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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Yeah, epigenetic changes are interesting. Makes sense for life to have more tricks in its toolkit than the fairly static DNA. Do wish we understood the mechanisms better. Seems like we could get some decent use out of it without messing with(or messing up) the underlying DNA.
  2. Nice to have some images of the phenomenon. Should make explanations easier.
  3. Mostly consists of links to programming resources, code beautifiers, and assorted code editors; Komodo Edit for example. All about freeing up your mind so you can focus on the actual problem.
  4. Programming could be a tough one. Just make your case as best you can in a respectful manner. Might be able to make the case based on home environment. If it is particularly noisy or otherwise not conducive to working on an exam. Personally think I would find it easier having access to my giant shortcut toolbox.
  5. Pretty much, you can annotate and then view your note from there or all of them from the book's "menu" function. Exporting could be better. Amazon stores a copy of them for you though you can also use 3rd party code/software. Exporting notes is not a typical book feature so not really losing anything, just not as streamlined as it could be.
  6. What do your practical exams consist of?
  7. I'm mainly seeing mentions of partial remains.
  8. Reincarnation is more of a matter of faith than anything else. There is something cathartic about the idea of karmic justice. I'm sure the reality just relates to underlying traits but as far as an encapsulating term goes it works.
  9. USGBC is a private organization though. Not sure what you can really gain out of a critique. IMO underground sequestration is probably more practical.
  10. Here is a picture of a Neutron star. Since you apparently ignored my whole "these features are not unique" post, maybe this will do the trick. I am glad you are a creative thinker, but what matters is how your ideas match up with reality. Many many other creative thinkers have already been over this territory. You do them and yourself a disservice by ignoring what they have published. Spend a few days on Wikipedia bouncing through topics and you'll at least have a decent understanding from which to build upon.
  11. You can prove speed isn't a force just using basic equations. F=ma a=(v-v0)/s v = velocity = speed If force equals all that other stuff it doesn't equal speed. You've probably felt this while riding in a vehicle. The only time you felt any kind of force was when your speed was changing rather than remaining constant. You can just think of a black hole as having an escape velocity that is greater than what light can escape at. Mass warping space-time would be more accurate, but the first will see you through most situations. Satellites stay up because of their speed. They fire rockets to adjust this, depending on what is needed.
  12. Multiple copies spread across the net and saved on flash drives? I guess it could all go but I think we'd have bigger issues. Some sort of crazy Revolution world going on. Now in practical terms the act of preserving it would need to be constant. That is an issue that plagues physical books as well though.
  13. Books cannot contain hundreds books within themselves nor connect to the internet to download more(for free). You can also upload your books to anywhere you feel fit. Your 'book' can be functionally eternal. Not all e-readers are back-lit either. I do get annoyed with my own kindle when the ambient light is too dim to read by, but also keeps me from staying up into the wee hours like I used too. I used to be against switching over but after having tried it I have become a staunch supporter.
  14. Charge has nothing to do with gravity. The jets are also not unique to black holes. They are more powerful due to the added mass of the black hole but have nothing to do with matter leaving the black hole. Barring exit via hawking radiation; what goes in, stays in. The accretion disc around a black hole and the shape of hurricanes are simply both caused by conservation of angular momentum. There is nothing akin to a low pressure area to fly through.
  15. There are mirror neurons which are designed to allow a degree of mimicry. Generally heightened cases are associated with some sort of disorder(and are done without explicit awareness) but you could have just lucked out. Do get a second opinion before going too far down the self-diagnosis route.
  16. I think the smart thing to do would be to share the information after having traveled some distance away from the planet. Let everyone else deal with the fallout, not like you are short on time. Come back when things have normalized again.
  17. Design-wise it is pretty simple. Block out anything not upside down while looking through a mirror set up or a couple of prisms with the right shape. ~$25 ones: http://www.psychkits.com/inversion_goggles.html That link has the basic specs too. Might be able to work based off that. Odd cut for a prism though, might cost. Normally Instructables has good stuff, but I'm not seeing anything really reasonable there.
  18. Looks like mirrors or prisms are the easiest routes to go. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perceptual_adaptation#Experimental_support http://www.grand-illusions.com/acatalog/Reversing_Goggles.html I'm sure something electronic could work as well.
  19. You can use mirrors as a metaphor, but keep in mind that is all they can ever be. Mirrors are not perfectly reflective and the act of observation limits that which can be observed. You start doing the math and it only shows standard energy conservation. Anything you've gotten out of them beyond that is entirely internal.
  20. Not sure what to say to this one, less sure what to say about iNow knowing this information.
  21. He's right it wouldn't. Same gravity would be felt at the Earth. Mass is the same so the gravity is the same. It is only inside the hole that you'd notice the difference(perpetual darkness not withstanding).
  22. Thank you for making me feel better about my own age Navy Training 2002, D-Bone, D-money. Endy, came from Indy when there was naming conflict with 'myself' on a message board. Ordinarily untaken though think I have finally run into an inevitable naming conflict with the RL scientist Drew Endy. He's a good sort though and is welcome to it. I have to ask, does your nickname relate to the moon, a mountain or both? I have found assumption can do a number on nickname meaning. More than a few mistake my name for some sort of Endymion reference.
  23. The black hole itself is 3 dimensional. There is no getting around the gravitational forces by going in at an angle. Probe would also be flying into a relativistic jet. Be a bad bad day for the probe.
  24. A new(and tasty) use for biological scaffolds!
  25. Yeah, I see your point. Personally only ever really watched the marine variety. Feeding off the submarine and in the barnacles on the pier. Freshwater encounters were almost exclusively as a result of seeing crawdad fishing and gut reaction overrode any and all scientific interest.
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