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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. So what about the case of a furnace located inside a black hole or one located outside the our the observable Universe?
  2. So for the same room, can this distance ever be said to vary?
  3. @OP: You are mixing up mass and force. Force = Mass x Acceleration Similarly, if you multiply Mass and a Velocity, you end up with Momentum.
  4. It really wouldn't be that different than being on a submarine. In terms of contacting friends/family, it would actually be better.
  5. There's Barotruama. Direct cuts are also possible with compressed air. Blast waves from eruptions and meteorite break up are a couple of natural ways that it can do damage(on Earth).
  6. No, we choose to reject your views based on lack of evidence. Science is the opposite of dogma. Even with mountains of evidence, no Theory is ever set in stone. They are always open to improvement, though any improvement still needs said mountains of evidence. The Laws of Thermodynamics are well known and well supported. What you are talking about is entirely contrary. If, after studying them, you have specific questions please ask. There are a number of free resources available to look at, so little point in rehashing the basics. Just to note with evidence for a previous belief, no longer requires said belief because you have solid proof. The Flying Spaghetti Monster touches down tomorrow and touches us with His Noodlieness, we no longer need to worry about believing or not believing in Him. We have Evidence.
  7. After rationally analyzing an idea it can indeed be discounted. Let's see, you can't make infinite anything out of anything, because energy is lost in the process. The Universe is also expanding and not collapsing. Quite reasonable to assume based on the evidence that it will do so perpetually(as far as we as thinking beings are concerned). In any case we need not be concerned with an encroaching oneness with all all things. Note: Proselytizing is against the rules. I strongly recommend getting off this track if you wish to continue.
  8. That just sounds all kinds of ominous... I'm going to jump into the previous offering instead.
  9. The cheez nips just underwent gravitational collapse :'(
  10. I'm willing to take my chances in the pursuit of knowledge! Infinity + 1
  11. I just want to hear more about this cult aspect...
  12. All the means by which DNA is changed are essentially known. It has some tricks but nothing to adapt it to a specific environment. It generally doesn't want to to change if it can help it. You make changes and you are more likely to end up worse off than before. Now other life can contribute in a positive fashion. Other life has undergone a selective bias and is composed of code that is functional if nothing else. That incorporation(in assorted forms) is a more useful effect in terms of progress. We have our mitochondria for example. Their incorporation was random, but leveraging the power of essentially parallel processing was a tremendous boon for both.
  13. Acids, compressed air shot poisons/toxins, incendiaries, explosives. It really doesn't take that much. Less obvious stuff you can do depending on your target and their environment.
  14. IMO non-military drone attacks are not likely to use guns.
  15. There is something attractive about it. Hiking across Olympus Mons. Watching the Sun peak over the edges of Valles Marineris.
  16. Whatever is most accurate. They are all mental mappings. Impossible for us to create a perfect 1:1 mapping. Some of what we would need to model has no true analog in our everyday world. Real but locally impossible to accurately represent. A number of what is currently being experimented on doesn't fit on the bench. More practical in the life sciences, where biohacking spaces are indeed becoming a reality. Aside: Grammatical issues do detract from the points you try to make. There is an associated learning disorder. Without providing a reason though, people are forced to assume you just don't care.
  17. The forum is private property. Your rights stop where their rights begin.
  18. Endy0816


    The translation was written as a long stream of emotions: *Happy* *Joy* *Sad* *Glad*. The whale song itself though was pure sound that began playing as you approached. That was part of the strangeness, nothing was organized in a human fashion. I think that was the part I woke up at though. I remember being more disturbed by the fact that the translation was written in English than anything else. Makes you think about how recently they must have returned and why they decided to write in an 'alien' language. I've had many strange dreams but that one in particular stuck with me. edit: I only tend to realize I'm dreaming when I want to get out of a dream. Very disturbing asleep to awake effect with no intermission. Most of my dreams offer some kind of interest though, so doesn't happen too often. In retrospect I am realizing I have a lot of oddball structure dreams. Not sure what to make of that...
  19. Endy0816


    One of my more memorable dreams was an museum built by apparent Aliens(not present). I was with a group of researchers and mercenaries, trekking along this narrow winding island path. The museum itself was an open hive-like structure with "displays" inside of honeycombs covered with green crystal. Some of the displays included original roman fort blueprints, a large prehistoric leg bone and *translated* whale song. Still reflect fondly on that one. Right mix of mystery and marvels.
  20. I do enjoy earning points, but I want them to be for the right reasons. You know that someone somewhere is going to dislike you guaranteed, but provided the majority think you to be a decent human being you are still okay. I do think the working theory of points encouraging good behavior to be flawed as some try and seek negative reputations as well. Thankfully on these forums that is even easier to counter than people seeking false positive reputations.
  21. They are always dense. They do not have to be large. The center of galaxy variety do have a large radius and are absolutely massive. You can type a given body's name here: http://www.wolframalpha.com/widgets/view.jsp?id=15c7a7eb32c8610b005811b8640ebc1 and it'll find the Schwarzschild Radius for you. Keeping in mind the actual equation is not limited to any particular value of mass. ie. c2/(2G) = M/r The "interior" and the means by which the properties of in-falling matter are "stored", are where we need a better theory of what is happening at the lower level. It'd be nice to have something that ties virtual particles, temperature of the Universe, expansion of said Universe and the life and death of black holes; into a nice little package.
  22. Personally I'm leaning towards getting something nonlethal or not technically a weapon. One man stood his ground quite effectively armed only with an icepick... in Florida... While one must wonder why he had an ice pick, he did save a significant amount of money and didn't have to deal with licensing.
  23. Can you ensure your red blood cells are free of infection? Can you prevent infectious agents from traveling in your bloodstream? How about toxins? Parasites? Can you maintain a reasonably steady environment in your body? While your pulling off these miracles you would need to work on making hormones more selective. Compared to the above this should be a relatively minor issue. Seriously we'd be better off going the other way. We're not too far off with the research that has been going on into blood substitutes.
  24. I've actually heard this exact question asked before. Has almost certainly already been looked at.
  25. CSF and really the blood brain barrier, permit the maintenance of an environment different than that found in the rest of the body. Hormone producing areas of the brain are outside the BBB. Blood is used there. The bulk of your gray matter though is deserving of a bit more protection and seclusion. I don't know what else you want from evolution. It has figured out a pretty decent way of keeping you alive and thinking.
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