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School in Maine gives out birth control pills.


Does giving out birth control pills promote sex  

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  1. 1. Does giving out birth control pills promote sex

    • YEs, I belive this promotes sex
    • No, it does not promote sex

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Are you sure about that?


I thought you still needed a script for the pill... are you sure they weren't giving out condoms?


The reason behind my doubt is that the pill still leaves you exposed to plenty of STDs, I don't think schools will want promote that.

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Are you sure about that?


I thought you still needed a script for the pill... are you sure they weren't giving out condoms?


The reason behind my doubt is that the pill still leaves you exposed to plenty of STDs, I don't think schools will want promote that.


We had CE"S due and One kid brought this one in. I don't no if they were giving out condoms. I think this promotes and is a bad idea


Please delete this thread. I want it to be ended. thank you

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First you must ask yourself on whether or not sex is actually a bad thing....


Sex is morally neutral, in itself. But society, we have to decide whether we find pregnancy, and other risks associated with sex, to be appropriate for teens to handle.

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If you are handing out contraceptives, of whatever nature, you have to ask yourself, who is accepting them?


To me it is obvious. Those who intend to have sex will accept them, and thus giving them out is a good idea. Those who do not intend to have sex will not bother with contraceptives, and that is a neutral outcome.


One thing for sure. If someone intends to have sex, they will have sex. Whether you give out contraceptives or not will not affect that decision.

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One thing for sure. If someone intends to have sex, they will have sex. Whether you give out contraceptives or not will not affect that decision.


It's nice to see that we align on something, mate. :)



Let's see. What's going to have a bigger impact on one's desire to have sex? Several millenia of naturally selected sex drives and hormone modified behaviors, or... a free condom at school. :rolleyes:

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As opposed to what, teaching them how to avoid said consequences?


We should be teaching them that no-one is going to go out of their way to help them if they screw up their lives. We need to have more self regulation in our population - not a bunch of mindless zombies who can't do anything for themselves.


I am not suggesting that condoms should not be available to kids, or that we should prevent them from having sex. But we should educate them to the dangers and if they have unprotected sex they should face the consequences on their own. If the kids see some of their classmates ruining their lives with unwanted pregnancies or diseases like HIV, they will soon learn to look out for themselves a little better.


Some wastage is inevitable.

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I am not suggesting that condoms should not be available to kids, or that we should prevent them from having sex. But we should educate them to the dangers and if they have unprotected sex they should face the consequences on their own.

I can agree with you to a point. I agree that this education is needed and valuable, but if the adolescent is part of my familial group and they encounter said consequences, I'm going to help them, I'm not going to throw them out of the house into the cold to fend for themselves. I can also see myself helping the youngsters of friends and neighbors I consider part of my "community." It's a leadership thing. You do what you can to help prevent the consequences, but you also do what you can to help them deal with them when prevention has not occurred.

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Iif the adolescent is part of my familial group and they encounter said consequences, I'm going to help them, I'm not going to throw them out of the house into the cold to fend for themselves.


So would I, and I never suggested that you should not. But I would not tell them that it is OK to get pregnant because I will help them look after the baby. They need to realize that their own life (and the choices they make) are their own responsibility.

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They are going to be having sex anyway, I think the problem with this is they shouldn't have to give them out in the first place, this just shows there is a problem they should be informing people of the issues that can occur from having unprotected sex such as STI's and preventing the spread of them.


They are going to have sex anyway, I don't think they should be giving out the pill and they shouldn't be giving out the pill as they shouldn't be getting pregnant.

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well, you have to ask whats worse, kids having sex with each other but no unintended teenage pregnancies or a whole lot of kids having kids of their own to look after long before they are ready?


you can't stop them having sex, they will find a way, might as well try and limit any possible damage.

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My personal opinion is Yes, it promotes sex, and I know that's sad (at least I think so). But it really depends in what country you are, because traditions are a very important part of every country, and sometimes traditions are cruel indeed!


i.e. In the country I come from, you have to get married with the person you have sex. Honestly! Virginity here is considered saint and this is one of the things I hate about my place. And 'anti-baby' pills just make sex more comfortable!


By the way, I read on the paper today that a 16-year-old girl has had her 7th child, and not only that, but triplets, and that her second triplet!

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Unlike thedarkshade, I do not think there is anything really wrong with having sex. The harm comes from having dangerous sex. Sure, if someone does not want to have sex, they should not be pushed into it. Sex is surrounded by all sorts of emotional baggage and some people cannot indulge without getting heavily emotionally involved, which can lead to heartbreak. Such people should not indulge in sex unless it is with someone they love, and who loves them.


However, for the rest of us, there are only two real risks - pregnancy and STDs. If those can be avoided (hint; use a condom), and you enjoy sex, go for it. Enjoy yourself!

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Unlike thedarkshade, I do not think there is anything really wrong with having sex.
Did I say there was something wrong with it?


I'm just saying that 'having sex' is not the same in all countries (in a metaphorical way of course), due to different traditions countries have. Think of having sex just for fun in islamic countries!!!:rolleyes:

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You might have the opinion that availability of contraception causes sex, but there are a bunch of studies that show it doesn't. example


I saw a great quote a while back: Kids don’t have sex because they were given condoms, they have sex because they’re fleshy bags of hormones (source)

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i think it promotes safe sex this is a smart move by the school and the state it keeps population lower as well and with a growing rate of teen sex handing out birth control is really keeping up with the times!

To be clear, birth control pills don't promote safe sex, they promote childless sex. Most people call "safe sex" the prevention of spreading STDs and the like. It could probably be argued that birth control pills promote unsafe sex, as when using birth control pills, most will avoid a condom.


Why wear a raincoat when you're not worried about it raining, ya know?


Also, perhaps many WOULD consider not having children the "safe" option. ;)



I saw a great quote a while back: Kids don’t have sex because they were given condoms, they have sex because they’re fleshy bags of hormones (source)

Precisely. If it weren't so off topic, I'd go further and quote sources showing how denial of these natural urges causes neuroses and mental dysfunctions...

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why the hell is sex always discussed with "risk of screwing up your life?" pregnancy as a frikin bad thing? (ok yes aids is a risk but from most texts i get impression that pregnancy is the evil thing. by most i mean artikle's about sex of teenages)


theoretically child should be a blessing from the "heaven" but people see children as something bad. something that eats up their life... ends their fun having evenings and so on (i am talking about evolved country's ) and so we all are having our best society. where parents focus on getting money not on growing their children... woohoo. we have many country's full of people who hate their parents and their own children....


ok i made another evil and huge generalization i hope you people get the idea. and of course all parents are not like that. bu too many are...

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To markus


Children are wonderful. However, raising a child under the wrong conditions leads to horrible results. A child should be wanted, and part of a stable relationship - otherwise known as a family. Teenage girls becoming pregnant leads to children who become criminals. The statistics are very clear. Children of stable families are far more likely to be happy, well adjusted, and a valuable part of society. Children of solo mothers are far more likely to be unhappy, stressed, and criminal.


It is no accident that, 20 years after abortion was made freely available, violent crime dropped dramatically in the USA.

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sadly i know about that. and as in other thread i was saying abortion should not be illegal. But the idea how people react when someone has child when she's not 20 or something is far to extreme. at least in estonia. everyone says " your life is over" i just hate the way of putting it to extremes. i do know few 17year old mothers who enjoy growing their youngster as well as my mother was 18 when i was borned. So i think that society looks this issue from the wrong perspective. But i am not saying that person who is not ready should have child. i just am saying that this negative look on the young people with children is little unfair. But i think that this tolerance is another thing that shows how mature the society is.

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