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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/20 in all areas

  1. If you stacked every elephant in the world on top of each other, they wouldn't like it. If you cut a hole in a net, the net will have less holes.
    1 point
  2. Not exactly ha-ha funny, more of amusing funny:
    1 point
  3. You cannot have a discussion when one side uses, and expects, observational evidence, while the other presents, and expects you to believe, their opinions based on subjective faith. This IS a Science site which uses and expects evidence ! I guarantee this thread will go on for a multitude of pages, without accomplishing anything, nor changing anyone's mind. I vote for closure.
    1 point
  4. For the first part, it is certainly of interest to some, as a number of folks have collected the existing data. For the second, the issue is probably urgency. The data would need to be collected in situations that are currently overburdened and there are only limited capabilities to do additional testing. Once the situation winds down (as it has in China) I am sure folks will try to collect more data in general and figure out the relevance of co-morbidities. At the same time, folks are actually collecting as much data as they can. And again, often it means more work for medical staff as they need to collect the data, code it appropriately on top of the work they need to do. As with all research it often boils down to expected impact, available personnel and funding. Though for the latter, there is a lot of money injected into everything COVID-19 related.
    1 point
  5. I suppose you can choose not to see the obvious connection between the words of leaders and the actions of their followers... deciding instead to lament “the left” if that’s your prerogative.
    1 point
  6. No, no, no... The quote is "I’m funny how, I mean funny like I’m a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I’m here to fuckin’ amuse you? Waddya mean “funny”? Funny how? How am I funny?" Joe Pesci, as Tommy, in Goodfellas to Ray Liotta, as Henry.
    1 point
  7. Any perfectly normal woman when you apply a certain combination of words and/or actions to her is capable of the above.
    -1 points
  8. Sense of humor is not very strong with the one who gave me a thumbs down for this one. Especialy that I think most women would agree with me. Peace
    -1 points
  9. You do realize that in most civilized countries a citizen is obligated by law to inform the authoroties that a crime has been commited? Unless the person you are mentioning conceded to hitting and hair pulling you witnessed a crime.
    -1 points
  10. +1 on that tar. We also get "rewarded" when we agree on things. The search for agreement is as strong with many of us as the need to be right.
    -1 points
  11. Proof that we're living in a Matrix.
    -1 points
  12. Gee Dim, since this is in „General Philosophy” I’ll go with - I stuffed myself with Sushi tonight and I’m looking for the remote for the Webasto for my car since its gettin chilly lately.
    -1 points
  13. -1 points
  14. In an electric motor, for instance, no "virtual particles" are seen. That model actually doesn't work with practical things like an electric motor. You think. I will wait for them to analise that properly. We cannot discuss then.
    -1 points
  15. Seems you took some time thinking on the subject so I will point out a possibility you are not considering at all. What about if all life's problems are related to the particular values of the Physics' parameters of the Universe? They at the end determine the entire Nature and lifeform isn't it? Assume God planned some ideal values for them for an ideal life be possible but, for some imprevisible reason, the current real running values are different from those ideal ones. Then, God's intervention would be needed to fix them. Only God could alter the Physics' parameters. No way humans could do that isn't it? Then another question arises: why didn't God already did that? And even long time ago. Here is where the proposition that God is in big troubles come into place and we, as intelligent humans naturally ask ourselves: isn't there something we could do about? Could we give a help someway? At the end we are seriously affected and need the things to be solved, isn't it? Got it? Yeah, and just sit down to watch a cowboys film, that would be much better isn't it?
    -1 points
  16. I believe a slug has a better understanding of being a slug than we do of being human. Indeed, i believe the slug has a better understanding of life, reality, and free will than we do; at least from the perspective of a slug. We mostly understand human concerns that are based around emotions, definitions, and abstractions. From this perspective the nature of life and free will can be hard to see.
    -1 points
  17. With 'ifs' one could put Paris in a bottle.
    -2 points
  18. And it makes him a great prophet.
    -2 points
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