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Status Updates posted by Moontanman

  1. New page has been added to the new story.

  2. New short short story on my blog... 

  3. New story on my blog! 

    1. NimrodTheGoat


      Can I get a link to your blog?


    2. Moontanman
  4. Ok, it's official, UAPs are bullshit, Glenn Beck has weighed in and he says they are aliens. 

  5. Recent headline the teenage boy in me noticed today...



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Moontanman


      @TheVat I think you win, MTG removing Johnson is just too good to ignore!

    3. TheVat


       I have to thank the brothers Coen for making The Big Lebowski, which made me more aware of that slang.  Somehow it's too perfect that it's MTG who is asking for johnson removal.  Something really bad happened with the steroids back in her weight lifting days, is my impression.  (sometimes wonder if I'm too amused by her antics - maybe she's a human car crash and I should drive on.)

    4. Moontanman


      Like many  the current Republicans MTG is just an agent of chaos... nothing more. 

  6. Representatives from the parking lot drainage pond alligators union, local 666, are demanding to be evacuated to higher ground. They claim human climate change has resulted in 20" more rain having fallen so far this year than usually falls in an entire year. It's not known how much longer the chain link fences surrounding the drainage ponds will hold them in as rainfall continues... More on the six o'clock news...

    1. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      20 more inches puts it just about ass deep!

  7. Snowing now on top of a nice layer of ice! Woo who! Nothing like slippery sidewalks to make an old man cry... 

  8. Taking my wife in for a hip replacement this morning wish her luck! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moontanman


      Nancy's surgery went well, I came home to get her a few things. Thanks for all the well wishes! 

    3. zapatos
    4. koti


      All the best to your wifey Moontanman.

  9. There are two type of people in the world. those who have guns... and those who dig... 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MigL


      I would be remiss if I didn't add something...

      "Dying ain't much of a livin', boy"
      Outlaw Josey Wales

    3. MigL


      What about
      "when you have to shoot, Shoot...Don't talk"
      Tuco ( The good, the bad and the ugly )

      Tuco did the digging...

    4. koti



      There are two type of people in the world. those who have guns... and those who dig...

      Catchy. Attractive. I like it.
      I've been a digger all my life and I'm pretty sure I can't eradicate it. It sucks to be a digger.

  10. Today is the two year anniversary of my wife's passing, funny how the first year passed almost without me noticing the date, but this year it has really messed me up. I miss her so badly, the world is a much worse place without her. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moontanman


      Thank you guys, Phi I didn't realize until yesterday i was focusing on the date. The past few days have been full of panic/anxiety and depression. A full blown panic attack almost had me go to the emergency room thinking I was having a heart attack or something. Everyone keep telling me it will get better but it only gets worse. I still expect her to walk into the room at any time. I still think to tell her something I've seen or heard that was interesting. We shared so much it's difficult to even consider we can no longer share. 

      Vat, you make a very good point, she did keep me more or less on the straight and narrow and I miss her companionship, 46 years of marriage is difficult to get past. I've even been asked out by women recently but I still feel married and could see no way to do that. My own behavior has changed, I've become combative, easily irritated and very much unsure of myself. 

      Life goes on even after the thrill of living it is gone... John Mellencamp. 

    3. Moontanman


      Being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes hasn't exactly helped nor has sitting on the couch and eating cheese burgers I'm sure.  

    4. TheVat


      Know what you mean about still feel married.  I simply cannot imagine remarrying if I were to lose my spouse.  There is some terrific Samuel Johnson (?) quote about remarriage, but I can't dredge it up atm.  Some guy is delivering sheetrock to our driveway, so I have to go get it in before it rains.  

  11. Tonight i was pretty much run out of an "ancient aliens" community on youtube for suggesting that maybe evidence should be pursued instead of assumed. Kicked my ass! The Science forum is a much nicer place to discuss anything... 

    1. StringJunky


      A religious community in disguise. Anything based solely on belief is akin to a religion.

    2. Moontanman


      In the immortal colloquial words of the deep south... you got that right... 

      I even posted a new video by SFIA about Ancient aliens where Isaac Arthur gives a very reasonable take on ancient aliens as a possible solution to the Fermi paradox. I might as well being trying to preach Wicca at the local Jehovah's Witness Hall... 

    3. StringJunky
  12. Watching Resident Alien on TV, hilarious show! 

    1. TheVat


      I noticed NF had picked it up this week.  I had a trial sub to whichever streaming service had it about a year ago, watched the first season and loved it.  So am looking forward to catching S.2.  Have been a Tudyk fan since he accidentally ingested hallucinogens in Death at a Funeral, and I discovered Firefly.  He is a great comedic talent.  As is most of the cast of RA.


  13. Well it looks like hurricane Florence is going to kick our ases...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. NimrodTheGoat


      and that was the last we ever heard of the moontan man

    3. DrP


      Seriously though Moontanman  - you should let us know you are safe as soon as you are able to dude. Here's hoping you are OK.

    4. Moontanman


      Well I am back, just now got my ISP back along with tv and phone, still lots to do for clean up. I just posted to my blog about the storm, a bit stale now almost three weeks in but still relevant. 


      The days without power were a bitch, lost all my food in the freezer and refrigerator. House was brushed by a large tree falling,  blew away my privacy fence, took down several trees in my yard. Fruit trees took a beating, I lost a lot of fish, flooding ruined my freezer. All in all it was a crazy three weeks..  

  14. "to prepare for a job as a tv evangelist." You are one seriously funny dude...

  15. “Many religions now come before us with ingratiating smirks and outspread hands, like an unctuous merchant in a bazaar. They offer consolation and solidarity and uplift, competing as they do in a marketplace. But we have a right to remember how barbarically they behaved when they were strong and were making an offer that people could not refuse.” ― Christopher Hitchens

    1. MonDie


      Stalin and Mao. Tiananmen Square.


      Remember how barbarically atheists behaved when they had power. ;)

    2. Theoretical


      Worlds becoming more and more agnostic and atheist. Medieval era was religious. Look at how barbaric the Middle East was thousand years ago. Oops, still is, and still religious lol.

  16. 1st Tropical storm of the season, Alberto, formed this weekend off the coast here where I live, looks like it's going to be a long hot summer...

    1. Xittenn


      I wouldn't mind a hot summer!

    2. Greg H.

      Greg H.

      Ah, North Carolina in the summer. Hot as the blue blazes with a thunderstorm in the afternoon just to keep the humidity level interesting. And to think I am moving back there next summer.

  17. 2 to 3 inches of hail here this morning... talk about climate change!

    1. For Prose

      For Prose

      I won't believe it til there is 3-4 feet ;)

    2. MonDie


      or til it's statistically significant. ;)

    3. MonDie


      While I do accept that climate change is happening, I do not accepting that man is "making" this change. Climate change is part of a natural cycle, and man is merely *accelerating* it to a remarkable degree.

  18. A speal cjheker woiuld be good on this....

  19. Again how are you doing?

  20. Almost two weeks of the flu, today is the first day in quite a few I feel like it's worth thinking about living, I had a flu shot too, must have been one of those lesser flu's. Maybe I'll live...

    1. Moontanman


      I'm alive, i beat the flu! A new day is dawning, flowers are in bloom... well maybe not flowers but feels good not wish for the release of death from my suffering...


  21. Another warm sunny day in the south, that's why i live here!

    1. dragonstar57


      let us know if you feel the same way when its 132 degrees and hasn't rained in 6 months. while us in the north are rocking 80 degree temperatures on the banks of lake Michigan as we eat a Chicago style pizza.

  22. Aquarium problems, evidently i made suphuric acid in my tank :doh:

  23. As the man said who jumped off the sky scraper as he passed the 50th floor, "so far so good" :lol:

  24. Astrobiology seems to say it all for me, but I like nuclear power, space travel, and space colonization.

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