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  1. I don’t personally, but I find it interesting that electromagnets can negate the effect of gravity on a small scale.(that is possible) and if this was possible then electro magnets could if engineered correctly in the way of a black hole. If the above theory was true would be able to create a speed higher than lightspeed.
  2. Thankyou Are you familiar with the tr3b engine? If not just check it out on you tube. Electromagnetic that surpass the force of gravity thanks for the experience
  3. Okay so if you put two magnets next to each other with the same poles they repel but if you put magnets together with opposite poles they attract. This is what I was suggesting. But on a super chilled electro magnet we can achieve greater magnetism with smaller surface area. The bigger the mass with a higher velocity can outway the effects of gravity. Sorry I have become all muddled, if this electromagnetic force created something that was spinning so fast it exceeded the speed of light would that then pull the light towards it? just because we can’t do something doesn’t mean it’s not possible, once upon a time it wasn’t possible to fly. We did it. Whole different ball game I understand. But in theoretical terms Also thanks for this it’s a real learning experience.
  4. Google light posative and negative charges. It has been discovered. I’m not suggesting gravity is electromagnetism? I’m sayin it’s a force greater than gravity. I’m sayin anything that could be charged would be attracted to the source. okay I understand the part that I included about gravity I didn’t explain myself very well. We wouldn’t necessarily be flung we as an object would be drawn too the closest pole by our closest pole. also I mean if we were travelling away from the source of light at light speed?
  5. Okay I don’t have a scientific background but a question that has bugged me for weeks now. if we travel the speed of sound and an object was dropped, the sound would never catch us right? could this principle be used for light? this later lead me to research a lot about black holes as originally I thought that a black hole could just be the end of light. However over time I reasearched into black holes, if we have a force such as electro magnetic force which is considerably greater than gravity then this could affect light in ways which we see. Therefor it took me on a learning experience. What if electro magnetism created the dark matter and dark energy that we now perceive. As electro magnet has poles what a black hole was a huge electro magnet. It has been discovered that light has positive and negative charges. Therefore could also be pulled into this electro magnet. As we know gravity causes the earth to orbit the sun, imagine this on a much larger scale with an electro magnet. But with a very different type of centre too our sun. What if the centre of a black hole was super chilled, we know that this would allow for quantum locking and even higher conductivity. Just as we orbit the sun the electromagnet would appear to create the whirl pool effect. This could be achieved by masses being attracted to the magnet in such a way that it creates the magnet to spin and greatly accelerate particles past the speed of light itself. As a result of this, surely we would have a solid mass that increases in speed and mass until it passes a velocity that exceeds the pull of the electromagnet resulting in a Big Bang type scenario. The two exhausts of a black hole are from the north an south poles, where the particles can’t align due to poles being opposites.
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