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I quit smoking .


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51 minutes ago, bimbo36 said:

It is going to be a bit hard because i have been smoking continuously for the past 2 years .

2 years does not sound long..

Whatever you meant by "continuously"... One cigarette by other cigarette all day long.. ?  If one cigarette takes 5 minutes, then 14h * 60m/h / 5m = 168 pieces per day.. ;)

Mention of quantity of them per day, per month, per year, would be more accurate.


51 minutes ago, bimbo36 said:

I would like to stay smoke free from today on wards , September 17 2017 3:30 Indian time .


You should first switch to electronic cigarette (as they contain less hazardous content),

then after a few weeks, months, decrease liquid per day, day by day, month by month. Smoothly decrease it.

Then you won't need it anymore.

Drastic dramatic shutdown of psychoactive chemicals is not healthy for human brain..


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Yea i hope i don't get cancer from that sort of smoking .

I smoke something available in India called Beedi . its like small cigarettes without any filters . You can google it , i am not going to post a picture of it here .

For the last 6 months i have been smoking 15 of it per day .Everyday .


Drastic dramatic shutdown of psychoactive chemicals is not healthy for human brain..


This is so right .This is exactly my problem too . I think i have a little bit of nicotine addiction .because i can feel the restlessness already .  I was thinking about replacing nicotine with nicotex chewing gum .

Some junk food like Pepsi should help in the meanwhile .

I have tried quitting before but it did not go well .

This time i am a bit more serious about quitting  .

All i need is a week without cigarettes and i should be alright .

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Well , in the evening i come back from work , i sit behind my PC and learn assembly language and every time i learn something new or make any progress i feel like taking a break with a cigarette and a tea

I am not sure what else to do

I somehow need to break that habit , its too dull in the evenings in these parts of India .

Or else i could drink a beer everyday and break out of this habit of smoking .

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6 minutes ago, bimbo36 said:

Well , in the evening i come back from work , i sit behind my PC and learn assembly language and every time i learn something new or make any progress i feel like taking a break with a cigarette and a tea

The idea is to quit smoking, not pick up another habit to replace smoking, so substitution is not a good idea, imo. Some people chew gum, or do something else, but I think it's important to just quit the smoking. Can you drink tea without having a smoke? If you stop, the tea will start tasting better on its own, and that's the kind of incentives that work best, I think. You need to start thinking of all the bad things smoking does to you (the smell, the expense, the health issues, the trash, the ashes, the burns...) so you can appreciate not smoking. Smoking needs to be a bad thing in your mind, not something good you're denying yourself. 

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Maybe i should do that , quit smoking and drink more tea . i will have to make that 5 times a day , three in the evening .

This is the result of my blood test i took today .


Looks alright so far , but if i continue this habit . It is going to get worse .

Let me see what i can do from now on .

OK , One last time 21 9 2017 7:23 Indian time

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14 minutes ago, bimbo36 said:

Let me see what i can do from now on .

Your language choices tell me you aren't ready for this. I hear no conviction in your words, no strength, no positivity about making this healthy choice. You're "a bit more serious" and you're going to "see what [you] can do". What you need is this:

"I'm going to quit smoking today for the rest of my long life. Smoking will no longer be an option for me, simple as that. I've tried to "lock the door" on smoking, and that didn't work, so today I'm going to remove that door completely and brick up the hole. Smoking is NOT something I do anymore, period. And every time I think about smoking, I'm going to think how much better things smell and taste, how much more money I have, how much healthier and safer I've made myself. I'm not going to be tempted to have one because I simply don't do that anymore for a LOT of good reasons."

The physiological cravings are usually gone in about three days. After that, it's all in your head, and that's where you are the king. You can do this, but you have to believe you can do this. Don't let yourself talk yourself out of it. 

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Keep trying! I will lighten up my supporting candle!

Is it possible to make sure you can't buy them? 

Turmeric is an Indian healthy herb which might give you the extra boost(energy) you need to stop smoking. Curry often contains Turmeric.

Edited by Itoero
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Listen to Phi for All.  He helped me stop, along with others on this board, back 3 or 4 years ago.  And I am still not smoking.  Not a one, since I stopped.   It is like Phi says, board up that way of getting dopamine, and don't ever use it again.  You don't HAVE to have a cigarette to feel good.  There are many other ways to reward yourself, to feel good.   Kiss a significant other, hug a child, laugh with your friends, watch a pretty sunset, look a lovely pictures on TV, draw one,  make dinner for someone special...whatever.

It is true, that nicotine receptors in the brain release dopamine, and this, along with other pleasure and contentment chemicals make you feel good, make you feel alive, make you feel like you are doing it right.  So, like Phi says,  just don't smoke any more.  There are other ways to live, and be happy, feel good and successful, that are not expensive, stinky, harmful and annoying to others.  Plenty of other ways.

Not smoking does not mean you will never feel good again.  It just means you will not feel good using that method.  Just board up that way.  Make smoking not an option.

It worked for me.  It might work for you. 

But like Phi says, you have to want to stop.  If you have not decided to stop, and never smoke again, then you won't stop.


Regards, TAR

By the way, although vaping is less stinky and you ingest fewer harmful chemicals and tar, it is still expensive and still has nicotine.   I would suggest getting unhooked on nicotine.   If you taper off fine.   If you just stop fine.  It is a personal choice.  But like Phi says, you are in charge.   Take charge and do what you know is the best way to go for yourself and those around you.

teach yourself to live without nicotine

Then quitting is very easy.  Just don't smoke.

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4 hours ago, Phi for All said:

You need to start thinking of all the bad things smoking does to you (the smell, the expense, the health issues, the trash, the ashes, the burns...) so you can appreciate not smoking. Smoking needs to be a bad thing in your mind, not something good you're denying yourself. 

I couldn't agree with this sentiment more.  The first of the bad things to think about is your addiction.  Every time you crave a smoke remind yourself that this is what addiction is.  You don't want a cigarette, your addiction want's a cigarette.  Every time you have a cigarette you are guaranteeing that you will feel that addiction craving again.  If you are tired of the craving, you will stop.

The other thing to think about is the timeline of your addition.  Nicotine only stays in the body for about three days.  The primary metabolite of nicotine is cotinine.  Cotinine takes a bit longer to leave your system, about 10 days.  So if you make it two weeks, a month at the outside, your body is free of the addictive substances.  Believe me, you will feel a lot better after two weeks so set your sights on that to start.  

After that you have to cure your psychological addiction.  Things like not associating smoking with drinking tea or as a break from studying.  So come up with other things to do like house work or a walk.  The psychological addiction can be tricky.  I haven't smoked in decades but still occasionally think of smoking.  Like after a good meal.  The difference is that it's a want not an addictive craving.  At times like that I simply tell myself "oh yeah, like I want that monkey on my back again."       

After you are done with your nicotine addiction, you can try shaking your caffeine addiction.  I found caffeine addiction much harder to shake than nicotine.  The headaches are incredible.   

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Phi for All , itoero , tar , waitforufo

Thanks a lot for the replies

Yes i have to change my habits as soon as possible .

I really want to start a fresh October month .

Itoero , i have been drinking a mix of turmeric and buttermilk , i hope that is what its called in your place for almost 3 weeks now .


Along with this mix .



That should help with some detox process .

I have made up my mind and I am 100% sure that i am not going to smoke not even 1 Cigarette after this September 2017 .This is surely going to be that last month of smoking .  ^_^


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18 hours ago, tar said:

He helped me stop, along with others on this board, back 3 or 4 years ago.  And I am still not smoking.  Not a one, since I stopped.

Truly awesome, tar. Congratulations!

16 hours ago, waitforufo said:

I haven't smoked in decades but still occasionally think of smoking.  Like after a good meal.

This is the really ironic part. The after-meal cigarette is the one most smokers crave, yet when you quit the food tastes so much better you don't want to screw it up with bitter tobacco. Personally, I think the after-meal smoke is also the most perfunctory (finish the meal, lay down your fork, light that cig). It's good to have a plan to break up that pattern.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/22/2017 at 4:04 AM, Phi for All said:

This is the really ironic part. The after-meal cigarette is the one most smokers crave, yet when you quit the food tastes so much better you don't want to screw it up with bitter tobacco. Personally, I think the after-meal smoke is also the most perfunctory (finish the meal, lay down your fork, light that cig). It's good to have a plan to break up that pattern.

I believe the after-meal cigarette craving is because nicotine is a stimulant and the digestive process make one sleepy.  Coffee or tea would be healthier, but then you are just encouraging a caffeine addiction.  

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I failed three times after that last post of mine

I seriously quit this time . Because i threw up at least 5 times after my last smoke which was like an hour ago .:ph34r:

From this day on wards ,From this time on wards , i wont touch one more nicotine related product ,Ever .

R.I.P smoking habits , one more time .




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After at least a dozen very serious attempts to stop smoking, my brother just recently quit again. This one seems to be holding and I'm hopeful he'll be able to stick with it.

The only difference between this attempt and all the others was that this one was preceded by quadruple bypass surgery (two arteries 100% blocked, two arteries 96% blocked).

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