face. It is a great example of how out of touch the GOP is with minorities. To assume that because on average they have lower incomes they have/are "nothing".


Being a minority or woman living in the United States in 2016 is better than being a minority or women living in in the United States at any other point in history yet Trump calls that "nothing". The answer to his question is obvious; "what do you have to lose", years upon years of progress that's what!

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Anyone know why Trump chose to play the Rolling Stones song "You Can't Always Get What You Want" at the end of the GOP convention?


It looks like he is saying "I may not be what you WANT but if you work hard ("if you try some time") I am what you need."

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Anyone know why Trump chose to play the Rolling Stones song "You Can't Always Get What You Want" at the end of the GOP convention?


It looks like he is saying "I may not be what you WANT but if you work hard ("if you try some time") I am what you need."


So people would keep bringing it up for weeks after the convention. ;)

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So we are now a week into Trump's campaign relaunch and there are a couple of clear tactical shifts. First is Trump has begun a full force "I'm rubber and your glue whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you" approach.The arguments are actually a little brillant in that they are so absurd their not worth addressing most of time and as such Trump and his supports get the last word. Trump has been a conspiracy nut this whole time but sharpening in his claims as direct oppisites to what everyones says about him is new.


-Clinton is getting the the overwhelming majority of minority votes, not as a rejection of Trump's racist rhetoric, but rather because Clinton is a "bigot".

-Trump's taxes are none of our business but Clinton giving speeches to help support charity is very suspicious.

-Trump isn't sociopath or crazy, it is Clinton who suffers from a secret brain injury she's hidding from everyone.

-Trump isn't losing is the polls, the polls are over sampling liberals, in fact Trump is leading in the polls.


The second thing he has begun doing is become even move vague on policy. A tactic I honestly did think was possible considering how vague he has already been. He and his surrogates as basically out saying that Trump is "listening" to his supporters. He hasn't made anything official as to how his positions will change but he is "hearing things" from his supports and will change to make sure he delivers what the want. Another brillant approach. It allows his supporter to basically fill in the blanks and assume whatever they want to assume while allowing Trump to claim that he's pragmatic.


Will it work; no. His electoral college math is already too far gone but I think it stops the bleeding and shores up his base.

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Excellent summary of the prior week.


Trump cannot release his income taxes because they are "under audit." It was suggested he could release a previous year, but the previous years tax returns are linked to his current, 2015 returns, so he cannot release those. So why can he not release MOST of the prior year and just omit any connection to the current year?


Has anyone heard him claim WHEN approximately the audit of his tax returns will be done and he can release the returns?


He is 70 years old and seems like the most obnoxiously, narcissistic, presidential candidate of modern times. Would such a person care very much that the world continues beyond their very important life? The world we know could end because of a war created by a Trump temper tantrum? Does an extremely narcissistic person care very much if the world ends when they die? Hitler is an example. Hitler issued a "Nero Decree" that Germany should totally self-destruct because he was planning to shoot himself.

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Excellent summary of the prior week.


Trump cannot release his income taxes because they are "under audit." It was suggested he could release a previous year, but the previous years tax returns are linked to his current, 2015 returns, so he cannot release those. So why can he not release MOST of the prior year and just omit any connection to the current year?


Has anyone heard him claim WHEN approximately the audit of his tax returns will be done and he can release the returns?


He is 70 years old and seems like the most narcissistic presidential candidates of modern times. Would such a person care very much that the world ends, or we return to a preindustrial age, because of a war created by Trump? Does an extremely narcissistic person care very much if the world ends when they die? Hitler is an example. He issued a "Nero Decree" that Germany should self-destruct at the end.


Nothing prohibits Trump from releasing his tax returns. The IRS confirmed back in February that Trump could release his taxes if he chose and that it wouldn't impact the audit.

"Donald Trump says he isn't releasing his tax returns yet because they are being audited, though the Internal Revenue Service says that's no barrier to disclosure.

In a statement Friday, the IRS said that federal privacy rules prohibit the agency from discussing individual tax matters, but “nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information.”



At this point Trump releasing his taxes isn't even a partisan issue. Top Republicans are calling on his to do so.

"House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said Wednesday that Donald Trump should release his tax returns."



I am not a fan of Clinton. She is more hawkish than I am comfortable with and cowardly avoided standing against Bush while in the Senate. That said the double standard on transparancy this election is staggering to the point of comedy. Clintron has released her taxes, Bill's taxes, Clinton Foundation finacial and taxes, handed over her server, and even hacked information has been release. And just for good measure she has been through a congressional hearing and investigated by the FBI. Meanwhile Trump won't turn over his taxes. Forget congressional hearing Trump lashes out at the media everytime he doesn't like a question they ask. The difference in treatment is breathtaking.

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Why is he always saying he's going to build a WALL? What's wrong with the smart-double-fence​? I cannot copy and paste now for some unknown reason. Anyone ever have that problem, the inability to copy and paste anything?


I Google searched "border wall or fence" and found an interesting double fence with a roadway between the two. The fence is very tough and thick, I think up to about 10 feet then another 5 feet in height of regular fence, then it should be topped with razor wire. There is a ditch before the fence to prevent a heavy vehicle from crashing into the fence and there is an 8' high pile of razor wire before the ditch. (I'd rather have the ditch first and the razor wire after the ditch.) The fence has infrared detectors, motion sensors, all the newest technology for detecting people approaching the fence or people digging under it.


You can also have predator drones patrolling the fence with infrared cameras. When people are detected approaching the fence, a patrol is sent along the center roadway.


So how is a wall superior?



Trump keeps saying he is going to get rid of all the criminal illegal aliens. So that implies that the Obama admin knows about criminal illegal aliens and for no good reason not throwing them out of the country. So when Trump becomes president, that is going to change. Why don't the dems fight back immediately by saying that any known criminal illegal aliens, with evidence for their crimes, ARE being thrown out. If not why not?

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Why is he always saying he's going to build a WALL? What's wrong with the smart-double-fence​?

The wall, the idea of it, is a physical representation of the commitment to keeping people out. It doesn't matter whether or not net immigration is up or down, whether immigrants are dangerous or not, takingor jobs or not, the "build that wall" crowd don't trust facts. They believe gov't officials are turning a blind eye to the situation and that as a result the situation is out of control (they're nuts). A wall is a physical thing that politicians can't mess with. A president can stand downdrones or turn cameras off. A wall is physically there day and night.


Another interesting piece in that is the whole lie about not minding immigrants in the country, that they just need to get in line. The wall would be at the fron of that line and no one would get through. That is the rest of their fantasy.

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Aren't more leaving than coming, so on net we have higher emigration than immigration?

Yes. My point to Arete was that negative immigration does not obviate the need to hinder those who continue to break the law every year. That is like saying we don't need any more gun control measures because murders are down.


There are plenty of reasons to not build a wall, I just don't believe that negative immigration is one of them.

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Thank you for clarifying.


I think Ten Oz raises a valid point. Facts don't matter. Immigration helps the economy, creates jobs, and nearly every study confirms that. Crime rate among immigrants is lower than natives, as is drug use.


They speak of just waiting on line (as if it's skin to having a buggy of groceries at the store with 26 lines) when in reality no line is even available for most, restrictions force separation of families and tear parents from children, and those that DO manage to get in line wait an average of 20 to 25 years to get through it.


The wall won't stop people, but (much like the security theater take off shoes and 3 ounce bottle bullshit TSA does at airport security) it soothes and makes content the angriest in our flock.




Airbrush - Stop looking for rational reasons to explain unrational unreasonable behavior. You'll just spin your wheels.

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Yes, I hadn't thought of it from that perspective. Building a wall feels like you are doing something. If the wall is being built, then you must be making progress. In some ways building the wall would be a good thing, If you cannot make people feel better about immigrants by presenting studies, then make them feel better by building a wall.

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If the US did build a wall, which side of the Rio Grande River would it be on? Of the current fence, how much of it is on the US side of the river?


If net migration to the US from south of the border is negative, why have ANY kind of barrier between US and Mexico? How long will net-negative immigration across that southern border continue? Should the southern border be as imaginary as the US/Canada border?


I suppose if a wall or "smart-double-fence" was built, then the criminal or terrorist element which is the main problem, would find another way into the US. It would just be more inconvenient, and they could resort to submarines.

Aren't more leaving than coming, so on net we have higher emigration than immigration?



There is no mention of ILLEGAL immigration in your article. Of those number, how many are illegal? It just says "net migration", no mention of illegal or even criminal. Criminals, or even just illegals, will probably not answer polls truthfully.

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I suppose to stop some of the Mexican Nationals entering the US, such as the 870,000 that your source tells us entered the United States from Mexico from 2009 - 2014.


When more are leaving than arriving, would a physical barrier not result in more illegal immigrants in the US, rather than less?

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When more are leaving than arriving, would a physical barrier not result in more illegal immigrants in the US, rather than less?

I don't know. Are we making them sneak over the border to leave? I would have assumed that if an illegal alien wanted to leave that we'd open the gate wide and give them party favors as they left.

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Today I saw an MSNBC story about the southern border. Of the nearly 2,000 miles of border only about 700 is fenced. However the border guard interviewed said that the unfenced border is patrolled very well by chopper, and guards on off-road vehicles, and high tech sensors. So from that it seems like a wall is superflous, really unnecessary.

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When Trump met with the president of Mexico he did some serious kissing up to his hosts. He called Mexicans a spectacular, SPECTACULAR people. When is the last time you heard anyone call a group of people "spectacular"? Is that even a word to describe a class or group of people? Who puts a superlative label on a race or group of people? Maybe Hitler would call Aryans a "spectacular" master race. This shows Trump's racism which is deeply ingrained inside of him. Who do you think Trump REALLY thinks is spectacular? Not the Mexicans of course, but rather Himself. He has such an extreme narcissism, a level rarely seen, that he would certainly describe himself as spectacular. He often MAKES himself a SPECTACLE intentionally. He has the spectacular hair of a TV evangelist, his voice gets that lion roar of a fire-and-brimstone faith healer. He has the prominent Churchill-gut bulging out. He looks like a cartoon character, Butthead from Bevis and Butthead. Look at his tiny eyes, the big hair, the other manicured facial features. He looks like Butthead, and when he smiles and claps for himself at his rallies he resembles the North Korean dictator showing great pleasure in Himself. And the N.Korean dictator is in favor of Trump too.


So His visit to Mexico resembles a guy visiting his neighbor. He goes to his neighbor's house and says "I'm going to build a wall between our properties and you are going to pay for it (even if you don't know it yet). You are a spectacular people. I am very humane. Thank you, good bye"."

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