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Status Updates posted by Moontanman

  1. Bored, waiting on Matthew, the air is still, humid stifling, Fun fun fun!

  2. Buffy is back, that might be a good sign but until the pseudo science begins to throttle back I'm gonna spend most of my time here.

  3. Cabinintheforest, you are so sweet, thanks for the kind words, but I can't date you, you'll just have to do without my charms...

  4. Caught a snake in my yard today. waiting for my mouth to heal after tooth extraction so the titanium plate that used to replace my lower jaw can be replaced because it broke. Only the second time the doc has seen that happen and it was the result of a car wreck, I just clench my jaw too hard. So much fun so little time...

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. zapatos


      I don't like skinks either. We have some in our yard and every time I see one I think it is a snake and I jump. Though I guess it is not really the snakes I dislike so much as the adrenaline surge I have to deal with every time I see one.

    3. Moontanman


      Keep calm zapatos, the only snake you should worry about is the one you don't see!

    4. Sirona


      Hah, Moontanman that's so true.

      We have beautiful blue-tongued skinks in Australia. Where I grew up, there were a lot of them. I used to try to catch them to play as a child but I've since then stopped trying to capture everything I see! They used to know when it was feeding time and come to steal my cat's food :P

  5. Cheese nips for anyone who knows who Professor Chaos and General Disarray really are

    1. fiveworlds


      You've been watching too much south park....

    2. Moontanman


      Way too much evidently!

  6. cheese nips to anyone who knows why tonight is the night for a moondance!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raider5678


      Naked witch's? Glad I wasn't there.

    3. StringJunky


      Was you mooning with the the witches Moon? ;)

    4. Raider5678


      Cheese nips for whoever got a video of moontanman moon in the moon.

  7. chin up, chest out, stand up straight... crash! my gut pulled me over!

  8. Coastal NC? I live there too...

  9. Coming back from the beach yesterday i saw a statue of a triceratops at a lawn statue place. I want one so bad, about 6' long and 3' tall...

    1. imatfaal


      Just have it nosing out from some shrubbery so that people don't notice it - at first!

  10. Dancing with the stars is rigged!

    1. Leader Bee

      Leader Bee

      Yeah I hear only people in the space program can compete.

    2. Moontanman


      That and girls who are too stupid to sue birth control who's Mom tried to run for vice president...

    3. dragonstar57


      tried to run?

      isn't it ruining even if you loose?

  11. Difficult to believe anyone caught that Flip Wilson quote....

  12. Everyone near where i grew up has been with out water for about three days now, over 300,000 people due to a chemical spill in the Elk river, reminds me when i wasa child and the pollution in the air and water of that area....

  13. Everything back to normal, just below batshitcrazy.

  14. Flood warnings and evacuations are occurring in my area, rain of a foot or more per day for the last few days has closed schools and isolated people stranded on high ground surrounded by low areas. Not mush danger of being swept away, doesn't work that way in the swamp, lol. The drainage ditches near me are still functional but no tell how long they will be. We missed out on the hurricane and got flooded out by rain!

  15. For anyone who is interested I finally got access to my blog again, I will be posting more episodes of my story soon...

    1. jimmydasaint


      Post a link Moontanman. Also, I hope you feel better man.

  16. Going into the hospital tomorrow morning, August 16th, at around 05:30, nine hour surgery and a week in the hospital, my jaw will be wired shut so this will be an unique opportunity to talk to me and get a word in edgewise! Come see me if you are around New Hanover Hospital!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MigL


      So, how did things go ?

      Surely you must have your laptop or pad with you.

      Give us an update.

    3. jimmydasaint


      Yep, I hope the operation was perfect and that you are now well and resting. And that you return to the Science forum to state your opinions again. Take care Moontanman. Haste ye back...

    4. imatfaal


      Hello Moon - I do hope that you are now well on the road to recovery

  17. Going out to do some fish collecting today. Checking on a reported population of invasive shrimp at the stat ports near where i live.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NimrodTheGoat


      i have always wanted to try fishing

    3. imatfaal


      We take great cares to sterilise our ballast water to avoid contamination of Eco-systems with alien sea-life. Looks as if someone was not being too careful. Hopefully the reports are wrong - invasive species are not good

    4. Moontanman


      They are here I caught several... 

  18. Going to do some fish collecting in the foot hills of NC this week end, i am stoked!

    1. zapatos


      Are you looking to fill your aquarium or your dinner plate? I'm curious what your plans are if you wouldn't mind providing some more detail.

    2. arc


      I was wondering the same. I've got this Gollum image in my head, you'd better hurry!:)

    3. Moontanman


      Sorry guys, it was for science. the point was mostly to take pictures of fish from different water sheds and record the numbers of species and take photos for a book. I did bring back a few specimens from my aquarium. I caught or helped catch several species, including Black banded sunfish. Enneacanthus Chaetodon, Esox niger, Nototrpis chiliticus, Nocomis leptocephalus, A bandeded water snake, a mud turtle, a lesser siren, green newts, a very tiny stinkpot turtle and several other species I...

  19. Good response in the three christian reaction thread...

  20. Got snow? I heard you was snowed in them thar mountains...

  21. Great avatar, I love bender! Great posts too, I agree with iNow on that!

  22. Great posts about the tides, it is a shame that the person you looked that up for didn't give you the respect you deserved for it...

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