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Everything posted by Bufofrog

  1. I don't think this is a modern belief, its been around for quite a while. Do you think if someone hits a chicken with there car they should be prosecuted for vehicular homicide?
  2. What are some questions you ponder? Why would someone ask such an unspecific open ended question?
  3. I am not very well versed in electronics so I may have gotten my terminology wrong. This is from wiki: In everyday electrical and electronic devices, the signals travel as electromagnetic waves typically at 50%–99% of the speed of light, while the electrons themselves move much more slowly. My point to the OP was the signal in the circuit travels very fast but the drift speed of the electrons in the conductor is slow.
  4. Your sources state that the map show the population that have the haplogroup Q is the indigenous Americans NOT the general population as you stated. From your Wiki source: Q-M242 is the predominant Y-DNA haplogroup among Native Americans and several peoples of Central Asia and Northern Siberia.
  5. Agreed, I was using a DC example so the electrons would move in the direction of the current.
  6. You are saying 'almost all' Americans are descended from Asians and not Europeans based on your supplied map. I am simply asking for the source for that map. As I said I think you are misreading the source and I would like verify what the source says. Thanks.
  7. I have a few questions. What is the epigenetic profile they share? What is that physical feature? What is their common profile and physical feature?
  8. All these ideas are useless. If it impossible for idea to be physically accomplished, then it is little more than fantasy.
  9. Apparently you have some hypothesis. Would you care to share it so it could be discussed?
  10. In general when someone says, here is the truth about race, whatever follows is not truth. Just like when someone says, I'm not racist - but..., whatever follows is racist.
  11. Please supply a source for this claim. I suspect that the genetics you are citing are about the indigenous people's of the Americas and not the European colonizers.
  12. The electrons in current carrying conductor do not move very fast but the electromagnetic waves in the conducter move at the speed of light through the conductor. So a light may turn on almost instantly when switched on but the electrons from the source will take a while to reach the light.
  13. If you want discuss your idea then you need to present it here. That is kinda a rule...
  14. Yeah that's always the problem. I've got an idea where we can build a starship that can move at 90% the speed of light to travel to other stars, the problem is I have not thought of a way to produce the energy and convert it to thrust...
  15. I see from your graphic that you are showing that the gas giant planets are in fact larger than the earth, so that is good. Was your OP actually trying to say the earth is the largest solid body in the solar system?
  16. The earth is not the largest object in the universe. There are 5 objects larger than the earth in our own solar system.
  17. That presents a major problem. If you assume something that defies physics then any conclusions based on that false assumption is meaningless. OTOH, clouds are liquid water, they are made of tiny water droplets, so we could discuss that approach. A bubble of liquid water around the earth is about as likely as a shell of rock in the atmosphere.
  18. It sounds like you are asking about a scenario where there are 20 meters of liquid water suspended in the atmosphere. Since that would make no sense, I assume I am misreading what you are saying, could you rephrase your question?
  19. Hopefully you now understand you don't need a presentation. All you need to do is present one piece of supporting evidence, just one piece. It should take one paragraph of less. That should kick off a discussion, which is kind of the point of this forum.
  20. I don't know what you mean by the same person. I think the same person just means a continuum of memories. You are clearly different than you were when you were 7 years old, essentially a different person, it just seems like you weren't that different because of your continuum of memories.
  21. I already know the answer, I don't need to prove to myself that rest mass is rest mass.
  22. No, that is normal weight. No, that also is normal weight. Sorry to hear that.
  23. How about any evidence on one of the 27? I mean clearly for you to proclaim you have made this discovery you have some level of evidence at the ready.
  24. Why do you keep hijacking your own thread? If you are done with the flood stuff, then start a new thread for your other questions or thoughts.
  25. That would indeed cause a large tsunami. A large meteorite striking land would cause cooling not heating of the earth. Inland water is due to rain. The flood myth is based on fears of the catastrophic effects of large floods and ancient people inability to understand how or why they happen. You bring up a good point about tsunamis, they would be particularly terrifying and unexplainable.
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