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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. That's okay though since black people were savages a few hundred years before that... That is where that sort of logic takes you. Nowhere good.
  2. The physics book would be testable in a way the religious books are not. Really the answer to the original question. You can test everything and work through the logic to arrive at your own conclusion.
  3. The parties have changed since then. Almost the opposite today with the democrats being seen as more supportive of minority rights. Your own attitude is prejudicial. Can't hold anyone or anything responsible for the past indefinitely. If people can change then so can the groups composed of them.
  4. One cell hooked up with chloroplasts, another with mitochondria. From them we got the tree and the finch.
  5. There's actually good evidence they used an internal ramp instead. Basically avoiding the issues associated with a long external ramp. Backed up by an actual density study and the partially unsealed "notch".
  6. We mainly just need a steady state for societal integrity reasons. I don't think anyone can deny that humanity hasn't had some kind of impact on the environment. The planet is pretty adaptable, human societies are not. More than a few have vanished due purely to environmental reasons. Much of what nature throws at us isn't preventable. In contrast controlling emissions is relatively easy. Generally we don't lose research once it is completed. Not like a number of the more transient boondoggles out there. In a number of areas we actually have greater efficiencies as a result. Waste to Resource, along with processing improvements. Getting late local time, take my random thoughts as you will.
  7. I find it offers decent protection without bogging down my system. Choosing an AV product is fairly subjective. I've generally found that the top ones are about the same in terms of protection and the rest just comes down to personal preference. Here's a site with more objective comparisons: http://www.av-test.org/en/tests/home-user/windows-xp/marapr-2013/
  8. I like the free version of Avast myself. The company uses free users to alert them to coming threats so it is a fair trade.
  9. Gene Therapy is a real thing. Mainly uses retroviruses which have their own issues, but they work well enough.
  10. Here is the manufacturer safety information: http://www.clontech.com/xxclt_ibcGetAttachment.jsp?cItemId=42386&minisite=10020&secItmId=15021 CharonY's assessment of the situation is exactly right though.
  11. Genetic Engineering is the obvious counterexample. Either of yourself or your offspring. Everyday technology is even more powerful though, quietly working to remove one selective pressure at a time. In some finite time it will remove them all, at the end probably migrating from genetic coding altogether. My guess would be homo transcendentalis, would consider themselves as evolving in terms of what their society, technology, and personal feelings dictate. Impossible to know for sure, but they will probably consider themselves as alive as we do.
  12. You really need to report it to a supervisor. Your lab or facility should have some kind of procedures in place. Without knowing the different variables there is no way to determine your risk.
  13. Your genes contain the template for your brain, but your brain can come up with methods to get around the limitations of your genes. Ultimately the genetic code will become mostly irrelevant.
  14. Cancer is more the end result of a number of mutations occurring within your own cells. To some degree each cancer type and even individual cells are different. If even one is missed or has evolved some means of evading the cancer can start up again. We've only just started finding focused techniques to attack cancer. Previously it was all broad methods that killed as many good cells as bad, and were not 100% effective at removing all traces of the malfunctioning cells. HIV/AIDS is somewhat similar, though in this case a virus is hijacking one of our own immune responses to spread. Anything that can react via evolution is going to be a long uphill battle for human medicine techniques.
  15. Yeah, a new resource management game could be good. Otherwise adapting an existing concept to fit could also work well. 3rd World Farmer and Sim Farm is a good example of this. Both games are farming simulations but with very different focuses. A number of casual games out there that could serve well as raw material. Best suggestion I have is to identify one specific issue that your group feels strongly about and proceed from there. Something motivating, "Save the Reefs!", "Stop the Polluters!", can serve as your rallying point. Then you can determine the game concept, necessary code and images.
  16. It reminds of a neural net re-weighting itself. The day's events strengthening some nodes while the random firings cause a more generalized weakening. I do wonder if modern tech would allow us to mess with it while a dream is ongoing. I'd like to try artificial muscle stimulation. Proprioception might provide a back door in.
  17. I could see the ability to express wildly different phenotypes. That much could be done rapidly based on the situation.
  18. It has rattled around in my mind at least, probably others. The Universe appearing as a point at a higher level. Main issue is how you could ever prove or disprove such a state. Big assumption but if physics work the same then the Universe would have to deal with the addition of matter and eventual decay. This could be considered evidence against the theory.
  19. It has actually been found the population growth rate has been slowing, possibly even to reverse within our lifetimes. Culturally a finite population poses issues, but ecologically it is easier to deal with. We still stand a good chance of reaching for the worst polluting forms of energy now mind you, but carrying capacity should be less of a threat.
  20. Could also try interweaving portions instead of using tape. Standard basket style weaves, paper hooks, etc. A look at different paper craft areas could help here.
  21. 10 Million? That would be barely enough to cover my labor costs. What I propose is building a full size replica of the Great Pyramid with, naturally, a solid gold capstone. For total accuracy and not because I plan on using it as a personal tomb/house later we should do the interior as it would have looked originally. In consideration of the above expenses I will generously forgo any personal wages and instead take ownership of the structure(and everything therein) after testing is complete. I trust that this modest proposal will meet with the grant committee's approval.
  22. Your theory is but one of many pseudo scientific theories out there. More impressive is just how ridiculously far off your numbers are. That much at least was novel. Better to put such things on the Peswiki and call it a day.
  23. I remember reading at one point that, "A Crank is defined as a man who cannot be turned." If someone is willing to consider changing their views, there is hope, otherwise there is no point in discussion. Depending on my mood sometimes I'll keep trying to get through. Other times I just sit back and enjoy the show as their horribly mistaken theory is demolished. I kind of miss my game forums where I could prove people wrong via demonstration. Nothing like screwing with the calculated average wage of the country to drive a point home.
  24. Your brain senses movement via a feedback system(proprioception). ie. Move hand 5 inches - Hand has moved 5 inches. Your muscles, however, are(mostly) immobilized during REM sleep. So your brain is sending out movement commands and ends up not getting any return signals. It is something of a bug in the system. Common though since we are all human.
  25. They weren't far wrong in that humans are special in some fashion. Our simian ancestors passed through a particularly deadly bottleneck. Evolution made sacrifices in a number of other areas just to increase our brain size.
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