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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. Why not? Edit/ sorry 'Ten oz' force of habit... But still... a good question.
  2. OK forget that; address this... "But ‘I am immortal’ from a solipsistic POV; I haven’t died yet despite numerous attempts, thrice by accident, where I could’ve died and once by design where I should’ve died but instead woke up in hospital. The only evidence I can fully trust supports my statement, so if I die in my sleep I’d never be proven wrong and since my consciousness is me, I would in effect be immortal right up to the point that I’m not. "
  3. I think those traits are far more likely when knowledge pretends to understand.
  4. The word gay means two different things and fashioned a new word in less than a century, how many meanings and new words would it create in a century of centuries? No two languages can be ‘perfectly’ translated because of cultural influence, making all language local, however small the influence; meaning the translator will guess. Both language and culture evolve (in a non linear manner) a further barrier to understanding and since the details of history is in the words... Now do you see why the truth remains and the details lost? Let me hammer that home; however unique we think we are, we are human, much like all dogs are different/unique but they still do it doggy style. Knowing all the words isn't a magic key that opens the door; understanding is the PhD of knowledge; you can't tell someone to understanding but you can lead them to it.
  5. Punishment, as it pertains to learning is germane to education; punishment, as it pertains to vengeance is revenge.
  6. When does a terrorist become a freedom fighter? You're American, read your history.
  7. No but they do exist on the same scale, so where does one draw the line? I agree as long as the proof is absolute.
  8. No, I said “I wouldn’t be at all surprised” if they were; if you could teach people how to be content/happy by telling them a lie, would you condemn them to misery by telling them the truth? My point is, it doesn’t matter about the nomenclature, someone did/said/wrote those things and it’s time that makes history ever more nebulous the deeper one probes and given that, you should maybe read miracles as exaggeration, misdirection or just plain dishonesty.
  9. How is punishment not vengeance? None of us are above vengeful thoughts (that doesn’t make revenge productive or correct) but in England the idea is “supposed to be" rehabilitation. A murderer needs to be separated from potential victims, via prison, but they don’t always deserve it.
  10. But ‘I am immortal’ from a solipsist POV; I haven’t died yet despite numerous attempts, thrice by accident, where I could’ve died and once by design where I should’ve died but instead woke up in hospital. The only evidence I can fully trust supports my statement, so if I die in my sleep I’d never be proven wrong and since my consciousness is me, I would in effect be immortal right up to the point that I’m not. Why do you care?
  11. When we accept punishment as justice, death is the final/only option.
  12. dimreepr

    Zoo Tragedy

    I think we all want to provide more for our children than we received, but that includes the abused that choose to break the chain. Pygmalion comes to mind, it’s not what you pay/learn, it’s the percentage of your potential.
  13. Suppose I go to sleep one night and die; how does that differ from immortality?
  14. dimreepr

    Zoo Tragedy

    It’s sad but true, that the attention of a mother/father depends on many things: The socio-economic disposition of the family’s lineage. Grandparental influence (both for, apparent, good and bad). A parent distracted, et al... Parental care, like most of life, exists on a scale, from abuse to over-protection; a well rounded individual exists, as always, somewhere in the middle (the freedom to explore with a relaxed attitude, hey a broken bone won’t kill ya) and yes, the abused sometimes abuse, but they didn’t ask to be abused, in context it’s excusable, but to judge without all the facts, is not. Blame is always retrospective and achieves,next too, nothing on this scale (a plane crash is a different story), the hardest to forgive is yourself.
  15. OK let me explain ‘disarray’, I’m an atheist (meist, indifferentist) and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if all the prophets/sons-of-god/s were too, they just evoked a spiritual element to promote a contented populace; TBH if I thought for a second that would work for the majority I would, instantly, become a happy-clappy crystal loving spiritualist, because without the emotional comfort that brings, revenge is such an attractive concept.
  16. Space ends here, unless the Rulers decide otherwise...
  17. Hmmm... That sounds ALOT like our Brexit debate... The unknown described as knowledge whilst the known is described as bullshit. You've gotta admit, that's a neat trick.
  18. I sincerely hope you're right.
  19. And a great excuse to be afraid; there are places, even in my own sleepy part of the world, that are dangerous, so when I want to be scared I go there, when I want to feel safe, I don't,
  20. Time strips the details whilst the truth remains, for instance, forgiveness matters because it stops the world going blind, who cares about the details?
  21. But they took our jobs; even the ones I didn't want...
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