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koti last won the day on February 27 2022

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About koti

  • Birthday June 12

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  1. The Notre-Dame cathedral is burning down right this minute. It is sad to watch an 850 year old monument go up in smoke. Apparently the big wooden steeple which was 70 meters high was constructed with lots of lead elements so as soon as the structure caught minor heat it all went like domino. I’ve been to Paris twice and never had a chance to see the cathedral, stupid me.

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    2. koti


      Unfortunately I don’t speak Russian too. Google translate:

      ”Hail, our free fatherland,
      Fraternal peoples union of the age-old,
      The ancestors of this folk wisdom!
      Hail the country! We are proud of you”


    3. StringJunky


      Pass the vodka.

    4. Sensei



      Better translation will be:

      "Welcome in our country of freedom, eternal union of fraternal nations, national wisdom given by ancestors. Welcome in the country, we are proud of you!".

      Obviously these words were just slogans for not bright people..

      ("fraternal nations" were incorporated to the union using force)


      There will be only one star soon, with a hammer and sickle alongside, you’ll see. 

      Communists are using direct invigilation and direct repressions against opposition, partners and friends, whom they want to eliminate.

      Capitalists are using hidden invigilation ("Internet laws", "anti-terrorists laws" etc.) and indirect economical repressions against people who don't want to participate in their eternal rat-race (which is giving them profits and power)..


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