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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/19 in all areas

  1. The job of the US Airforce is to protect US airspace from hostile action, not to investigate EVERYTHING in the air, and especially not to address civilian complaints about aliens using complicated machinery to have butt-sex with them. Having a small debunking-team so the rest of the USAF can focus on their (core-)job falls perfectly in line with this. So i have to ask: what's your point ? Are you claiming a cover-up ? Would be quite likely in the case of actual aliens, but it would mean there would be more aliens ready to be discovered, search for them instead of hoping to gain access to area 51. Do you want an organisation investigating aliens ? Maybe better not having it be a government-agency because they re not going to be too competent in it. (At least not untill actual aliens have been found)
    1 point
  2. Pithy statement that sounds profound yet has as much substance as a fart in the wind.
    1 point
  3. It's 'character building' Isn't this how everybody does it? This is how we move stuff in all the places I've worked. They'll generally get the staff to move as much as possible. I know were being paid, but the principle's still the same, it's cheaper, and we also know what everything is and what needs to be kept together, stuff like that. No-one likes doing it, but it makes sense.
    1 point
  4. The alternatives cost additional money, unlike student labor, which is essentially free of additional obligation. I've helped move optical tables and other equipment. It did not seem to be an unusual request. Same thing now, in a government lab. We move equipment (locally) all the time. Contracting it out is a tedious process, and we usually want it done now, rather than after three weeks of paperwork. And there's a lot of stuff we wouldn't want to trust to outside people (such as the four atomic fountain clocks we moved from our lab to another building) since they would be nowhere near as paranoid about damaging something.
    1 point
  5. What made you stop believing in reading the title first?
    1 point
  6. ! Moderator Note You need to do better than random unsupported claims. Otherwise the thread will be closed. Where is the math for this model showing that it matches what we observe?
    1 point
  7. Whack-a-moles great, don't get me wrong, theirs a certain satisfaction knowing we can take them out, and Delta Force are pretty badass aren't they? SEAL team six and the SAS too. I just think it might be better to be abit more selective with who we whack. A nuclear strike - I would secretly look forward to watching that.
    1 point
  8. Some basic layman questions about your idea: How is it, according to your idea, that light and radiation from other galaxies can be observed? How does the photons get here if space between galaxies is "truly empty"? How does your idea explain the observations of intergalactic stars? What kind of environment are they supposed to exist in?
    1 point
  9. Dear forum member, I am using this topic to find someone with the same thing and with more answers. Even someone who can tell me where to go to have a test this thing is welcomed. Yet, offensive approaches like yours is not helping at all. Every scientific exploration starts with curiosity and you are nothing but an obstacle with that mean attitude. No one is claiming a supernatural power or something. We are just trying to figure it out by sharing experiences. Have a great day.
    1 point
  10. I thought it was something everyone can do. Now I feel weird(er)...
    1 point
  11. There’s many ages yet to come after bronze my friend
    0 points
    -1 points
  13. Killing Kennedy worked well for Castro. Or so I've read.
    -1 points
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