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Everything posted by Newtonian

  1. Newtonian


    When the veggie oil is used isnt is mixed with turps? I seem to recall tommorrows world giving a demonstration. Its my understanding even if you manage to run your car on baked beans,you still have to pay duty.Though i heard its cheaper to pay the duty on Smartprice beans than HEINZ.
  2. Excuse me Mokele,what am i wrong about.
  3. Newtonian

    Schiavo case

    Two! I dont believe im the only person who knows the 'real' facts(the thread has been very quantitive in facts),all i hope is ive debated factually,and people dont make stuff up.I apologise if ive been percieved to be conceited.
  4. I found this from a brasil newspaper,pretty convincing and i see how they made an error.
  5. Newtonian

    Schiavo case

    Your position based on your repeated assertions,is from the stance that: a) Terri is in a PVS,and has been from 1990. b) Terri made a request to her husband,if ever she was incapable of a quality of life.That she be allowed to die. Firstly throughout the 90's and up to 2003,medical experts disagreed that her diagnosis.Her limited cognitive function disputed PVS daignosis. No such diagnosis was based on definitive testing,thus the dispute. Secondly apart from Michaels testimony,nobody knows her wishes(and can ever know) Whilst her present condition is not known,she may well be now PVS.? My opinions are based on her spouses actions since 1992.These are uncontested facts. He filed a lawsuit for malpractice,was awarded $1.2 million .$300,000 for his loss of concubine.$750,000 for Terri's medical care and rehabilitation.This he testified he would do.Never once stating terri's wishes not to be kept alive. Within a few months of recieving the money,and medical recommendation of rehabitation.More importantly without full and proper medical diagnosis,he made assertions of her wish to die.He immediately refused all medical care and sort through the courts,his rights of guardianship to terminate her life. While his actions were not illlegal,i ask does this not raise an eyebrow? May i add if her spouse and immediate family agreed with the fact Terri was all but dead,we would not be having this convo. Instead of a family hanging on for a cure,or so locked in anguish they refuse to accept her condition.For over a decade their interaction with their daughter convinced them however limilted she was alive. I comprehend the points you make regarding politician interference. However i find it ironic that you do not include the judicial courts as interference.Especially how a judge is dictating her right to life/death. Once again you deviously construct your posts to appear convincing. The two others you fully are aware of are Micheals brothers. Your omitting their Identity is a delberate act to gain credibility yes.(I have stated before its documented a previous lover of michaels stated he told her Terri made no such statement.She backed out of testifying fearing his previous violence towards her and repercussions.This is her statement and hearsay but i thought it pertinent to highlight)To finish Blike i do not consider either my own opinion or yours superior.It has only been a discussion and we disagree. If you only consider our posts to each other,i have been transparent as i can be hopefully posting factually.You have posted hearsay,assumption and fantasy puppet strings.You have played with words and been dishonest. To divert attention from your own posts and assert im dense and everyone in this thread is well aware is again dishonesty isnt it,and not born out of fact. But i will comply to your instruction and stop it.
  6. Soft tissue almost always rots before mineral replacement can take place.There are cases were fossilized impressions of internal organs and muscles, including the intestines, colon, windpipe, liver, etc.However very rare. Unless frozen in ice and hence not a true fossil,soft tissue will rot and not be evident 65million years later.
  7. Unless a specimen has been encased in ice,hence not a fossil.Soft tissue cannot be present.Anyone who understands how fossils form would realise this.
  8. Newtonian

    Schiavo case

    Are you gloating with some sick satisfaction.Your a very strange person. No ive been talking sense mate.Your posts have been waffle and are quite annoying.Regardless wether your the site owner or not,the fact is you posted the family were attaching strings and stuff(like a puppet)which you must have either been there or made up.And posted the video was shot in 2001,again totally wrong it was 2003!. Then infamousley saying what was best for Terri was unimportant..are you on the same planet mate. You are correct its a bad debate,mainly from yourself.No video by your admission exists but you know it went on for hours with duct tape,paper mache and string.Priceless!!!
  9. Newtonian

    Schiavo case

    Coral have you changed sex and nickname because im pretty certain this isnt you. Are you mentally ill.Or do you have an intellectual barrier in reading posts.Maybe it is just me but your post doesnt make a great deal of sense.
  10. Newtonian

    Schiavo case

    Her being defined alive/dead is why there is conflict between medical opinion(BTW what is your medical background to make such a strong statement),one saying PVS the other that she didnt fit this diagnosis.You say an absurd amount of money is being spent on her care.You must be unaware then that she was awarded $750,000 from a malpractice suit,to pay for her care.The majority of this has been allowed to be spent on Micheals attorney fees,which was not what it was intended for.If you feel so strongly for children without med/care im suprised this fact has not brought any comment from you. Oh its quite clear drom your introduction into this thread' date='that you originally didnt get any information from anywhere.Factual statements of this case throughout the last decade,not disputed which ever site you go to is hardly properganda. I see,i dont see how you delivering newspapers is relevent?.Call me old-fashioned but you clearly joined this thread with hearsay and opinion.The facts of this case are clearly not one-sided.Take a little time if you will to read wikepedia on schiavo.You may notice some relevence! LOL, If you seriously think this,i see that our discussion is at an end. Poor attack Coral.Just about sums up your childish behaviour.I make spelling mistakes and errors in grammar like many,yourself included.
  11. Hi im Newtonian, I pester scientific celebrities,I correspond on a regular basis with 23.My current A list is S.Hawking,M.Peskin,R.Dawkins. C.Sagan once told me to F**k off.No he didnt i just made that up. Anyway Hi
  12. Ouch!! You can always count on the sympathetic nature of our members.
  13. This is bad understanding of evolution and biology.Evolution through natural selection does not add/subtract body parts nor leave useless vestiges that were once of importance in a state of atrophy.All of our bodyparts are of neccesity and contribute to the success of our species. Being unaware of an organs function or the apparent harmless effects of its removal,does not mean it is redundant.There are parts that can be surgically removed in abundance.The fact is our success as a species is fundementally because each part is functioning exactly as it should.Our success is based on millions of years of refining each component as it were. As science advances we now realise the importance of what we once (in our desperation to prove evolution)considered vestigial.The appendix is an important part of the reticulo-enabthelial system. It helps protect you from gastrointestinal problems in the lower ascending colon.The appendix is crucial during your first months to protect your entire gastrointestinal tract from pathogenic invasion while you were an infant. You see evolution is good isnt it!! Woe to us,if in our genetic advancement we decide to remove the genes that make these seemingly insignificant vestiges.Designer babies indeed Guffaw
  14. Newtonian


    I find it remarkable how intelligent people,whom happen to come from various proffesional backgrounds,dont realise the reason ORBS have infiltrated our photographs at every oportunity.Is this an invisible to the naked eye invasion or simply because we now have digital camera's these dust particles/water droplets are being captured by our technology.I would rather think that these orbs are a quirky hinderance of said technology than supernatural phenomena. However as usual these damn Orbs seem to delight in causing trouble when they appear the size of a football,partly covered behind someones head and infront of a tree.In the next frame moving to left or right of subject but still there!! My own explanation for this is unique and i have not come across it before anywhere.If anyones interested let me know.
  15. Its best to use a smooth dark non reflective surface.I use some black card that you buy at a stationary shop,price £1.49 which is expensive for damn card.However you get to make about 6 mousepads that last you around a month at a time.
  16. Newtonian

    Schiavo case

    Glad your not in charge of hospital care.You equate life with money? I think you would be shouting loudest if a hospital cannot treat your broken leg,"hell why is that surgeon spending his time on that cancer patient,they are probably going to die anyway" ghoulish Coral ghoulish
  17. Newtonian

    Schiavo case

    Newt Quote: I contest that whats best for her is of the utmost importance. Pardon.. im not making sense? I responded to your opening sentance! You saying it didnt matter what was best for her.Where do you read into that it doesnt matter what she wants.Im saying a whole bunch of lawyers/judges should have no say whatsoever!BTW its you who are in favour. You contradict yourself.Firstly you keep insisting its up to the courts to decide and stand by their opinion to let her die,then you say if the courts decide she should live you dont like the fact that their opinion stands ??? Added to that you basing an opinion on hearsay(he said she said we seen a documentary etc)the facts are you dont know what her wishes were.Youdo not know that Terri is in a PVS.Certainly for most of the last decade her symptoms have not fitted PVS.Several neurologists have testified that tests need to done to confirm her state.At every step its Michael who has stopped her medical care. How can you class Michael Schiavo as her lifelong partner!! But to answer you, too damn right i dont if they have a new family and children.If my partner breaks our vows of sickness/health moves on and has a new partner and children.I have an ex-partner and i certainly dont want them making life/death decisions for me.That priveledge would be my immediate family,mother/father. Are you serious,you believe over the last decade that her families hurt and anguish in fighting for her life.Has been some sick self delusional form of not letting go! You have issues my friend. I agree in so far as at the time it was only opinion.Not fact.It does not detract from the fact that in the early stages Michael stopped all medical care and appealed to the courts to kill her.He did this without any proffesional medical assessment of her neurological state.Your posts seem to indicate your not bothered in her true medical condition and it isnt of importance.The spouse decides. Erm at this stage would you seriously expect him to take the offer of money' date='be honest? Its evident and documented in the first few years of her illness,at the malpractice hearing he sued for her medical care.By then some had diagnosed PVS(though not confirmed).He did not make mention her wishes to be allowed to die.If he had no award for medical care would have been given.As soon as the award was banked however he destroyed her cats,melted down her engagement/wedding ring.Deliberately went on a crusade to end her life without a full diagnosis and stood to inherit her $750,000.And you are not a tad suspitious of his motive or actions. We wont continue with just what her wishes were as we just dont know..But being fed by a tube is just that,NOT life support.If thats the law in Florida,was it written in Disneyland? The real point is there are alot of patients being fed by tube,if their illness is such they cannot physically eat.Patients in coma are fed this way among others.Should their tubes be taken out.If so that American whom has been in a coma for 19 year wouldnt be here now would he. To be fair please read the information i gave a link for at the Terri Schindler-Schiavo foundation. Are you still clinging to this line,dont you realise you are agreeing the doctors do choose,they make a recommendation,the courts give the nod.And you dont think this is dodgy ground. you said If everyone made decisions based on the beliefs of parents we'd be in a mess. i ask you to consider the fact remove those messy family decisions.And they would not be any coma patients waking up 19 years later would they..hospitals need beds,have fixed resources..do you see what would happen!
  18. Newtonian

    Schiavo case

    Thankfully other peoples right to life are not subject to your opinion. I would respect your position more if you had formed your opinion,based on full knowledge of the facts.However you had not done this and i allowed it to annoy me. If you/anyone else are really interested in Terri's case and not only your opinion(or bickering with me),perhaps a start should be the Terri Schindler-Schiavo foundation. http://www.terrisfight.org/
  19. Newtonian

    Schiavo case

    Its apparent you believe alot of things,none of which have a basis in fact!! You seem to take for granted that you can be lazy and expect others to do the leg work in providing you with facts.Unfortunately i dont work like that.If you had asked me politely i would have given you all the information you requested..
  20. Newtonian

    Schiavo case

    The link you posted is rubbish Coral,the only dispute over money came when it was agreed that should Terri be so ill that they was no hope,the remaining money would be given to charity..at which Michael said kiss my sweet ass(though maybe not those exact words)
  21. Newtonian

    Schiavo case

    Please dont go there Coral! i will defend anyone here who i percieve to be picked on.You know quite well my reference to trailer trash was not directed at you.Its totally unfair you should use this . my points to you were valid you clearly have do not know about the case fully.Yes im quite emotional ive spent the last few days researching the case facts..I still fail to see how people in positions of authority can so willfully pass judgement on an individuals life when they are not aware of the full facts... Thankfully the last 8 hours have shown rediculus judgements can be addressed. My opinion of your posts is still correct correct however.
  22. Newtonian

    Schiavo case

    Yes it was michael who brought the law suit,won!. Lied about her wishes to the jury.PROMISED TO PAY HER MEDICAL CARE,AND REHABILITATION to which it was clearly stated she was improving and that rehabiltation therapy was recommended.He refused!!! that does make him a monster. I ask you coral are you aware of any facts because your certainly talking rubbish. I wish to apologise to other members/the moderators and admin,for my posts.But i feel very emotional on this case.The very fact that the President of the USA,the Vatican and most important THE parents of Terri are fighting for her life on the basis that the parents at least believe their daughter is still ALIVE. Ive never ever been accused of AH but i plead guilty your totally stupid!!!
  23. Newtonian

    Schiavo case

    Your an idiot.I mean to be offensive!! AGAIN THIS POST SHOWS EVERYONE YOUR AN IDIOT. Do you have any children?(with your attitude i pity them if you ever have problems),have you researched the case?.if you had you would have realised that the parents would recieve no money.They clearly see their daughter as still there!!! It is silly to make presumptions of her parents when it is clear you dont know what your talking about. Hey are you serious,wether his wife is in a coma,PVS,or a zombie.He took the vows,he is still married !!! I dont know what laws you have in the countryside but he has two children and a ladyfriend...thats adultery isnt it? Are you a mind reader,nobody argues he is a beast,but i know who appears trailor trash!!
  24. Like every other film that tries to bring out 'the continuation 'of classics.Star wars is crap.
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