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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. Of course, the pros outweigh the cons: Pros, two people get to continue a clearly very strong relationship, enjoy that relationship and what Sensei said; and people who hate make themselves a target. Cons, people who hate get a target. So, as you can see, it's a stupid bloody question.
  2. dimreepr

    about humour

    Didn't I? Oh fuck, I meant too.
  3. dimreepr

    about humour

    The age-old question, when does a joke go too far? This guy sums it up quite well. No-one likes a bully, but that sparks another question since we're grown-ups, when is truth cruel? The first 15 minutes, sums it up for me.
  4. TBH my part of the real world is just as cordial.
  5. Are you trying to turn my belief, in a pun?
  6. Does it? Cultural change, almost always, leads to legislation, but legislation doesn't always lead to a cultural change. The American civil war, slavery, seems to be a prime example.
  7. I think a culture only changes when it wants to, or is persuaded to, I'd argue that legislation is a result rather than a driver. Your examples highlight my point, seatbelts are an obvious lifesaver and doesn't have any impact on one's daily life unless one's old (set in one's ways) or extremely lazy, the same could be said of drink driving; it's the next generation that drives cultural change not legislation.
  8. P.S. that ones for me, not Raider. Xposted
  9. Indeed, I keep forgetting to add an emoji. P.S. that ones for me, not Raider.
  10. Guns don't kill people, but people with guns...
  11. Since light and magnets are one in the same, the tr3b engine doesn't work.
  12. Karma, heaven and hell, for me, it works in two ways: 1. If one does something one knows to be wrong, one suffers because there's no more formidable judge than oneself, whereas if one does something one knows to be good, one gets a warm fuzzy feeling and a hit of dopamine. 2. If one understands the above one can relax, forgive and enjoy a beer; no need for revenge or a promise that points mean prizes when one's dead. Or a method of teaching.
  13. History would suggest otherwise... India, America, South Africa etc... Afganistan, for example, every nation that sought to subjugate them had more/better guns ...
  14. LOL, OK I concede that point. Well, history suggests more guns doesn't lead to victory...
  15. who knew crazy golf would have any real value?
  16. Good question, what happens if he tucks his arms in?
  17. LOL, you've gone from presenting a formula to talking bollox in a single page, kudos (but not in a good way).
  18. I was trying to be kind, we all know that positive emotions come with a (chemical) reward, but how does a negative emotion equal a reward?
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