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Status Updates posted by Moontanman

  1. Tea flavored burbon, just tastes like a red oak lumbur somebody spilled tea on, I'll stick with tequela....

    1. rigney


      Tea flavored bourbon? That's freaky guy!

  2. Thank you very much! Elvis has left the building!

  3. The Castle Hayne Christmas parade just went by in front of my house... about a dozen utility trailers decorated with lights and hauling laughing kids being pulled by lawn mowers and tractors followed by a fire truck with Santa! It was classic small town america, i loved it!

  4. The fish are doing well, I transfered two of them to a 6000 gallon pool to see if they could grow beyond being dwarfs. i am slowly doing better in my recovery. I see you've had a visit from cabinintheforest, he wanted a date from me. lol

  5. The new tank is finally doing well, new video on you tube of the new tank...

  6. The paddlefish I have are supposed to be genetic dwarfs that occur naturally from time to time. I've had mine for almost two years and it is only 10" or so long. It's hatch mates are more than 24" long by now. They are called dinks or culls in the trade...

  7. There are no sea horses in Lake Titicaca!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moontanman


      The only sea horse ever found was nailed to the side of a shed, turned out to be a marine seahorse that had been traded as a curiosity in 1930, no others have ever been found despite many searches.


      The seahorse that supposedly live in titicaca is used by creationists to prove their flood story..

    3. Moontanman


      The only sea horse ever found was nailed to the side of a shed, turned out to be a marine seahorse that had been traded as a curiosity in 1930, no others have ever been found despite many searches.


      The seahorse that supposedly live in titicaca is used by creationists to prove their flood story..

    4. MonDie


      @#$%#! #%@%! %@$&! #@%!

  8. They used to have thier own cat buddy but she died a couple years ago...

  9. This is Moontanman actual My E-Mail has been compromised, let me know if you receive any odd e-mails from me and do not open them...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Moontanman


      Is it really that bad? I changed my e-mail password and the spam messages stopped. I ran virus and male ware programs and they found nothing. I am getting ready to go into the hospital for surgery, I'll be gone for at least a week. When I get back I'll let you go into details. Weird that only one of my e-mail accounts was compromised and nothing else. I blacked out again today, took me most of the afternoon to get it back together, getting old is not what it is cracked up to be..

    3. StringJunky


      Yes, it can be that bad and it can get you blacklisted if you become part of a botnet. See how it goes while you are away.


      Take it easy mate and focus on getting well. PM me your infected email address, if you want, and I'll reply with one I don't mind losing if it's a problem. I'll let you know if it's suspicious.

    4. imatfaal


      best of luck with the Doctors Moon. Hope all goes well.

  10. This morning I feel like someone beat me with a stick, last night was cutting dogs toe nail night, like wrestling greased pigs...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moontanman


      Three 65 pound bassets are a triple helping of stubborn...

    3. Endy0816


      I highly recommend using nail grinders instead. Much less pain for the dog and less stress for yo.

    4. Moontanman


      My bassets do not like nail grinders and I have yet to find one that will work on their large nails...

  11. To any of you that might be wondering about the story i stared on my blog. my health has taken a turn for the worse. I have been away from the computer almost completely for a few days but there is a method to my madness and more story is coming and the Box will not seem quite as odd a place to stop...

    1. imatfaal


      Hope the health improves Moon.

    2. Moontanman


      thank you


    3. Elite Engineer

      Elite Engineer

      I Hope you get well soon. I enjoy your presence on here.

  12. To Anyone who is interested, I changed the recent installment of my story in my blog, I had accedentally posted a rough draft instead of the actual story prelude. e

    1. fresh


      accedentally ?

      accidentally ?

    2. Moontanman


      I need spelling check evidently

  13. To become the sole beneficiary of a wealthy Nigerian prince, click the green.... Ok where is my money? do i have to kill him myself?

  14. Tropical storm conditions last night and today, I love the intense rainfall and my cacti have already sent up new flower buds,,,

    1. too-open-minded


      That storm took about 1/4 of our beach :/

    2. Moontanman


      Beaches come and go, I've watched our local beaches change over yours in ways that are impossible to explain in any way other than beaches not being permanent land forms..

  15. turtles are cool

  16. Uranus has a high altitude methane haze... te he

  17. We almost made it as a species, almost managed to actually be civilized, I'd like to think a few pockets of our species made it to threshold of being civilized beings but it hardly matters now. The downhill slide back to something ever more distant from civilization might be slow but i doubt it, I am probably too old to see the slide pick up too much speed but the curve has begun it's unstoppable downward turn. There were a few rays of hope, the enlightenment being the brightest...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ant Sinclair

      Ant Sinclair

      Unity, Man was led down that path and Good Men should have grown a pair and fought instead of hoping someone else would fight for them!

    3. MonDie


      If we're "intolerant of intolerance", we'll destroy eachother.

    4. Ant Sinclair

      Ant Sinclair

      Love and Peace Brother x

  18. We do everything every other guy does, we've just had more practice at it by this time, hehehe (is that better than lol?)

  19. Wednesday I go in for the first operation to reconstruct my lower jaw, they plan to go in through my neck and instal a titanium plate to stabilize the jaw and in a few more weeks go in again and graft bone from my hip, sounds like more fun that the law ought to allow!

    1. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      Owie! My heart goes out to you, my friend. Time, wounds, healing. It'll all work out.


      "You can do more good with an assbone of a jaw than you can with the jawbone of an ass." --Samson

    2. Moontanman


      Yeah I really will be a butt head now!


    3. moth


      the voices in the other room say you can still sing dem bones. but you have to say the hipbone connected to the jawbone, or they will make jawbone of an ass jokes.:) hope everything went ok.

  20. Welcome Dave, I am into the aquaria thing too, almost 50 years now.

  21. Well 2 months so far of intense bone pain, good new is that it isn't cancer but the bad news is that I have to have an antibiotic diffusion every day at the hospital at 07:00 for the next 8 weeks, I had one of these put in yesterday and I have two diffusions behind me... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peripherally_inserted_central_catheter

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      Moon, you're a tough SOB. I'm sorry you have to endure this, but it sounds like it's going to be better. Hang in there, and ask for the bacon-flavored diffusion since they're getting you up so early.

    3. Moontanman


      More bad news today, surgery will have to be done, doc is predicting a titanium jaw implant, at least I'll be fun in airports. Doc said i am looking at months maybe more than a year so get this settled. I am not sure how to proceed, not used to this much uncertainty for such an extended time frame.


      Bacon infusion, works for me, no solid food for me for quite a while it would seem...

    4. imatfaal


      Ah Jeez Moon that sounds awful. I know you will come to the right decision - but it sounds like a hard call with strife in every direction. Keep your chin up, your friends close, and your family closer and you will pull through. All the Best

  22. Well I guess it's official, I have moved, a whole new group of people wanting to give me the good news this morning stopped by to show me their love... I hope they understood the message of hope I gave them in return as they hustled off my property...

    1. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      Rock salt hope or buckshot hope?

    2. Moontanman


      No more of anti love message really, the audacity of these people never cease to amaze me. Misery loves company I guess but i am not willing to be miserable with them...

    3. too-open-minded


      Couldn't be much worse than when I announced my arrival to the new neighbors of my old house with a flare gun. It was a coldisack.

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