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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. For the most part you can get rid of any 'noise' with filters and different encoding/error detection methods. For microwave transmission we reflect them off the troposphere for over the horizon. Signal just degrades when you reflect it off something.
  2. Just a complex situation involving metabolic activity, cellular damage and longevity. Fairly easy to alter things but there can be consequences in doing so. At the very least I'd be asking what any one product does to account for the rest of the equation.
  3. It wants you to imagine a plausible history based on your general knowledge. ie. Helium fusion - carbon - ending up as some mineral on earth - being incorporated by some microbe - microbe being eaten - ... - production of Glycine Preferably making it as detailed as possible with supporting data. Note: Since it is talking about the proton rather than just the carbon you can go earlier than that as well.
  4. I'm just seeing any explanation as to the direction of rotation nor accounting for wildly different rates even for otherwise similar planets. Earth and Venus both orbit the sun counterclockwise, yet Earth spins counterclockwise about its axis and Venus clockwise. To reuse the tire analogy, we have two similar cars with a different front tire busted. At the very least would need to consider something else in addition to Gravity as having an impact(no pun intended).
  5. Looks like together it has a chance of working, GM-CSF alone though can actually increase viral activity. http://jid.oxfordjournals.org/content/182/5/1531.long http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165242798000877 I'm thinking there is more to the story, but in general looks like your thought is a good one.
  6. Endy doesn't understand why Kramer is speaking about himself in the third person... They are not really puzzled, it is just a result of conservation of angular momentum. A top spinning on a frictionless surface is a good way to think about it. It is just going to keep spinning without some force being applied.
  7. There's some stuff where your ethnicity and skin pigmentation can play a role but personally I feel it is pretty marginal. It isn't like you can't apply your brain to solve the problem instead. You have an issue with sun, grab some sunscreen or put on some clothing. There's less obvious stuff so it can pay to know your own ethnicity and what beneficial actions you can take, but that's about the most you should ever need to worry about. As far as diet goes most of the evidence just points to them going after whatever was the least energy intensive for the amount of energy provided. They were more focused on survival than healthy eating. Generally their lifestyle and the winnowing process at the time are what made them healthier than most of us are today.
  8. Here's the wiki article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenotransplantation I mainly recall news articles about how they were looking at using gene mod pigs for this. IMO be better if we could develop bioprinting instead. Avoids all the ethical and safety issues that plague the others.
  9. Better to just call the density at the center undefined rather than infinite. Density = Mass / Volume likely we either don't understand the physics well enough(a minimum volume exists) or our density equation isn't developed enough for the situation. Most of the effects of the 'whatever' are back behind the event horizon(escape velocity = speed of light). A lot of the answers to your questions on the interior are in the "unknown and possibly unknowable" category as a result. There isn't a magic size, so much as needing the correct conditions to grow or not evaporate. Smallest we suspect is about 5-10 solar masses.
  10. Would just depend on your employment contract. Personally I would plan for the worst case scenario while working towards a permanent position or similar contract in the future. Its not really a case of being thrown away, more of a case of your contract concluding. For that matter not terribly hard to keep in touch with social networks. Might even be advantageous to build up a number of ranking connections rather than just a handful. As to the original question, from what I've seen background checks are not that thorough. Provided it wasn't bad enough to be entered in a law enforcement agency database then you should be fine. Only if you self-report should you be concerned.
  11. Clearly. Yeah, this is mostly for kicks and giggles at this point with OP suspended. Seriously though, any members picking courses, I do recommend taking at least one that will teach you logic theory. Challenging, but more useful(real world) than others you'll take and promptly forget.
  12. You mean modus ponens? Keeps popping up. Weird how that happens, isn't it? I only wish I could take credit for it. Greek thinkers and they really were quite brilliant. If you are not trolling(which seems pretty likely at this point) I would guess that you are failing to understand the need for substitution and more broadly the relationship between statements you were told are true and equalities. Really what you chose to do with this information is up to you at this point.
  13. If (Nobody knows the answer), then (No answer presented) (No answer presented) Therefore (Nobody knows the answer) If P, then Q. Q. Therefore, P. Which is a logical fallacy. If nobody knows the answer then you can logically prove there will be no answer presented. If P, then Q. P. Therefore, Q. But there not being an answer presented does not prove that nobody knows the answer. It benefits you to learn the process of thinking logically in a formal fashion via help, not through receiving an outright answer.
  14. Note, the written (f) above is off though the equation used later is correct. Likewise the 'z' written at the end should be labeled as y. Plugging your numbers back into the equations results in: (14 - 1 + 3)/16 = 16/16 = 1(Correct) (28 + 1 + 3)/16 = 32/16 = 2(Correct) (7 - 1 - 2(3))/16 = 0/16 = 0(Correct) Your answer is correct, the labeling issue I suspect occurred during transposition. All in all a nice bit of work.
  15. This site is more about making you think through a problem rather than giving you an answer. There are automated propositional logic solvers and other sites that might be better suited if all you desire is an answer. My own process would be to first identify the commonality(D) and then look at my list of rules in an attempt to transform the equation as necessary. Something of a game of elimination. If you could show what you've tried already or something of your thought process it would help a great deal in terms of getting you to a solution.
  16. Off topic: He writes "Would you kindly" and we all proceed to help him out in whatever way he asks...
  17. Chains work pretty well to demonstrate the lack of spin with removal of the twists. Tested it with my pocket watch earlier today.
  18. It is the average experience that most people are talking about in terms of education reform and mostly at the primary-secondary levels. The general thought is that an educated populous is more productive and less likely to riot(assuming decent governance). Whatever a child's values, family wealth, environmental influence; it is on us to try and improve their outlook and in doing so improve our own and that of our decedents.
  19. The logic doesn't really hold up. There is a lot of contradictory pseudoscience out there that people have clung to for their entire lives. Time invested doesn't make something true or not.
  20. Workers can end up killing their queen or queens, though it is more about colony reproductive health than anything else.
  21. I think the free public education just creates a general expectation that the State is solely responsible for educating, rather than parents and students seeing it as a mutual effort. It is when the education stops being free that the average quality starts increasing again. There are plenty of alternatives to the standard public school education, but they all come with additional costs in some sense. Either time invested by the students and their parents or money by the parents.
  22. Addendum: If you are a foreign citizen and you do know what you are talking about then feel free. I just don't approve of people railing against my country without having all or even most of the facts.
  23. He asked for an abstract... The math isn't as simple as comparing trees no trees. You have to take the whole picture into consideration. How much pollution and waste would have been generated had the development been handled differently. Water, heat, light, vehicle traffic, energy expenditures. NOAA is also involved in preventing worse disasters(waste/pollution) elsewhere. I'd rather they be good at their job and help keep destruction down across the Nation rather than worry about tree planting. There are also a number of official and de facto government nature preserves. A number of areas have also "gone back to nature" as the economic activity shifted. Our best bet is to store the CO2 until the point that we are regularly incorporating carbon into permanent useful forms. At that point mining the CO2 reservoirs might even become a big business. Not too far off from some of the present day scrap metal recycling, doing far more for the environment than about everything else we do. You mainly just don't sound like a citizen and I don't approve of anyone telling another country how they should manage their affairs(not even my own). You can make suggestions but at best they lack the knowledge necessary to represent an informed opinion.
  24. Kept meaning to do this. Six years in the Navy serving on Submarines. Got to drive it, that was cool. All kinds of nifty accidents which were not so cool. Got out after my contract was up. Went to college and received my degree. Enlisted in the National Guard(bullet better than accident). Have been doing that for a couple of years now. I'm primarily trained in mechanical theory(hydraulics, pneumatics, diesel, O2 generation, CO2 removal). Have a degree in IT(logic systems, networking, electronics). Programming mostly self taught, primarily focusing on online automation. Later trained on Satellite Signal communications. My Uncle Sam gave me a cool death ray to make up for taking away my 2 billion dollar toy. I'm mostly just good at remembering what I read. Most everything is a page away for me. Poor man's photographic memory. Makes it easy to research my own random projects and answer the questions of others. Pretty much me in a nutshell.
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