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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. Sorry John but you're also missing my point: How do you know what will inform our future thinking? Religion changes all the time, new factions are always popping up with a new interpretations of the bible; that lacks understanding. No but someone started it.
  2. The real step forward is in understanding why a “god” doesn’t matter.
  3. Given the thread, context.
  4. No, we should understand the other side way before we judge them.
  5. Smile and the world smiles back, frown and the world turns it's back
  6. You’re missing the point, science explains our current thinking, and religion explains our previous thinking, who knows what will explain our future thinking.
  7. ‘Ihcisphysicist’, the bad news is, you are suffering from Dunning-Kruger syndrome; the good news is the cure is simple; all you have to do is understand why.
  8. That certainly helps reduce orgasmic frequency, for me.
  9. ‘tar’, this is why you will never understand the above poem; how can you hate part of you?
  10. The oceans have died before, salinity may cause the next because global warming will accelerate salinity through a warmer atmosphere, that will contain far more water, a double whammy; I can’t be bothered to explain further until you’re prepared too, at least, try to understand.
  11. The ability to think outside the box is dependent on understanding what's inside the box.
  12. And there's me thinking it was a shoe, although I can see the logic.
  13. No man is an island, Entire of itself, Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less. As well as if a promontory were. As well as if a manor of thy friend's Or of thine own were: Any man's death diminishes me, Because I am involved in mankind, And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee. – John Donne
  14. I don't hate my enemies, why would I hate yours? As I’ve explained before, hate is a barrier to understanding, whilst, tolerance is a bridge; if you can’t get there you’ll never understand what there is all about.
  15. Don't get angry if/because I don't hate you...
  16. It’s OK to fight if you have attackers but it’s better to talk if you have enemies.
  17. To make you fear them, they welcome your hate and feed off it, tolerance starves them. Start with tolerance and they're still born.
  18. All this shows is that you don't understand my point or there's.
  19. You do, if you’re happy to travel and/or arrive, the trick is to accept what you have now, moving or not.
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