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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/20 in all areas

  1. We do take him with a bucket of salt, and suggesting that we are cognitively challenged simply because we dislike him is rather insulting. With that salt though does not come acceptance of his behavior. I won't accept him lying just because that's simply 'Trump being Trump', anymore than I will accept the behavior of a murderer by saying 'well, murdering is just what he does!' Not everyone has the ability to easily discern which words of his can be dismissed. Some people might even be motivated by his words to ingest fish tank cleaner.
    2 points
  2. ! Moderator Note Some sidetracking comments have been hidden.
    1 point
  3. No doubt, trying things on the fly and in the middle of an emergency is not something take lightly. There will be an urgent need for mental health care. That is not the reason per se, as obviously in both RNA and DNA viruses the genetic material needs to be amplified and both can incorporate errors. There are a few mechanisms, such as polymerases, exoribonucleases and other enzymes that may proofreading functions and thereby reduce mutations. Coronaviruses have such functions and therefore have a lower mutation rate compared to other RNA viruses and put them in the upper range of DNA viruses (~10^-7 - 10^-6 for SARS-CoV, I believe similar for SARS-CoV-2). The mutations are not necessarily in the spike protein, if that is what you are asking. Mutations are going to accumulate in areas that do not inhibit the ability of the virus to propagate. In fact, some of the mutations observed are "silent" meaning that the codon changes, but as a whole still codes for the same amino acid (this includes mutations in the spike and nucleocapsid genes). These mutations are unlikely to result in significant phenotypic differences.
    1 point
  4. "Would you like a cup of tea, I just made it?" "Are you saying the world is going to end!!!" Just stop.
    1 point
  5. The cosmic background (CMB) appears cooler where voids are because the light has not passed through as much matter. The difference is tiny; just a few thousandths of a degree.
    1 point
  6. Only in America... Every other country in the world has their various political parties working together with, and for, the people, during this pandemic. The US is more divided than ever. I thought this was supposed to be about saving lives, not political posturing, the blame game, and further polarization. You guys need a better quality of politicians. I bet George W Bush is looking at the mess President D Trump is making of the pandemic response, and saying "Wow; and they said I was stupid ?"
    1 point
  7. Sorry, science doesn't work that way. Even philosophy doesn't work that way. For example, others will say you are wrong. So we need some way to determine who is right and who is wrong. No one is just going to accept your word based on your observations (especially not if they have reviewed tour posting history). Ah, I see. "It is undefined so I am free to make up my own definitions". Sorry, science and philosophy don't work like that, either. Oh, so "life" is defined after all. This is nonsensical and self-contradictory. Very on brand.
    1 point
  8. I agree, we just have to wait for the next report (emphasis mine) https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.05068.pdf Appearances will likely be included in future parts. (emphasis mine): https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.05068.pdf
    1 point
  9. Yes, it is in the title of the project: THE VANISHING & APPEARING SOURCES DURING A CENTURY OF OBSERVATIONS PROJECT (VASCO). I suppose (I couldn't spot this in the paper) that since observation technology is steadily improving through time, the discovering of a new (faint) object is not impressive. The vanishing object is much more unexpected.
    1 point
  10. For some of those classes of transients, I would have thought you would also expect to see some objects in the new data set that were not there in the earlier one.
    1 point
  11. Since the volume of of fluid is taken as constant The left hand side tells you that the time rate of heat flow into the fluid in the bath time rate of heat flow =( mass of fluid times specific heat) * ( the time rate of change of temperature of the fluid) time rate of heat flow =(volume * density * specific heat) * (the time rate of change of temperature of the fluid) time rate of heat flow = [math]\left( {V{c_f}{\rho _f}} \right)\left( {\frac{{\partial u}}{{\partial t}}} \right)[/math] This is not part of the conduction equation of the bar. But the conduction equation of the bar does give the quantity of heat passing through any cross section of the bar, as a function of the distance along the bar. Formally it says that the time rate of heat flow through a section is proportional to the area of cross section and the temperature gradient at that section or time rate of heat flow through a section = (a constant) * (area) * (temperature gradient) time rate of heat flow through a section = [math] = \left( { - {K_0}} \right)*\left( A \right)*\left( {\frac{{\partial u}}{{\partial x}}} \right)[/math] The constant K0 is called the thermal conductivity and taken as positive, from its use in other situations. Since heat flows from a higher temperature to a lower one this introduces the negative sign. Equating these rates of heat flow leads to the equation shown. The hint tells you to find a solution to the for the temperature u at x = L.
    1 point
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