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koti last won the day on February 27 2022

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About koti

  • Birthday June 12

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  1. Months of being cautious, refraining from social happenings and travel, washing my hands 50 times a day and wearing a mask to the toilet and there we go - we both got Covid me and my partner. We are 4-5 days into it, the test results came in today. She's got a moderate fever (38,5C) and lost her taste and smell, I only lost my strength and I'm sleeping 2 hours during the day 3rd day in a row. We are both caughing a little, our 4.5 year old kid seems completely fine. Christmas is going to be really awesome this year, what a f joke 2020 is. I'm pissed as hell, the vaccine is just a couple weeks away and we didn't make it. 


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. joigus


      Family is OK?

    3. Sensei



      You're complaining e.g. "I'm pissed as hell"...

      You should be grateful that you had enough bad symptoms to be checked, and unaware, not visited your elder family members..


      Months of being cautious, refraining from social happenings and travel, washing my hands 50 times a day and wearing a mask to the toilet and there we go - we both got Covid me and my partner.

      In the appropriate thread about COVID-2019 I tried to explain how heavy smokers can easily get infection. You buy something in the shop, buy cigarettes, touch the money, touch the doorknobs etc. etc. and then immediately after shopping outdoor, taking the cigarettes out of the box.. using your hands which just touched the money full of the microbes and viruses of the people who touched it a few minutes earlier, and the shopkeepers.. and putting the cigarettes straight into the mouth. It must ended up with infection, sooner or earlier, regardless of precautions.

    4. koti


      @joigus, Wifey and our kid are fine. Other members of our family luckily didn’t catch it.

      @Sensei I quit smoking 14 months ago. The rest of your comment especialy the part about me being ungrateful is socialy ackward at best - presumptuous is the better word. As usual, I will urge you to find someone else to place your ever so mighty wiseness uppon.

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