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  2. As I understand it (I may not), Feinmann-Wheeler absorber theory postulates that every emitter is coupled to a future absorber. If this is the case, then it introduces an interesting aspect to the teleological argument: that there exists in the (possibly far distant) future, sufficient, and sufficiently diverse structures to provide all necessary absorbers. This suggests that the past is influenced by the consequences of its state and dynamics on its future evolution.
  3. Now I think that I understand better. There is no bias in choosing to follow the process, but some scientists use the process and methodology with an intention of their own. The matter is this: if you put your values and beliefs in the process, it becomes less objective and therefore biased toward the interpretation that you want to obtain. Physics and chemistry are less prone to this I suppose.
  4. Science doesn’t declare the world to be materialistic and mechanistic. Science declares that these are limitations of what it can study. It does not impose this worldview - you are free to reject it. But the findings of science shown to be true will continue to be true regardless. Science has been a great success in explaining how nature behaves, and that’s why it gets the benefit of doubt when one encounters some new phenomenon. If you want some other approach to be considered, you have to show it’s going to be worth the effort. But without a track record, it just not a practical use of anyone’s time. We’re biased toward what works. What’s wrong with that?
  5. To my limited experience some factors that affects the price and the quality: -Human hair is usually more expensive that synthetic. -If fitting and adjustments are included in price or not. -Some online shops may be more expensive than the cheapest ones but include fitting at a local facility of choice without additional cost. -Breathable, lightweight caps may be more expensive and also comfortable. -Resistance to heat and chemicals; allowing for styling (blow dryers, curling irons ...) Note: a high quality wig may last longer than a cheap one; the average price per year of use may be important in the long run.
  6. So let me understand this correctly you have some physics idea but when you attempt to apply known physics find that you cannot do so which technically should invalidate the idea but you also consider that a form of bias as opposed to proper methodology. Do I have that correct ?
  7. It's like an Airfix kit. I have some cleaning up of supports to do and reaming out some holes for various shafts:
  8. Thank you again.I would like to know more about it if it may help in the unification of quantum mechanics and gravity ? How about the fact that it is written that Clifford algebra, spin representation of LCTs and quantum phase space are used ?
  9. Today
  10. General <Science cannot refuse to investigate the metaphysical on the grounds that it is not its business to do so and then declare the world to be materialistic and mechanistic. Neither can it impose this worldview until it has definitively resolved the issues of the living and consciousness. Doing so is premature and biased towards other possible worldview candidates.> -me Items a) and b) are correct statements. Add c) <a promising avenue of exploration with interesting preliminary evidence, but does not respect the current paradigm, so it went nowhere.> and I agree with this part of your statement Adding horizontal gene transfer to an exclusively vertical one should have shaken the grounds to the core of the selfishness part of evolution theory and it has barely made a dent. The core foundation of the theory of evolution had no place whatsoever for epigenetic and its requirement of environmental factors having to be taken into account in the theory. I have witnessed so many <surprises> over the years that I am <surprised> that the theory is still intact. I was not talking about the recent examples that I posted. Yes, observations, not research directions , I admit. The articles that I produced in other posts were not far fetched as the mitochondria example, just not in line with predominant paradigm. See my text under <General>. I predict significant paradigm shifts when issues related to the living and consciousness are satisfactorily resolved. I have not called for a revolution in science, but an evolution encompassing parts of reality that have been ignored so far. Unrelated to evolution theory, but to those outside the current paradigm trying to be inside. Again, I predict significant paradigm shifts when issues related to the living and consciousness are satisfactorily resolved. I posted numerous summaries of articles with citations and references to the actual article in numerous posts of mine with no feedback. And you did not respond to my question. I am asking you a question about any holism papers that you have ever encountered; meaning that there is none and that is a problem; and an example of biases. Again, Holotropic mind with years of observations and experimentation; Is this a trick question? Yes, I consider this a form of bias. Why would you not be able to employ known physics? Now, now Dim, no swearing😊 Thinking as hard a I can (maybe I am just dim-witted) and with the amount of time at my disposal for posting. Trying hard to be as clear as possible, but admit that I am having communication problems.
  11. I imagine the expensive ones are human-sourced and cheaper ones probably synthetic.
  12. Not as absurd as you are yes, then how better is the quality of a more expensive one?
  13. The Florida clemency board mentioned decides on restoration of voting rights of felons in that state. DeSantis is the chair. It has nothing to do with granting clemency for the conviction, just Florida voting rights. Not a jurisdiction issue.
  14. It's hard to fathom the number of ways our world would be simply better if there were fewer NDAs preventing people from sharing their experiences and telling the truth.
  15. One of the producers of The Apprentice has starting talking since the NDA he signed has lapsed. He said that it took hours of editing to make Trump seem sharp in that show. They would often resort to putting him into a recording booth to read lines from a script. They would then use those recordings in the shots when the camera was on a contestant and not Trump himself.
  16. I thought you guy's threw off the shackles of indentured servitude, drugs are bad, m'kay...
  17. MSC

    Trump Guilty

    This doesn't make much sense to me; surely a clemency board only looks at state specific crimes? How can they jurisdictionally grant clemency to a different states conviction? Is it really that simple or is DeSantis wading into a hard legal battle in his home state?
  18. iNow

    Trump Guilty

    Based on what we’re seeing, it depends more on who the felon is and whether they’re part of the governors in-group or out-group
  19. Indeed, I guess it depends on why the law was written, rather than protecting the citizens from themselves...
  20. Watch out for the ones with fuzzy butts!
  21. Think yourself lucky, I got a Turkey who thinks I'm sexy enough to gobble at...
  22. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."
  23. Depends on the state. Some allow it, some restore the right after release, some don’t. “Florida voters approved a state constitutional amendment to restore voting rights to felons in 2018 but the Republican-controlled Legislature undercut the measure with a complex set of requirements that convicted felons first pay all fines, fees and court costs.” Plus, DeSantis has declared that the state’s clemency board will make sure his voting rights are restored. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/31/desantis-says-trump-can-still-vote-in-florida-despite-felony-conviction-00161128
  24. Today learned that female cicadas seem to confuse the sound of lawnmowers with the sound of male cicadas. I can walk through my yard and maybe have a couple of cicadas fly into me. When I cut the grass it is more on the order of 100 or so that land on me, one after the other.
  25. Today I learned, there's more people who speak English in China than in the USA. 😉
  26. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't convicted felons not allowed to vote? Seems like an oversight, not to go all the way with such a law. 😉
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