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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Electrolysis of molten NaCl (or any other salt with a Chlorine atom), not necessarily electrolysis of an aqueous solution of that salt. e.g. When sufficiently high voltage and current are used, Chlorine gas is released.. which you need to capture.. The burner is needed only at the beginning, then everything works on its own using electricity alone. ..which we ignore during electrolysis of brine.. Because we're interested only in Chlorine, or Chlorine and Hydrogen. It will be used to make HCl.. ^^^^
  2. That's yet another question. The easiest way to answer it is when someone uses a biofuel: bioethanol. When someone uses the word "fuel" it is too ambiguous. 5L/100km, liters of what? You can't burn less than one molecule. But it can be only partially oxidized (i.e., releasing only part of its potential energy).. As an exercise, try doing it with ethanol ("biofuel").
  3. When a chemist wants to have breakfast with eggs:
  4. Look on the Internet for how to make HCl and learn how to do it. I think it is easier at home than sulfuric acid. NaCl is cheap, and the only cost is the electricity bill (which can be reduced, for example, by using solar panels).
  5. Why use such an arbitrarily large unit as millimeters? You can use nanometers, picometers, or even better, calculate how far a device will travel per molecule of fuel..
  6. Just use stronger acid with salt of weaker acid.. https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/technical-documents/technical-article/chemistry-and-synthesis/acid-base-chart Use stronger acid than H2SO4..
  7. You touch paper money or door handles every day, right? And you don't panic about it? Then there is no reason to freak out about a used laptop.. ps. You should worry about computer viruses and Trojan applications on it..
  8. Without the time parameter, we don't know when someone said something and when the system sent any message, so you can only insert element at the end of the list. Here is the working Python code: #!/bin/python user_comments = [ { 'user': 'Alice', 'message': 'Hello!' }, { 'user': 'Bob', 'message': 'Hi there!' }, ] system_messages = [ { 'message': 'System message 1' }, { 'message': 'System message 2' }, ] for msg in system_messages: user_comments.append( { 'user': 'system', 'message': msg[ 'message' ] } ) line=1 for msg in user_comments: if( msg is not dict ): #print( "Converting.." ) msg = dict( msg ) print( str( line ), "User", msg[ 'user' ], "Message", msg[ 'message' ] ) line += 1 print( "OK" ) I added a special user system for convenience. In real web development, it should use a database such as MySQL. https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_mysql_getstarted.asp This is a list of dict objects that are not understood as a dict until the dict() function is used (at least by my Python v3.x) https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/datastructures.html#dictionaries This also seems to work: #!/bin/python user_comments = [ { 'user': 'Alice', 'message': 'Hello!' }, { 'user': 'Bob', 'message': 'Hi there!' }, ] system_messages = [ { 'message': 'System message 1' }, { 'message': 'System message 2' }, ] for msg in system_messages: user_comments.append( msg ) line=1 for msg in user_comments: print( str( line ), end=' ' ) for key in msg: print( key, msg[ key ], end=' ' ) print() line += 1 print( "OK" ) (but msg won't have the "user" key of course, you would have to verify it before using it)
  9. This is not exactly what I said. My phone shut down due to battery drain. Every attempt to restart it ended in failure. It failed because the operating system could not save a certain file during the startup process. Free space was counted in KB, not MB. It doesn't matter. It's actually worse because it is Linux. I can cause Linux to stop working without any problems.. I even gave an example with Linux on Live flash drive. Try dd if=/dev/zero of=file bs=16M status=progress or dd if=/dev/random of=file bs=16M status=progress ..and wait until the entire disk is full.. Exactly. That's why Windows pre-allocates space in the hidden files hiberfil.sys and pagefile.sys They are the size of the RAM. So if you have 24 GB, it will be 48 GB lost from the primary partition. You can regain this space by in admin mode: powercfg -h off but machine won't hibernate anymore. You can also turn off the page file and get double the space (for example, 2x 24 GB). I do this often on 120 GB drives, because the loss of 32-48 GB is unbearable.. Every operating system is vulnerable to such attacks. Especially customer devices. It's just a matter of how much exhausted physical memory and storage is needed to operate. ..we are talking about free space counted in kilo bytes.. BTW, 10, 100 MB, 1 GB, 100 GB (does not matter!), free memory, does not guarantee the correct operation of the application if it needs it as a continuous memory region.. Memory can be fragmented. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fragmentation_(computing)
  10. If something interests you in the series, you can always search the web to expand your knowledge about it.
  11. I suspect studiot is looking for knowledge than entertainment..
  12. Welcome to current television. In any Netflix series, this is a must-see element.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flashback_(narrative)
  13. Twenty years ago I managed to "destroy" ("render useless") Nokia's then best and most expensive phone by filling up all the internal memory. It could not restart anymore. The system reads and writes data from the disk (regardless of the type). If OS can't write, the user is screwed. The Live Linux flash drive is particularly prone to this problem as the storage is emulated in the physical memory of the computer instead of the physical HDD/SSD/NVMe. On my outdated Athlon 15+ years old with just 2 GB, just watching YouTube videos for two-three hours, on the Linux Live pendrive (without installation of Linux on disk) is enough to make the OS crash permanently to the point where the mouse pointer is frozen and the keyboard is unresponsive. The system will try to 1) archive some files 2) delete something 3) shut down and never be able to wake up....
  14. Motivations are obvious. "To be elected to yet another period".. ..the one who fights against drugs in the presence of TV cameras often takes them, such as smoking marijuana, in his/her own house.. ps. Shouldn't politicians be tested for drugs in their blood like car drivers... ? This would remove some from the political scene, as some drugs are detectable after many months.. How can you debunk e.g. marijuana in front of a TV camera (and meanwhile secretly smoke it) to gain undeserved applause from voters who condemn such practices? In the US, the consequences are rather obvious. Managers of private prisons and their shareholders are getting richer.. With such model, the more criminals the better for entire system of lawyers, judges, prosecutors, policeman, criminal psychologists (!), criminal "specialists" in various areas, prison owners, prison employees, etc. etc.
  15. There are a limited number of combinations in which a sentence can be written in a given language with a given vocabulary. The more people live in the world, the more they write about the same topic, the greater the chance of repeating ("plagiarizing") the same sentence, from someone else living in the past or present.. and you can't have a clue about it..
  16. Too ambiguous title. Free from what? Free from regulations? Free because products are given away for free? Product exchanged for other product? Sounds like current world..
  17. These days, if you ask many young people "what do you want to be when you grow up?", they will answer "I want to be an influencer" Certainly more interesting than digger, but still silly TBH..
  18. Can you demonstrate that this premise is true? E.g. In the 19th century and earlier, when one wanted to build a tunnel or canal, tens or hundreds of thousands of people were employed to dig with pickaxe and shovel, in later years with help of dynamite, such as the London Tube. Now you use Tunnel boring machine. Tens or hundreds of thousands of people are no longer needed.. ..and they need to find alternative jobs.. This is a very inefficient method of work. Without fertilizers, the soil is quickly depleted after a few years. Work on the farm is easy to automate (if you're engineer and computer programmer)
  19. That's what some Africans and Mexicans are doing now.. They are moving to Europe and the United States because they are no longer in their comfort zone.
  20. If it bothers you so much that you have to start a thread about it, you can intelligently give your relative a sign that you know he's a crook e.g. "Unbelievable! Look at this site URL, they have a suspiciously verbatim copy of your answer to my puzzle. What a coincidence! "
  21. Next time create your own unique quiz question, don't "borrow" it from the Internet - that's also plagiarism if you didn't say where you "borrowed" them from..
  22. I understand. But it's time to learn something. It's not too difficult, especially when I've told you everything you need to know. It is impossible to create a perfect mirror image of the system disk that is currently running. It's like a surgery on your own hearth. When one sector is copied, something changes what has just been read, and something else changes what has not yet been read. It is quite usual. Therefore people use VirtualBox. And can make mirror of virtual partition file when they need to.. I've told you everything that was general that I could think of. Everything else will depend on the application.
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