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Everything posted by Appolinaria

  1. Open the door and leave If there is no door, I would construct an axe using pieces of glass from the mirror and a leg of the table, bound together with pieces of my clothing. I would tap the walls to find a hollow part, and try to chop through it.
  2. Hmm.. Not so sure about this one...
  3. Acne, or pimples do not have just one overall cure. They are the skin's reaction to a number of things. Skin problems can result from hormonal changes, over productive sebaceous glands, fungal infections, etc... not just bacteria. And ontop of that, everyone has different kinds of skin, living in different climates, different diets, daily activities- so it's hard to give good advice via intrawebs
  4. Omg... just warnings? Wtf. That's rouuugh.
  5. People like that need serious help. I hope they're still in jail.
  6. That is absolutely terrible. No one should ever have to experience that. There are a lot of sick people on this planet. But things are slowly getting better.
  7. You're a strong person... to have the courage to go through all of this, to speak up about it on here.. I admire that. I couldn't do it. There's so much more to people than their gender. Be yourself. You deserve to be happy with yourself. It doesn't have anything to do with me. If I want to dye my hair blue, no one should judge me for it. Gender is the same thing. It doesn't really matter. You need better people in your life. There is a whole world out there, with amazing people. Don't pay attention to the jerks.
  8. I'm not sure if genes play a single role. Genes might predispose someone to psychopathy, but I think childhood really shapes it.
  9. I read this article recently. Since stress and depression are often related, you might find it interesting. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/03/120301103756.htm "For several years, researchers have seen links between depression and inflammation, or over-activation of the immune system. People with depression tend to have higher levels of inflammation, even if they're not fighting an infection."
  10. Why are you fretting over a 72%? That can easily be brought up.. it's okay if you didn't do so well on your last quiz. If you don't work well under pressure, talk to your teacher about it, so they can give you extra help preparing for problems like that.... that are under a time limit. Or talk to a specialist, or your doctor. Maybe you can be allowed to have more time for these kinds of things on tests?
  11. That's easy to photoshop. Especially since it's "so fast" and only needs to be in a few frames.
  12. you agree that, for example; a. mutations occur b. natural selection exists but you think evolution is a lie? what definition of evolution are you looking at? are you just confused about where the darker moths came from and how?
  13. I don't understand how you can simultaneously believe in natural selection and not evolution.
  14. OH MY GOD. That's awesome. I want one.
  15. I pay absolutely no attention to commercials. So whatever they're doing, it's subconscious.
  16. Haha oh, you're an engineer. I was thinking that potato gun is way too huge for just a hobby.
  17. Honestly, that's not cool. He was there 15 years!? His personal beliefs should not in any way affect his job at NASA. I guess he was "harassing" his coworkers, though. So I'm sure there's a lot more to the story.
  18. Never worked for me, either. I just double post the link and the video shows up the second time. Or it just works the first time. ^^^^ Hah.
  19. Yessss. Cocteau Twins. <3 http://www.youtube.c...h?v=pzZNPyixNJQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzZNPyixNJQ Circa 1977. Creepy music ftw.
  20. Okay. Can you point to where I am in error?
  21. http://www.iom.edu/Activities/Nutrition/SummaryDRIs/~/media/Files/Activity%20Files/Nutrition/DRIs/5_Summary%20Table%20Tables%201-4.pdf Please tell me which nutrients listed cannot be found in a vegetarian diet. I am not going to go through them one by one for you. It's unnecessarily tedious. Do it yourself, and let me know where I'm wrong. Let me clarify this for you, before we move on. A vegan diet is different than a vegetarian diet. Vegans don't consume ANY animal products- that includes milk, cheese, etc. Vegetarians eat animal products such as milk and cheese, but no meat. Secondly, I didn't avoid anything. The majority of vitamins are most plentiful in vegetables. You need to eat a large variety of vegetables in a non-vegetarian diet, regardless. Omitting meat doesn't have to affect nutrient intake. If anything, a diet including red meat is arguably more dangerous. Like I've said.
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