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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. In the relativistic rocket examples, you and whatever you happen to be observing are at the same moment in time together. The rate at which time will appear to pass for the other frame will be different(time dilation). But you both are still in the same moment.
  2. Really? They were just telling me about the successful dinner party you will host.
  3. Your awareness exists along the axis of time. You can imagine it walking along, looking at a panel, walking along looking at the next panel. You note changes in what you are observing and you perceive time as passing. Entropy, expansion, your standard clock, etc. We never even actually experience NOW with all the physical and processing delays involved. Our brains lie to us to convince us we are seeing a coherent narrative of events.
  4. What specific doubt would that be?
  5. I do know of at least one area in North America that has mild and/or nonexistent winters and is renowned for source(s) of Vitamin C. Somewhat ironically many of us likely already have one or more adaptations to less intense sunlight. ie. UV protection vs Vitamin D production Though note, there is a reason we invented sunscreen and vitamins. What that grey matter is there for.
  6. You had to have flubbed the math somewhere. It permits our devices to function(GPS). It can be observed in nature(Muon Experiment). It has been specifically measured via atomic clock. You are arguing against Reality.
  7. You should probably have it physically serviced. Remote analysis would be limited to guessing that something is wrong with either the battery or something internal. Said company also has a strongly negative reputation. More so than a number of generally more accessible options.
  8. Also known as what happens when someone had to write, 299,792,456.2±1.1 m/s once too often.
  9. My main problem is that microtubules are by no means unique to brain cells. Seems as though they are tying to suggest correlation implies causation here. Their sheer presence and assorted properties does not imply a link to consciousness. Only evidence of a link to consciousness would imply that.
  10. Imagine we had two suns. As one sets the other appears to rise. They would travel across the sky at the same rate(due to Earth's rotation). Time does not rely on the motion of the sun. distance / velocity = time distance / (distance / time) = time 0.288 mile / (0.288 miles/second) = 0.288 mile / (0.288 miles/second) = 1/(1/second) = 1 second This is the same method you are mentally using to tell time with a sundial or the sun directly. As you can see the distance units cancel out.
  11. Program a poker simulator yourself and play against an AI? I don't know what else to tell you. Too easy for players to automate perfect play and even easier for the house to adjust the deck in mid-play(has even been admitted to previously).
  12. at least in theory you could use multi-tabling. I would go in assuming that most everyone is cheating in some sense. Players and the House. Best bet is to learn to code then you can make bots for yourself and/or sell them to others.
  13. For this, maybe too little to drink? Imagine you had a pie and then asked why the pie hasn't spoiled without time having passed. Our Universe is like that pie in the block model.
  14. Mostly just force of habit, though the term "gray hole" also has other meanings in astronomy. You say black hole and everyone knows what you mean. matter -> hawking radiation (roughly speaking) What you 'see' in between (the hole) is dependent on you being able to observe space and time. Hopefully this is somewhat clear, my own observation of time right now is that it is getting late.
  15. We do have some limited abilities when young and we retain the ability to regenerate our liver as adults.
  16. Apparently there is a more viable location than the hull... http://inhabitat.com/scientists-develop-solar-powered-wind-turbine/ Wouldn't be worth it everywhere but is neat to see.
  17. They why are medical costs are expected to climb in the US as a result of the decrease in the number of circumcisions? I just don't want to see our society(and more to the point, individuals) suffer as a consequence. If we could count on people to always do the right thing, then we wouldn't have half the issues we do have. Way too much sentimentality over it. There are a number of common medical procedures that people deemed mutilation in the past that we do everyday.
  18. Mostly talking in terms of practicing good hygiene(origin: Goddess Hygieia). That might change someday but we still have a ways to go. They didn't have a logical reason to start these practices. Ritual purification, circumcision, covering your mouth when coughing, etc. But at the same time they led to improved circumstances. Certainly don't need to look at it or explain it in religious terms anymore. "We did it so you wouldn't need to suffer the pain later and decrease your risk of contracting disease. As sexual activity is frequently engaged in prior to adulthood, we felt it necessary to make the decision for you. Yes, son, it could have gone awry but those cases are the rare exceptions and not the norm." No reason for people to get emotional about it. The risk involved in not being circumcised is X. If I could, I'd make that risk go away and nobody would need to be circumcised. Sadly I lack this ability so we're all stuck debating.
  19. Disease(STD's, UTI, etc.) issues with remaining uncircumcised. Think poorly maintained location in an area exposed to a number of disease vectors. You don't even need any studies to imagine what is probable down the road. CDC website is probably the best source of info on the subject. Often religions are filled with bull, other times people have chanced upon an intelligent behavior and are explaining the necessity in religious terms.
  20. There is quantum teleportation. It is all more about the properties than anything else.
  21. The problem is that you are presuming it has to be one or the other. It can in fact be that both are true in a Universe with increasing entropy and a finite self life. Something may be repeatable but that does not mean it will be.
  22. My own thought is that a black hole is our observation of a transition. Best I've been able to come up with anyways. At any rate should consider hawking radiation as well here.
  23. It'd be a subset of everything available in Africa at that time that was the easiest to forage for. Probably nothing you are going to find in a supermarket, at least not in their original form. Some species of plants have also gone extinct as well. Tubers would be your best bet, some fruits maybe. Hard to know for sure what has been subject to artificial selection and what wasn't at this point.
  24. Most of the above is non-evidenced. Theory as it is used in Science is something backed by mountains of evidence. Life is a process. That's why the atoms involved don't really matter. They come, they go but the process is what is ongoing.
  25. It is more the maintenance that requires the calories. Let your cravings guide you, but make sure you have quality food on hand to satisfy them.
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